“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.”
Looking out over our shaken campus today, it’s uncanny to recall the one short week that brought us to this point. Over five years of political and racial passions bubbling through our generation look tame next to these seven odd days, as if all the previous campus outbursts were merely a prolonged first chapter.
The current moment began with the demonstrations at the University of Missouri, when students embittered by a series of racial flare-ups forced their president and chancellor out of office. This shockingly potent deployment of activism was joined by an even less predictable outburst when indignant Yale students mobilized to seek the firing of an administrator who declined to police her students’ Halloween costumes, setting off a round of protests on the school’s broader racial climate.
Watching these events unfold from Hanover, no one could have doubted that the movement would make its way to Dartmouth within the week. But the particular form that our own iteration took on the night of November 12 was a shock, even to the by-now seasoned souls of students who have witnessed the past years. The tactics, tone, and words of the Black Lives Matter protesters eerily mirrored everything they claim to stand against. The long list of their clear oversteps should spark a moment of reckoning for every honest onlooker, and especially those who have sympathized with their movement to this point.
The Protest…
Black-clad protesters gathered in front of Dartmouth Hall, forming a crowd roughly one hundred fifty strong. Ostensibly there to denounce the removal of shirts from a display in Collis, the Black Lives Matter collective began to sing songs and chant their eponymous catchphrase. Not content to merely demonstrate there for the night, the band descended from their high-water mark to march into Baker-Berry Library.
“F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “F*** you and your comfort!” “F*** you, you racist s***!”
These shouted epithets were the first indication that many students had of the coming storm. The sign-wielding, obscenity-shouting protesters proceeded through the usually quiet backwaters of the library. They surged first through first-floor Berry, then up the stairs to the normally undisturbed floors of the building, before coming back down to the ground floor of Novack.
Throngs of protesters converged around fellow students who had not joined in their long march. They confronted students who bore “symbols of oppression”: “gangster hats” and Beats-brand headphones. The flood of demonstrators self-consciously overstepped every boundary, opening the doors of study spaces with students reviewing for exams. Those who tried to close their doors were harassed further. One student abandoned the study room and ran out of the library. The protesters followed her out of the library, shouting obscenities the whole way.
Students who refused to listen to or join their outbursts were shouted down. “Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist white piece of s***!” Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. “If we can’t have it, shut it down!” they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting “filthy white b****!” in her face.
In the immediate aftermath of the demonstration, social media was abuzz with comments condemning the protesters for their tactics. Many students who had experienced the protests took advantage of YikYak’s anonymity to air their grievances. Some students reached out to The Dartmouth Review to provide additional details.
An anonymous ‘19 explained that while working on a group project in a private study room, his UGA came in and expressed his virulent disappointment that the he was not joining in the protest. The UGA then demanded that he and the other members of his group project to leave the room and join in.
Another ‘19 recalled clapping after a protester said, “let’s give a round of applause for the beautiful people of color who were here for this protest.” The protester then turned on her saying, “for all of you that are sitting down and applauding right now, ‘we don’t care about you’.”
Of course, the protesters themselves have also spoken out in the aftermath of their march. One woman, identifying herself as one of the protesters in a lengthy post to Facebook, wrote, “we raised hell, we caused discomfort, and we made our voices heard all throughout this campus in the name of standing up for our brothers and sisters across the country who are staring terrorism and assault directly in the face.” She went on to accuse those she thought were insincere in their support for the movement of “faking allyship,” and called the activities an “occupation of Baker Berry.”
…and the Big Picture
Few observers outside of the protesters’ inner circle will deny the horror of the worst bits of their behavior and speech. Their march through the library was an intentional exercise in every disgraceful behavior they claim to endure themselves, from insults and physical force, to racial barbs tossed out with disgust. But in the view of many sympathetic commentators, their brutal tactics could never overshadow the basic justice of their cause. For seemingly every overzealous protest, you can find a thinkpiece on the web that argues just this point.
One such article, penned by Jelani Cobb of The New Yorker, defends campus protesters’ zeal by suggesting that incidents like the Missouri “fecal swastika” are merely the most visible instances of the smothering, systematic racism on America’s campuses. Dartmouth’s own circle of activists constantly echoes this line, asking us to connect the dots between the racial issues that we can see to form the full picture of overt racism at the College that must be railed against. If they’re right, and Dartmouth is indeed ridden with racism that grounds down its most vulnerable students, how could one sobbing white girl in Novack stand in the way of the protesters’ noble march of resistance?
The kicker, of course, is that this crystal clear picture of Dartmouth’s deep-seeded racism never quite seems to come into focus, no matter how far we step back. From the protesters, we hear anecdotes about insensitive party themes, and reminders of our lack of black professors. And of course, these issues fit into the broader context of a school characterized by historical wealth and whiteness, which can make students from other backgrounds feel forlorn outside the cultural mainstream. But as Dartmouth’s protesters swept through the library, bellowing at every student who dared not to stand for the cause, they were accusing our community of something much graver than insufficient attention to minorities’ concerns. Every time a protester looked a fellow a student in the eye and cursed her for her passivity or privilege, he did so under the pretense that our school is in the grasp of racism so severe that it’s suffocating. Despite this pretense, not once during the march did the protesters raise a specific concern about the College’s climate that was dire and widespread enough to implicate each and every Dartmouth student, or justify the protest’s boundless hostility.
In the absence of concrete examples of systematic racism – specific incidents that show that Dartmouth’s customs and culture actively oppress our minority students – the protesters have asked onlookers to trust in their “experience.” The idea here is that what seems like a minor issue to a privileged observer may actually be a life-altering burden for a disadvantaged student. The broad range of perspectives on our campus guarantees that this is true to a certain point, and navigating our four years of thrown-together pluralism requires us to strive for this type of empathy.
But when empathy cuts against reason – that is, when we are asked to believe that ignorant costumes are oppressive, or that hurling obscenities at sympathetic students is a display of brave resistance – we should realize that empathy has it’s limits. The desire to side with self-described victims is rooted in a spirit of charity. But the habit of doing so even when every ounce of evidence suggests that we ought not to amounts to a total forfeiture of our own ability to discern. In the case of Dartmouth’s most recent Black Lives Matter protest, let’s not convince ourselves that the wrongs that we witnessed were anything other than wrong.
The protest certainly represented a new peak for the passions and tactics that define the current moment in student activism at Dartmouth. But this chapter will go on, with more outbursts that will shake the campus and prompt us to think through what this all means. As Dartmouth students prepare to make sense of race relations at the College, as well as form our perspective on social justice that we’ll carry long after commencement, we should hold the November 12 protest as a reminder that reflexive sympathy doesn’t always cut it. Open eyes and attuned minds will let us spot the difference between legitimate efforts to spark racial progress, and outbursts of the aimless antipathy that dozens of our peers of all races were subjected to.
UPDATE: Protesters Deny Physical Harassment, Gain Vice Provost Ameer’s Endorsement
Mene O. Ukueberuwa, Brandon G. Gill, Charles C. W. Jang, & Vibhor Khanna contributed to this report.
The demonstrators who shoved and pinned other students against a wall should be immediately expelled.
There needs to be zero tolerance for physical violence of any kind on a college campus.
These student protests are nothing new; we have seen this movie before. In an update, maybe these “students” should be wearing brown shirts and jackboots.
They should be, because the entire purpose of the Brownshirts was to do exactly this kind of thing.
Or Mao jackets and Mao’s little red book of quotes.
Mao Tse Click
She was fired. And, honestly (her bio is still up, or was as of yesterday) her primary contribution to “scientific” literature was the impact of the Twilight series on popular culture in the United States. More than half of her published papers relate to that topic.
Seriously, you can’t make that stuff up. Those are the “thought leaders” of the Progressive Left.
She just lost an appointment, she is still employed by the university to conduct her life saving research.
The thugs that engaged in the pushing of students should be expelled from the school. I hope they are also charged with assault.
They’re black so they won’t.
that’s the only fair way to deal with thugs. they’re animals anyway so let them lose their souls.
I see what you did there. Nice.
The cry of “systemic racism” is raised only when there is no actual racism to be found. What is meant is usually a re-hashed Marxist complaint about inequality, dressed up in the clothes of an attack on “racism” in order to stampede guilty white liberals into supporting it. Bah, humbug.
Should be the top comment, but isn’t.
This is conflict theory/critical race theory in action.
The Only TRUE systemic, government and institutionally supported and promoted racism I see today is Affirmative Action.
How can Affirmative Action be racist? White women are the largest group to benefit from it.
Please give data to support your claim
this is widely known go to a google search we dont need to post a fucking bibliography. every asian knows this. it was a bunch of supreme court cases at university of michican and university of texas
Dartmouth requires higher scores from Asians than black or white students. They do not discriminate based on gender that I am aware of. White students need better scores than black students to get accepted. The result is mismatched students to universities, and black students tend to fall behind their white peers and white students are behind their Asian peers in the same classes. Everyone should just be judged on merit and ditch the whole skin color thing. It would benefit everyone, even the supposed beneficiaries of AA.
“The fourth myth is that the process of admissions is essentially a process of rank-ordering the candidates by credentials – by SAT scores, grades, and so forth, and then we draw a cut-off line: above the line, you get in; below the line, you get on a waiting list or are denied admission. And then we take into account race, and we make sure that we have a critical mass of minorities – and that race is the one exception to the decision-making process. That is a myth, a fundamental misconception about the way the admissions process works.”
Blue — No one thinks race is the only exception. Always be suspicious of self-serving strawman-bashing explanations that never actually tell you what they’re doing.
Straw man? No. Plenty of people think it’s the only exception, and many are clueless about the admissions process.
I doubt anyone who went to college is under the impression race is the only non-academic factor considered , given that they’ve been through the admissions process themselves and were told this dozens of times by teachers and guidance counselors. And that article makes a number of other deceptive claims, such as the effect on whites being small (this is often true, but generally only because the process tends to remove more Asians than whites at those schools).
I’m confident that not only do many of those who went to college believe this, many who didn’t go believe it as well.
“A number of other deceptive claims”, of which you list one that you don’t back up in any way.
Can you show where you got your information?
So you’re confident they don’t know something they’ve been repeatedly told? Maybe you’re over-generalizing from your own inability to learn.
I explained exactly why the claim was false, it’s common knowledge that anyone who followed prop 209 would know, but sure, I’ll do your homework for you, see the link below. Note that no source is given for the deceptive information at your link, you seem oddly trusting when the source is spouting left-wing tripe.
According to the study, if race conscious admissions were ended, “Asian students would fill nearly four out of every five places in the admitted class not taken by African-American and Hispanic students.”
” Under this new admission policy, the percentage of Asian American students who are admitted would drop to 29-32 percent.”
Nice! I learn pretty quickly, but I’ve noted that biased people never seem to learn. Some people very much want to believe that race is the only factor, or a bigger factor than it is.
Now let me explain something to you, and I hope that the lesson takes the first time: Your claim, you back it up. It’s not someone else’s job to back up your claims.
In the case of my link, no source was needed, the author was speaking from his own expertise about how the admissions process works. You certainly make a good point about Asian Americans, and the article at my link is focused on disputing myths about affirmative action’s impact on white applicants.
I’m assuming that your “other deceptive claims” is just so much talk.
Dartmouth itself claims to have an affirmative action program. Your claim that they only look at race when selecting the bottom of the class, after they have accepted the cream of the applicant crop is still racially discriminatory. “and we make sure that we have a critical mass of minorities” – sounds like a quota system.
The courts have said that is not a quota system. They’ve been very clear about it.
The important point from the link is that there are a number of factors considered, including whether or not the student’s parents are alumni. Compare that to the use of race as a factor. Neither is under the student’s control, but both play a part in admission.
Right. And that’s why black students look around and think they see racism… they notice that they are consistently doing worse than their white peers and assume that professors must be discriminating against them. When really it was affirmative action lowering the bar for them. Affirmative action hurts *everyone*.
I don’t think it hurts whites in a college setting. You don’t want to be at the bottom of your incoming college class no matter what race you are. Waiting list whites are better off going somewhere else. The government also discriminates based on race and gender in government contracts, that hurts white single males only, not everyone. Most married white males get around it by putting their business in their wife’s name. All blacks are hurt by the AA stigma… It is a mixed bag. The worse part though is that an increasing number of black people poll that they need AA. I wonder why they think that it is necessary for them in ever greater numbers than when the policy was adopted.
Affirmative Action is and always has been the term applied to race-based discrimination.
Affirmative Action must not be confused with gender discrimination.
This I would certainly agree with but its not a symptom of affirmative action based on skin colour. Its based on the anti white western malke agenda.
Got a lot in with those 50 words, brother. Good work. The “Bah, humbug” at the end was a nice touch.
No actual racism to be found? I found racist attitudes right here in the comments. Do you believe those attitudes don’t carry over into their real, day to day lives? Do you really believe racism in a country which practiced it for over 400 years has completely disappeared? If so, when?
Hell no, it hasn’t disappeared and it never will. That’s why we’ve got laws on the books now for people to have an opportunity in a court of law, if needed, for redress when it happens to them. And none of that can ever be perfect, but this country has tried much harder than it is often given credit for.
I also usually know racism (or at least bigotry) when I see it. I watched that video of the library protest on another site and I saw a fair amout of racism, along with some possible assault and battery complaints.
oh come on! that video was adorable. i even saw some cute white girls getting “jiggy wit it” as well.
No kidding buddy these activist are the true racist of our time. Liberals are so funny they tell us race does not matter. Too funny.
brother jeff, race *does* matter.
-dr. c west
“In fact, white violence against blacks is dwarfed by black on white
violence. In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against
whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of
violence (excluding homicide) against blacks, according to data from the
National Crime Victimization Survey provided to the author. ”
Hispanics commit almost as many violent crimes against whites. Minorities are the real racists in the US.
The answer to racism isn’t more racism.
BTW, there are no non-racist countries. America is probably the least racist country in the world.
the liberal are just so darn queer
Where are the 42 earlier comments??
The first 42 comments on this thread are now missing or deleted. What happened to them? Are comments being deleted on purpose or by accident? I remember a post from the MOD trying to explain the situation. It was directly below Parent ’16 comment. As far as I can tell, that comment is now gone also.
Facebook comments are also being deleted.
Dartmouth College: the Home of Censorship in the Name of PR Control
“We are trying our best to remove comments about blacks conforming to stereotypes but you people just keep them coming” Please refrain from pointing out that evolution didn’t stop at the neck.
Actually, “We are trying our best to remove comments that demonstrate racism against black people is alive and well in America”.
and a eugenicist? Good grief man. YouTube search “any rand racism” watch the whole video, first result. Learn things. Expand your horizon.
I used to believe in equality, but I have been exposed to too much reality. Have you ever meet a black as smart as seen on TV?
Yes. One of my best friends is black and a genius.
Not in my 49 years
You probably know like 5 or fewer black people then.
Hello. The comments were by no means deleted intentionally. The Review website just crashed due to the unexpectedly high volume, and a number of comments were accidentally deleted as a related glitch.
Thanks for the explanation.
These are terrorists, and they need to be arrested for disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct. They can enjoy safe space at NU, a longer one if they resist. But unless one eliminates the agitators who are instigating them, George Soros and the Jewish bacillus spewing white guilt and African entitlement, you’ll be facing another set of unruly miscreants.
So … Dartmouth, what are you going to do about this? Every one of these people should be expelled and banned from campus, and charges should be pressed where appropriate. Everyone has the right to peacefully protest, but none of us have the right to stomp all over the rights of others.
Unfortunately, two who are seniors had summer positions at Boston Consulting Group and Merrill Lynch this past year. Expect these kinds of tactics coming to a business you work at or with soon. These students have no sense of morality, ethics or being held responsible for the consequences of your actions. Everything is okay if it’s in the name of “social justice”. And we thought we had seen the worst ethical behavior with the Enron and Lerhman Brothers scandals? I bet this group of employees surpasses the low watermark of both of those companies. Oh and they happened to get those jobs by virtue of the ivy league degree that is “oppressing” them.
perhaps they “had” summer positions, the future of their employment there should be in question…
If those 2 seniors assaulted, which includes not only physical assault but yelling and threatening, they should be expelled and arrested. Then neither BCG or Merrill will have to decide whether to hire the thugs or risk a lawsuit.
those thugs…
They may be in for a rude awakening when they discover that the business world cares far less about indulging their feelings than the sheltered halls of academe does.
Don’t think so. Race baiters like Sharpton will be shaking those companies down by claiming they are racists if they fire ANY black. Seriously, minorities can just threaten to sic SJWs or the EEOC on a company. It costs money to defend. The company might just settle for a good sum to make it all go away. These are the New Employees to go with the New Americans – corrupt, amoral, entitled, criminal.
Even if they get jobs —- they won’t be able to keep them. Getting a job means actually having to show up in the morning on time, follow rules, respect your supervisor and coworkers. These spoiled brats won’t be able to last.
I don’t know, Zeta Nation, I heard they have free watermelon in the cafeteria at bcg
Wtf is that kind of comment?
Why would Dartmouth do anything? Most faculty and admin are non-1st Amendment folks who love this sort of stupidity. Look at how many gender-this and race-that idiot courses are offered, then compare that with how many courses are offered on, oh I don’t know, the “US Constitution”.
The only thing that will compel the administrators here and elsewhere to grow a pair will be when donors close their checkbooks. See how fast the ‘perma-aggrieved’ class finds decency when tuition doubles.
Shut it down, Board.
Yeah. Because expelling kids for protesting is what the First Amendment is all about!
Students are free to protest outside or protest quietly. The first amendment does not give you the right to force your speech on others. It doesn’t give you the right to hold a megaphone up to someone’s ear, to disrupt their quiet study space. Indeed it gives you the right only to speak, not to insist that anyone listen.
The First Amendment is about the freedom to speak or write about your views. It does not protect your right to physically attack those who do not wish to join your protest. It should not be about going into a library or a private study room and shouting obscenities at kids who are trying to study.
Actually the First Amendment prevents THE GOVERNMENT proscribing speech.
Private institutions can and do “police” speech on their own premises.
An individual or group can commit a civil rights violation towards and individual. The Bill of Rights says “congress”, but the courts have expanded on that. By some interpretations, it is in fact government censorship of speech when they withdraw protection, and allow mob rule.
In a sense, the primary purpose of the US Government is to keep people and organizations from suppressing the rights of U.S. citizens.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequence.
Protesting is different from assault and battery, which pinning a girl to the wall and screaming obscenities in her face is.
i had to turn away — that part was so awful. what even happened?
Let’s try a protest like that at the local mosque! Friday is best.
Chimping out in a library. When a student can get expelled for saying the N word on private property at the same collage a groid broke 4 facial bones on a blond girl that wouldn’t have sex with him free speech is gone.
I am sure what he did was prosecuted. If it wasn’t for people like you, we wouldn’t have these protests. We all know what “groid” and “chimping” mean. You should be ashamed, but I am sure you aren’t.
How is he any worse than these fascist scum in the library?
They aren’t. The problem is he isn’t any better. In actual or political war, always claim the high ground.
Wrong. Manufactured outrage is just that. Manufactured. The cries of “systemic oppression”, “micro-aggression”, etc. fall flat because they are based on the premise that a person can be oppressing people without even realizing it (I call major BS). The fact of the matter is that these people would find something else to rage-lock onto, even without people like confederate flag man up there spewing incendiary invective.
It’s more likely that affirmative action programs may have had the unintended consequence of placing students that are not as academically qualified, next to their more academically qualified peers. As a result, it can lead to the perception that white and asian students are getting perks, when that’s not necessarily the case. Cue cries of oppression, and unfairness.
There’s a lot of misinformation about that works, actually.
“The fourth myth is that the process of admissions is essentially a process of rank-ordering the candidates by credentials – by SAT scores, grades, and so forth, and then we draw a cut-off line: above the line, you get in; below the line, you get on a waiting list or are denied admission. And then we take into account race, and we make sure that we have a critical mass of minorities – and that race is the one exception to the decision-making process. That is a myth, a fundamental misconception about the way the admissions process works. ”
At these elite universities, they have many, many more qualified applicants than they have room to accept. They are not accepting students who do not meet the requirements for admission.
“A person can be oppressing people without even realizing it.” That ret reminds me of a ritual “smelling out” of witches that occurred on the banks of the Blood river in Zululand in 1836. More than 300 witches were smelt out by a team of 150 witch-finders led by the hideous hag Nobela, accsedu
what even is a groid?
-canadian guy
Add the letters “ne” before it.
oh my gosh. can someone tell this guy to stop then? we don’t call them by that word, anymore. for crying out loud he’s making us all look bad.
I agree. If you cannot make your point without profanity, you should keep it to yourself.
agreed. let’s stick with “thugs”.
What are you, 12?
He’s using ‘groid’ as short for Negroid. It’s a derogatory for Africanized Americans
what’s an “Africanized” American?
Actually the black previously convicted felon who punched the blond girl in the face said she was racist(for not sexing him) and had no consequences.
OU student running back Joe Mixon:
I dunno, JohnM, people evidently “like” his comment around here more than they like yours…
Plenty of other words to use. Besides their were plenty of whites in that crowd of protesters. PC culture is not something that infects only black people. Leftists of all stripes and shades like to act like whiny children.
“Chimping out in a library. “
Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can go into a library and disrupt the peace.
THAT had nothing to do with freedom of speech! That was intimidation, pure and simple.
I protest your ugly face with my fist.
It’s not a bank robbery, Your Honor, it’s me protesting my lack of money.
How about for violence – did you miss – “students who refused to listen to or join their outbursts were shouted down. “Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist white piece of s***!” Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. “If we can’t have it, shut it down!” they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting “filthy white b****!” in her face. ” (Arrest them)
“Sam Colt made men equal” …a language #BLM understands.
I am impressed with your abilities to copy and paste. You should work for Breitbart, or any of the other news outlest who copied and pasted their favorite quotes from the Dartmouth article.
I also have serious doubts about the number and severity of these statements, considering they can’t be heard in the video and the only outlets reporting on them are known to have a strong anti-BLM bias.
Oh. But you believed that rich brat on the hunger strike, who got the MU president ousted ? You and your entire indoctrination media. Some kid on some ” truck” with some confederate flag called me bad names. Now I must over throw the school. Lol. Can you spot the hypocrisy ?
Imagine this same scenrio at darthmouth, playing out at MizOu , say a month ago. Could you imagine what would have happened if whites did this to blacks ? There would have been a modern day lynching.
” When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination ” Thomas Sowell
Thanks -cutting and pasting is tough. BLM is its own problem – does not need help. When any organization is not honest about itself, its members, and its approach and how it steers the pot and turns up the stove – we get violence.
The 1st Amendment is about restricting the government from abridging the freedom of speech of a citizen. It has nothing to do with enabling a person or group to verbal or physically harass another person. Expel the little fascist pukes.
You’ll be lucky to get the “right to remain silent.”
you obviously have no clue at all about the 1st amendment, if you think it covers this incident. 7th grade Civics class covers it pretty well.
No: expelling unhinged pukeholes, who make racist comments, as they attempt to intimidate, threaten and silence fellow students is grounds for suspension and possible expulsion.
BTW — you need to check out what the 1st Amendment is about. As you seem to have no idea.
“No: expelling unhinged pukeholes, who make racist comments, as they attempt to intimidate, threaten, and physically assault fellow students is grounds for suspension and possible expulsion.”
I take it you’re talking about the white kids at Mizzou.
Actually I’m talking about Dartmouth.
But as I have already pointed out in a previous post, you seem rather dim.
And slow.
I do look forward to your full-throated support for conservative Ben Shapiro speaking at Missouri U — as there are major student mob attempts to shout him down
At least I understand sarcasm.
To be clear, since you seem rather slow and dim, by “At least I understand sarcasm” I mean that I was being sarcastic when I said you must be talking about white kids at mizzou. Obviously.
“I do look forward to your full-throated support for conservative Ben Shapiro speaking at Missouri U — as there are major leftist student mob attempts to intimidate, threaten and shout him down”
Good. I hope they succeed.
Yes, “freedom of speech for me but not for thee”.
Please cite the clause of the First Amendment that explains how not hiring Ben Shapiro to speak at the University is a violation of anybody’s right to free speech.
I’m not talking about the First Amendment or law, I’m talking about a universal principle. I’m not American and this isn’t only an issue in the USA. It’s a principle of Western civilization at least since the enlightenment to tolerate views with which one disagrees, not attempt to silence them and thus prevent other people from hearing them.
Great, good for you. And I believe, as a universal principle, that people should not believe or say racist things, even if the First Amendment says they have that right. That’s what, among other things, BLM is against. Interestingly, much of the conservative coverage of the Dartmouth protest failed to even mention what specific event the BLM protesters at Dartmouth were protesting: the vandalization of artwork (talk about spitting in the face of free speech) attempting to draw attention to black deaths. Meanwhile, people are now literally shooting at peaceful BLM protesters, and you choose to direct your anger at a few black kids for getting angry about the destruction of their art by racist scum, because you think their opposition to racism is opposed to free speech? I have little faith in your priorities or analysis of the situation.
It isn’t about what people “should” or “should not” do. There are many, many things I believe people shouldn’t do. It’s about whether you’re going to make something illegal or not. Assuming you are an American, if you believe a law should be made against people believing or saying racist things, then you are against the First Amendment of your own country’s Constitution. Having a right to do something doesn’t mean it’s something that the rest of the world may approve of; things that everyone approves of don’t need to be recognized as rights. The whole argument about abortion rights was and is based on this principle. As a woman, saying that I have the right to have an abortion is NOT saying that I think abortion is a good thing. Many people who are pro-choice like me have long struggled ethically and morally with this issue. So with freedom of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn’t need protection. Do you think I like hearing every second word of a typical rap or hip-hop song, which is inevitably “n***er”, “b***ch”, “h*”, or something even more disgusting? Do you think I enjoy the revolting ramblings of David Duke? But I’m not about to support making any laws against either. Freedom is not meant to be something that is easy, simple, safe, or painless. If you believe any of that, you have not been educated well.
“if you believe a law should be made against people believing or saying racist things”
You say it’s not about what we should or shouldn’t do, and then go on to talk about we should or shouldn’t do, you just avoid using the word “should.”
I unabashedly am talking about what we should and shouldn’t do.
We should not tolerate racism. We should not tolerate violence against marginalized groups. We should not tolerate people who say and do racist things just because they have a legal—if not ethical—right to do so. We should reform the police force and reform our social and political institutions, if not legally, then in terms of our collective values as a nation. We should tell all the racist and sexist overgrown manchildren who pass as leaders and law keepers in this country that we will not do as they say. We should tell them to GTFO and tell them we will not be silent until they do so. We should do all this because no civilization that puts people like that into positions of power has any right to call itself “enlightened.” And here you are complaining about song lyrics written by black people (for a record industry run by white people) while black people are dying because our political system doesn’t just fail to protect them, it actively contributes to their oppression.
I, from a standpoint of political praxis, am frankly skeptical about what the law, or what the dictionary, says about racism and freedom of speech, because the law and ethics are separate things. Our beloved Constitution was written by slave owners raised in a society where the “Enlightened” white men who paved the way for freedom of speech said things like “And they [black people] are not men [read: humans], except in their stature, with the faculty of speech and thought at a degree far distant to ours. Such are the ones that I have seen and examined.” That’s f**king Voltaire! The philosopher who gets the most credit for advocating free speech! This is what Western civilization considers an enlightened man to be?! You don’t need to be against freedom of speech to point out that the people (white) society holds up as idols believed some seriously backwards things.
Racists have their right to freedom of speech. But I have my right to tell them they are regressive scum who threaten to to drag Western civilization back into the Middle Ages by clinging to the most backwards beliefs of our forebears. On that point, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to see how the evangelical right in this country could become a Bible-toting version of ISIS if unhinged from the parts of the Constitution that do adequately protect us from tyranny (which are also the parts the evangelical right so often ignores, namely, the part about separation of church and state and the people’s right to welfare).
And frankly, the way the law often (emphasis on not always) works in this country seems to be to perpetuate it’s own system of oppression against the poor, against people of color, against women, and against people who are gender non-conforming. When the law fails to protect the people from itself and from those who would do them harm, the people have to take action on their own, and if it means in some cases breaking the law, then fine. That sounds perfectly American to be, based on the words of the First Amendment, the words of the founding fathers, and the words of great Americans like Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King. As I said, there is a big gap between the law and ethics. If civil disobedience brings greater well-being and safety to people of color, then it is exactly what we should be doing. That is what America was built on.
BLM should not be silent. BLM absolutely should keep acting and growing, until everybody with a soul in this country stands up to say NO MORE to racist clowns like Donald Trump and half (not all) of the Republican party, NO MORE to the racist bullies and murderers who pass as police officers in this country, NO MORE to politicians who enact laws that disproportionately affect the poor and people of color. We, as a nation, need to tell people like that they are not welcome in our spaces, because it is out right as Americans to do so. That is what BLM means to me.
Nobody’s saying that BLM has to be silent. They have no right, however, to resort to tactics that hurt innocent people.
I also just want to point that many of the figures responsible for “principle[s] of Western civilization at least since the enlightenment” were flagrant racists, from Kant to Hume. These figures offered us many things that were good, but it has been several hundred years since then. “Enlightenment” seems a bit strong of a word to describe them, in retrospect. Clinging to that time will keep us stuck in the past. Perhaps it’s time we had a new “Enlightenment,” not to undo but to build on the previous one. A new “Enlightenment” that tells racist and sexist people, especially racist and sexists cops and politicians, that they have no place in an enlightened society.
To be clear, the First Amendment prohibits the government from making laws that would infringe on the ability of people to express their views. If students want to protest a speaker in an effort to get their speaking engagement cancelled or not hire them in the first place, they are in fact just exercising their First Amendment rights. Ben Shapiro remains free to speak. The people remain free to ignore, protest, and/or debate him
And I assume you are talking about the poop swastika (which strangely, no-one took a photo of).
Me attempting to quote the First Amendment from from memory:
“Congress shall enact law respecting the establishment of religion, or infringing on the right thereof; or infringing the freedom of speech, or the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble or to petition the government for redress of grievances.”
Not bad, eh? Let’s see you try.
From what I understand, the only person who could legally be in trouble is the person who, allegedly, pushed somebody. Whether or not they get expelled for this, of course, would hinge on a trial, and not what a bunch of seething, drooling fanatics on the internet say.
Of course, given the number of white cops who murder black people with impunity on a regular basis, I’m inclined to let this one slide. Seems fair.
Actually, your first try was….
“Congress shall enact law respecting… (blah)
So you got that wrong right off the bat.
But you do seem rather dim.
PSSST: You know Disqus emails your first comment, right?
It was a typo buddy.
I obviously don’t think that the first amendment gives congress the right to make laws that repress religion and speech. That was the whole f***king point.
Also, I don’t claim that the quote is accurate. I tried quoting from memory to prove a point to the jackass who said I obviously wasn’t familiar with the first amendment. There are actually a couple words slightly off. Same meaning though.
And since you don’t seem to have noticed the other mistakes, and instead have to hinge on me correcting a typo, I take it you aren’t too familiar with the amendment.
But to stay on topic, care to explain where in the amendment it says you can’t protest in a library?
PSSST: You know that some people have enough faith in humanity that they don’t need to announce it to the world when they make a typo lest they be torn apart by angry conservative trolls, right?
Do you know what “lest” means?
Attacking people is not protesting, idiot.
Public school???
One person, allegedly, pushed somebody. You goof.
Imagine the protest repeated by white students. From the article….(black & white flipped)
Students who refused to listen to or join their outbursts were shouted down. “Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist black piece of s***!” Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. “If we can’t have it, shut it down!” they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting “filthy black b****!” in her face.
The nation would be outraged and these hypothetical white students would be expelled……………….
If that isn’t the definition of racism, I don’t know what is.
“The nation would be outraged and these hypothetical white students would be expelled……………….”
I bet you wouldn’t be outraged!
They are too scared of the Brown Shirts and their community organizers to try and keep the peace.
this is the only decent and final solution we have left.
Hear, hear! Let’s get rid of these “thugs” and make Dartmouth great again!!
Where are the arrests? The cry for hate crime charges? Reverse the races and tell me there wouldn’t be.
It would be national news if the polarity was switched, but then again what the professors say on a daily basis would also be national news
You know it. Justice department would send a few dozen agents.
There’s only one way to find out. Let’s hope the students are sufficiently galvanized and protest #reverseracism.
Are these assholes going to be disciplined in any way?
Probably not.
Tj ” Are these assholes going to be disciplined in any way ? ” Are you joking? They are blacks they are always right. Had it been Whites doing same, there would be out cry from Liberals and obama
I wonder if this will incite full-blown racism against blacks.
Kind of makes you wonder if they weren’t trying to incite someone to hit them so they would have further proof of “racism” at Dartmouth.
Yeah, that’s the question. Jeez.
What do you mean stopping affirmative action?
What incited the full-blown racism against blacks that lasted for centuries?
Human nature. Humans are deeply flawed and have to be civilized. Civilization is not now, nor has it ever been, universal.
The only way to civilize humans is through the fear of force. That is how humans were civilized in the first place.
Religion also civilizes people. MLK helped civilize many, and I do not remember him being a violent guy.
Exactly! White on black racism lasted for hundreds of years! People forget that history is a mitigating factor in these situations!
That’s why, because over a dozen members of my family died at the hands of the Nazis during the Holocaust, any act of violence I perpetrate against an innocent German in 2015 would be, if not exactly justified, at least UNDERSTANDABLE to you, right? And you’d take my family’s history of racial oppression at the hands of the Germans into account when you made up your own mind about my guilt or innocence, right?
It was incited by a belief that since Africans and specific other minorities had not progressed beyond subsistence farming tribes in the 2000 years since the rest of the world figured out divisions of labor and specialization, that they were inherently inferior. That and the omnipresent fear of “the other.”
Not my views, but the question was asked.
Interesting question. I’d say it was probably to do with the rate of advancement of the civilizations. Easy to adopt a superiority complex when comparing tribal communities with European civilizations. Much like the attitudes towards Native Americans.
It will bring a few crazies out of the woodwork who lash out. The Dylan Roof types. There aren’t many in the US but they do exist. Someone will die over these protests I am afraid. A dozen or so white people were killed in the wake of Trayvon Martin protests. Inflammatory rhetoric has consequences for sure, but you can’t have rational conversation on race in America. You just get shouted down.
Black on white violent crime is an epidemic. Based on NCVS data, every day there are 1,573 black on white violent crimes committed compared to 278 white on black crimes. This is nothing new. This has been happening for decades. Blacks are the real racists.
If not yet, give it some time…each time they pull this kind of thing people’s patience wears ever thinner. They are slicing their own necks.
Whites have spent centuries doing this.
Great. But what did the whites who were minding their own business in the library ever do to the people who were assaulting them?
they were born white.
Time for the white students to arm themselves and stop being intimidated by racist blacks.
You dont have to be victims people, you did nothing wrong; complain to library staff, take library employee names and complain to the administration, call the police, record everything. Much of this is also probably hate crime if it involved physical aggression and is at least disorderly conduct if it involved screaming obscenities in public. Dont let people deny your rights by the color of your skin. This has nothing to do with civil rights. It is the opposite.
Anyone who stands up against the BLM protesters is going to find themselves denounced and threatened. The reason those students were in the libraries and study rooms was because of the high priority that they place on their educational goals. Any “standing up” will make it all the harder to meet those goals, especially since they are unlikely to receive any support from the administration. But on the other hand, we now all know what “institutional repression” looks like. (Parent of a ’19)
I would encourage you to make your displeasure over this incident known to Hanlon, Dever, and the Board of Trustees via e-mail as I have already done.
I was lucky to have my son home for the weekend. We had a long talk about tolerance. Probably different than some other parent’s talks about tolerance. I don’t have to tell him to accept other ethnicities or cultures. I have to remind him to not engage the Marxists. My son learned about Marxism from his grandfather, who learned what he knows about it in a Chinese prison camp. We probably see repression differently than many of these kids.
Agreed. Have relatives who lived through the Nazi kristallnachts. My child , who is one of the most tolerant people I know, has heard enough from them to know what intolerance and fascism look like. Fascism is what’s behind people who tell you their honorable goals justify any means used to achieve them.
Listen fellah. I don’t appreciate you insinuating that “Nazi kristallnachts” are a rhetorical device used by people “who tell you their honorable goals justify any means used to achieve them.”
did not the Nazi’s claim they had honorable goals and that the way to achieve them was the elimination of what Hitler referred to as “The Jewish problem?”
They did. But clearly he was referring to Jews as the people “who tell you their honorable goals [to] justify any means used to achieve them,” seeing as the Holocaust is often invoked by Israel when it’s defending its right to exist from the murderous, dastardly Hamas.
Clearly, Parent 16′ is one of those “thugs” from the video going undercover, trying to make US look like the racists…
I really think you misread his comment.
What about the Gulaps Ivan, have you not read Dostoyevsky?
I think you mean “gulags”, Eric, and that was Solzhenitsyn.
Well, people here have tried to explain it to you and you just don’t get it. Read my comment again.
Ah my bad, I misread. We do agree that Dartmouth is no place for fascist “thugs”.
These Black Supremacists Obama and Bernie Sanders supporters are communists and in no way resemble fascists or fascism.
Their parades around campuses, especially this library rally, smell very fashy to this goy.
Of course, we see the dramatic difference between Hitler
and Stalin in terms of tactics and basic ideology. idiot.
Certainly Communists and Fascists shared many traits and especially believed in the same methods ,one in a crony capitalism with a socialistic welfare state, the other was a communistic ownership of the means of production ,but in both the state was supreme . Both overemphasized the few differences, but the essential power of the state was the same.
On the contrary, Dartmouth being liberal, even socialist, it is the perfect place for fascist thugs to operate. They feed on the intellectual rot of political correctness.
So true. That’s why they put a multi-billion endowment to work paying for “thugs'” tuition and abortions. I just miss my America, sigh.
Was it the same when you were a student?
I went to school at the Air Force Academy and Iowa State back in the 1970s. Oddly enough, there were no leftist protestors demonstrating on campus at the Blue Zoo. Likewise, at ISU, there was not even a trace of the political correctness you see now. I don’t recall any radical leftist student on campus. There was none of it on campus at Marquette U when i got my MBA there in the 1980s. I began seeing a tiny bit of it at U of North Texas in the 1990s. But then, radical leftism is a luxury pastime for the rich. The workaday colleges I attended were more interested in getting a good job. You need to have no worries about providing for yourself to go about saving the world for socialism. That’s why it seems to have been confined to the most effete factions of the student bodies of rich Ivy League universities. Now, the extremist liberal factions of public universities ape the Ivys in whatever foolish cause they promote like a fad.
No radical leftist students on college campuses?
The Vietnam protests were before my time. I entered college in 1973, when the US began pulling out of Vietnam. All the major protests stopped when that happened, although the war went on for another two years. That reveals the protestors motivation was not concern for the people of Vietnam, but fear of being drafted. At Iowa State, I did not see a protest about anything nor do I recall seeing anyone who I would consider a radical, like there are today. The only real protest I saw were Iranian signs painted on the sidewalk demanding the US kick the Shah of Iran out of the US, where he had come for cancer treatment.
Well, one of the big turning points in public opinion about the Vietnam war was when students at Kent State protested the Cambodian campaign. The National Guard then shot some of them for protesting, which sparked nationwide protests of a few million students that shut down high schools and colleges. Plus, we’re talking a period in time when you had folks like the Black Panthers doing stuff. And the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee which was a major civil rights organization that got itself attacked by the KKK and the cops.
There was even a little thing where the U.S. deployed tear gas against its own citizens, something made possible because the Chemical Weapons Convention hadn’t yet banned the use of tear gas. Ronald Reagan himself had protesting students at Berkeley tear gassed, spreading the fumes so far that it sent children to the hospital. He’s quoted as saying “If it takes a bloodbath, let’s get it over with. No more appeasement.”
Complicating a lot of that is that the FBI frequently infiltrated such protests and groups. Hoover thought that free speech movements were part of some Communist plot. To look at the comments here, sounds like that attitude still prevails. The FBI had fake reporters plant ideas and shape public opinion, plant stories for real reporters, and worked with Reagan to fire the president of Berkeley.
To quote the book Subversives: The FBI’s War on Student Radicals and Reagan’s Rise to Power: “Starting in Hollywood in the 1940s, Ronald Reagan developed a special relationship with the FBI. He became an FBI informer, reporting other actors whom he suspected of subversive activities, and later, when he became president of the Screen Actors Guild, the FBI had wide access to the guild’s information on various actors. At one point, the guild turned over information on 54 actors it was investigating as possible subversives — so the FBI viewed Reagan as an extremely cooperative source in Hollywood. He was far more active than we know from previously released FBI records. As a result of this, Hoover repaid him with personal and political favors later.”
So here we are, with the biggest wannabe TV news channel in the U.S. full of Reagan worshipers catering to a party of people throwing Reagan’s name around like he’s a saint. They’ve spent years claiming colleges are out of touch and teach evil critical thinking skills that indoctrinate the youth into liberalism. And now, suddenly, it’s all a callback to the days when people thought free speech was a communist plot. Reagan called the protesters fascists, too.
If you want to know what the most frustrating thing of having a deep interest in history is, it’s seeing ignorant people do the same things over and over again.
The National Guard did not fire on the protestors at Kent State for protesting, but rather because they believed themselves under fire. There is still dispute about that.
As for Reagan, Hollywood was full of Communists in his day. Stalin had made a point of infiltrating the movie industry to turn it to make propaganda following Soviet foreign policy with a little success. Given that the Soviets were wildly murderous, it was a good thing to resist them. And, really, why would the foreign control of a growing US industry be something we would allow?
Here’s another part of the rub, Steve Gregg. The Ohio National Guard had just been in Cleveland to help quell an extremely tense Union demonstration there, and were then re-deployed to Kent State University pretty much right after that.
Not that this excuses the Ohio National Guards’ overreaction to the students at Kent State University and killing/wounding them, but it’s bad enough that the Ohio National Guardsman were poorly-trained to begin with, and forcing them to go from one extremely tense situation to another was extremely irresponsible on the part of the Ohio National Guard’s leadership in the first place.
Admittedly, that time period is merely the most visible, but it is rather telling that Reagan was able to pitch the concept of dangerous radical college students to conservatives as a way of getting ahead in politics. If it wasn’t so late at night, I’d probably find plenty of protests in the 80s. Like mentioned here: http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1988/5/27/the-times-they-have-achanged-student/
It was pretty easy to pitch the concept of dangerous radical college students when the Weathermen were planting bombs and, in one case, trying to assassinate a federal judge who ruled against them. Radical leftist students bombed the ROTC building at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, killing a guy and maiming another. So, Reagan had reality on his side.
Actually, the Weather Underground specifically went out of their way to avoid hurting anybody. The only people they killed were themselves when a bomb they were building went off prematurely. And the lack of casualties was by design. They sent notices for people to evacuate, even though it lessened their own chance of success.
And the funny thing about targeting politicians’ property is that those cases brought to light that the Weather Underground had FBI members in it as part of Cointelpro. That’d be that operation to set the media against radical students by doing things like having them infiltrate the groups and instigate violent actions as members of the group.
Looking up University of Wisconsin-Madison bombing also shows you weren’t straight on the facts. Sterling Hall was home to the Army Mathematics Research Center. It was an army think-tank, not an ROTC center. Interestingly enough, bomber Karleton Armstrong said he was inspired to become a radical when he went to college and saw police attacking protesters in the now-infamous Dow Riot. It started as a nonviolent sit-in until the cops got there and got violent.
If you really want to try and justify attacking students based on 1 death and 3 injuries, then you’re presenting a weak argument. I can’t find casualties for the Dow Riots yet, but students were usually the ones being killed or wounded when cops came out to break up peaceful protests. Kent State alone had 4 fatalities, 9 injured. If you really want to claim that such casualties justify the use of deadly force, then you’re making the Wisconsin-Madison bombers’ case for them. And it says something pretty messed up when the Weather Underground go out of their way to prevent hurting any innocent bystanders, yet Ronald Reagan sends little kids to the hospital because he used too much tear gas against peaceful protests. And it makes it look even worse that one of those groups that was bombing people was doing so because some of the people making decisions were FBI agents on an operation to make radical students look really bad, all while violating the Constitution.
No, Reagan didn’t have reality on his side. He had demagoguery.
The Weather Underground did not go out of their way to avoid casualties. Planting bombs in public buildings is inherently a dangerous act meant to terrorize. There is no such thing as a peaceful bomb. They killed a San Francisco police office and tried to assassinate a federal judge. Several of them killed themselves making an anti-personnel bomb they were planning to plant at a dance at an NCO club on an army base.
The protests were not peaceful. There is plenty of video online showing angry mobs of protestors. Go take a look at them and educate yourself.
If you ever encountered the leftists of that era while wearing a uniform, as I did, you would have gotten a heaping helping of hate. They were anything but peaceful.
As for the FBI informant in the Weathermen, he was a recently discharged soldier who was recruited by the Weathermen before he turned informant. That’s how we know the Weathermen ridiculously intended to foment a socialist revolution. Billy Ayers said they would have to execute 25 million Americans who would never give up their resistance and imprison another 25 million in indoctrination camps until they come around. That doesn’t sound very peaceful to me.
Most of the students killed or wounded at Kent State back in early May of 1970 were on their way to or from classes at the University, not protesting.
See? The dangers of people overreacting against a relative few protesters.
“filthy white b****!”
filthy whatever-color a**hole
did not the Jew supremacists claim they had honorable goals and that the way to achieve them was the elimination of “The Palestinian problem?”
I think you’re missing Parent’s point here. He/She is talking about the Nazi’s and the Fascists ideals. I would also add, it’s the Socialist ideals as well that the end justify the means.
I think you are missing Ivan’s sarcasm…at least I think that’s what he’s going for
ISn’t it. HAs that not been the history of the Marxist movements. Call them concentration camps, or Gulags, call them what you wish. But they have been as much a part of the reality of Marxism as his writings were the theoretical basis.
Woah. If that’s what those Marxist “thugs” in the video are all about, then this is much, much worse than I could have imagined. I miss my America
Jews were calling for the total extermination of every German
even BEFORE the “Holocaust”:
“Germany Must Perish!”
— [ http://ihr.org/books/kaufman/perish.shtml ]
(by Theodore N. Kaufman; Newark, N.J., Argyle press, Copyright 1941)
That’s a bunch of BS.
Maybe the Jewish leaders should have taken their actions into account before declaring war on Germany in 1933 and declaring an international boycott of all German goods. The fact that Jewish radicals were assassinating German diplomats abroad was directly responsible for kristallnachts seems to have escaped your selective memory.
Laws against Jews were proposed well before 1933,
and prior to 1935 Nuremberg, eg March 1933
barring of Jews from public sector. Anti-semitism ran
long and deep in writings and teachings. And if there
were ‘Jewish radicals’ would this justify destruction
and humiliation of an entire people? Reaching small
villages in the east and into the Slavic countries?
bilderbuster you are an idiot.
You are the parasite.
That’s what this about, bringing those “no question holohoax” laws to America.
Bet on it.
At lest das Chews vere not Occupooping on das flowerzin der Tiergartenor Das Tivoliin Copenhagen. Vhen ve hat xemin Bawstin, der pipple were hopin’ das feethy hippeeze vould throw vun off dose Molotov Cocktails dey kipt chanting undboestink about zo der poliss could vloe zem avay!
Now.if you vant to go into ehite=hstink Chews, you might geschtat with Herr Dokta Fraudewho hated der Vest zo muoch he dreamed auf der baby-burning Cartajinians winning der vars mit der Romans. DOT good haf been ever zo much nzer!
Your hatred of White people is showing. Again.
But that’s OK, you’re Jewish.
Sorry, Pat Kittie, but you’re wrong. The fact is that the Nazis DID make soap out of the fat from the bodies of the Jews and others that they murdered in the concentration camps, as well as making lampshades out of human skin. Ilsa Koch won infamy for doing the latter.
You better get used to something, shyster — your “Holocaust” BS no longer fools us:
“New Israeli Film Debunks Myth That Nazis Made Soap From Jews”:
— [ http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.527623 ]
Well, well, Pat Kittle: YOUR bs doesn’t fool me, either. Your overall attitude shows that you’re no better than the people down in South Boston, MA and over in Charlestown, MA who rioted against mandatory school busing back in the mid 1970’s, or the late Boston School Committeewoman/City Councilwoman, Louise Day Hicks, whom you’d do mighty, mighty proud with your BS.
Hired Israel troll:
Anyone following this thread (unless you change your comments) can easily see I debunk your claims at every turn, and you respond by changing the subject (with more empty accusations).
Now back to your most recent lie: “The fact is that the Nazis DID make soap out of the fat from the bodies of the Jews…”
I debunked that lie with an article about a Jewish movie, made by a Jew, in a Jewish newspaper; specifically:
— [ http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.527623 ]
You of course have NOTHING to say about that!
You Israel trolls can’t resort to your usual denial (i.e., calling the source “antisemitic”). So you try white guilt. You Jew supremacists will stoop to anything.
I (like millions more who are learning the awful truth about you) now deeply regret having trusted you most of my life.
First of all, I’m an American, born and raised here in the United States, not an Israeli.
Secondly, your kind of bigotry has no place on this site, and, if I were the owner/proprietor of this site, I’d tell you pointedly to either clean up your act or find another place to spread your stupid-assed bigotry around.
Thirdly, as I pointed out, you’d do the late Boston School Committeewoman/Boston City Councilwoman, Louise Day Hicks, and her patronage-ridden cronies on the Boston School Committee back in the 1960’s and 1970’s mighty, mighty proud.
First of all, Israel’s hired trolls are trained to lie about their identity, so your credibility is ZERO.
Secondly, your kind of war criminal (the Zionist kind) is the worst in human history, BAR NONE — but, unlike you Jew supremacist hypocrites, I would not try to deny anyone their right to free speech.
Thirdly, as I pointed out, ISRAEL DID 9-11:
— [ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it ]
This is about as real as your Elite modeling contract (nice mug shot, btw).
Another “free speech’dvocate who has the hereditary power to decide who has a “place”here-and who doesn’t!
Yeah, those weevil white people actually resented the feds playing block busters in their(integrated0neighborhoods-and the local mediasuppressingtheir side of the argument, forbidden their peaceful demonstrations. Eventually the Boston Tac Squad entered Southieto beat up the SouthBoston Marshalls at their favorite water hole-and got clobbered!When it was allover the feds didn’t dare enter Southie or Charleston at night forfear of snipers-and we eventually discovered that Souyjie and South boston High School werealready integrated, but the powers-that-were were vussing large numbers out of town to justify bussing even more IN.Having just witnessed the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s destruction of the West End in order to build luxury apartments for the Mass General Doctors, the designated victims didn’t take it quietly when the Brahmins came looking for them!
Through it all Boy Scout Leaders from Roxbury and Charlestown attended meetings in each other’s neighborhoods where the feds dared not tread without incident-until thefeds grew embarrassed and order the Scouts to stop it!
Don’t let yourself get “Pat Kittled”
Just a heads-up.
The USArmy made “soap’ out of animal fats.Olive green, greasy feeling-and almost completely useless for soap’s normal function unless used in scalding hot water!
Well said, Sealift67! Thanks.
“Trivializing anti-Semitism”:
— [ http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/08/25/trivializing-anti-semitism/ ]
That would be like trivializing skin cancer-or the creeping crud!Its the basic disease from which horrible results eventually develop!
We all are fully acquainted with the concept of “antisemitism”
The basic disease we never hear about is “antigentilism” — from which horrible results eventually develop!
— [ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/10/20/gordon-duff-israeli-rabbi-gentiles-need-to-die/ ]
The teaching’s anti-semitism was organized by the Ministry of Education and Propagandaunder Herr Dr. Goebbelswho strong armed the German professoriate into compiling statistics to support the nazi fwtish with the excessive influence of the Jewson national cultural, political and artistic life-and what it would take to reverse that influence. guess what the “solution’ turned out to be?!
Factual history is racist! Next your gonna say 93% of slave ships and 100% of slave markets were not owned by white christians! (They werent) Or that the history of the entire world is one of conquest and displacement of indigenous peoples…mostly by non white peoples. Shame on you!
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Jewish+slave+trade&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
(Don’t stop at Wikipedia!)
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Sex+slave+trade+Israel&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
And your history prof is? Agreed, you can’t always find hard facts to support this or that historical interpretation, but faster not only stubborn, they cabe useful, as well!
You are a complete freaking moron.
You’re insane, you freak.
No wonder our country is so screwed with idiot bigots like you bilder
— [ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it ]
You are a no-good, filthy liar
Hey muzzie, hit your prayer rug and then head back to Iran
— [ http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/ ]
Hey, anti-Semite…..are you for real ???
— [ http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/palestinians.php ]
Uh yeah, nothing quite like searching the far reaches of the Internet to come up with a site and source that no one has heard of in an attempt to justify your anti semitism. Pathetic !!!
Your hatred for the Jewish people has blinded you to the reality they face on a daily basis. First, hate speech if that’s what you call some of these “quotes” may not be legitimate and at the very least are from decades ago. Additionally, the content you’ve copied and pasted and that you refer to as hate speech is a FAR CRY from having innocent women and children stabbed, shot or blown up as Israeli’s have been for years. Finally, your bigotry is confirmed as only someone with a great deal of hate would go to the trouble of pulling quotes from decades ago, questionable validity and then equate that with what Israel faces on its borders every day. Embrace what you are, anti-Semitic, hateful bigot.
My above link, (“The Jewish Madeleine – Albright says Killing over 500,000 Muslim children is OK!”) is now banned. Typical of what happens to evidence embarrassing to Jews.
Here’s another link to the same Zio-horror:
— [ whhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM0uvgHKZe8 ]
“You people”……hmmm, more evidence of the obvious. Fabricating information and extensive cut and pasting does not validate any of your bigoted claims any more than using a carefully edited clip out of context. In fact, with each post you confirm what you are. Reality is clearly not something you’re familiar with and my suspicion is that your sentiments are with any group that has a stated goal of wiping Israel off the map. Sympathy from someone like you would be the last thing that Israeli’s would expect or for that matter want.
Yes, “you people”!
I figured you’d probably seize on such a trifling “insensitivity” & run with it, given how desperate you are to play your VictimCard.
No wonder you want to change the subject away from your disgusting Jewish war criminal trying to justify the slow murdering of 500,000 children.
Ever the poor pitiful innocent little victim.
Fabricating information again in a vain attempt to distract attention from your bigotry and distorted view of reality. You and your views are the best tool to fight anti semitism. No doubt you would feel right at home in Nazi Germany walking Jews right up to the furnaces and gas chambers. You’ve been outed !!
“Antisemitic” (definition):
A term endlessly brandished by Israel’s war criminals (& their apologists) with the intention of suppressing all questioning of their long criminal history; lately losing much of its oomph.
“Denial” (definition):
In psychiatry, a defense mechanism in which the existence of unpleasant internal or external realities is denied and kept out of conscious awareness. Embrace the Nazi, fascist bigot that you’ve become and you’re taking the first step to seeing the real world.
Ta da, the mini-Adolph in you is exposed. A holocaust denier…..no surprises and displayed for everyone to see.
Your (phony if any) concern about the slow murder of 500,000 Iraqi children seems entirely typical of you people.
Israel did 9-11 to suck the US & NATO into fighting your cowardly wars for Israel’s take-over of the Mideast because your religion says it’s OK.
— [ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it ]
We’re still in the dark ages, along with the Muslims — we’ve got more advanced technology which allows us to think we behave rationally. Not when it comes to fighting Israel’s “God”-ordained wars.
I don’t often comment on accusations based on fictitious, self serving accounts intended ultimately to cover up bigoted views. I’m guessing that you maintain a VERY low profile in larger social media sites with those perceptions of reality. Good idea, don’t want anyone knowing who you are. People spouting such nonsense are generally referred to their nearest mental health facility, a suggestion I’m certain you’ve heard more than once.
I use my real first & last name EVERY time I post a comment, because I have nothing to hide.
How about you?
(BTW, your “get professional help” genre of Internet insult is second only to invoking Godwin’s Law as a means of justifying Israel’s cowardly false-flag war crimes.)
Amusing and predictable. I wondered how long it would take for you to reference Godwin’s….all in yet another vain attempt to deflect attention from the views you clearly embrace, Herr Pat.
Do you think playing your HitlerCard will continue to excuse your far more serious war crimes until the end of time?
The world is learning the awful truth about you genocidal sociopaths.
No card being played here. That’s your shtick. Reality is not your thing, I get it. So tossing out red herrings to distract from views that are considered reprehensible from any political perspective is your thing !! If you continue however to debate issues absent of fact, you may want to work on your logic a little. Referencing Godwins Law while making statements that support the opposing viewpoint and not refuting it makes Godwins irrelevant. Just one example….I’m here to help.
As I said, red herring for the express purpose of covering up your bigoted views and hatred for Jews. I’m guessing the swastika is a prominently displayed symbol in your home. Since bigots of one group are typically also of another, I’m curious what other people you have the same hate for. Word of advice, repeating the same lie isn’t effective in covering up the bigotry and racism that everyone is able to see.
How you suffer!
Well, we’ve established that you hate Jews and possibly some other minorities, are a self proclaimed 9-11 conspiracy theorist, can fabricate his own data on the fly and finally, are absolutely in love with the word “goyim”. Therapy is definitely in your future.
You Israel trolls roll out your “mental health facility suggestion” for anyone who cites evidence of Israel’s war crimes.
[ Israel Internet troll ]:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Israel+Internet+troll&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
I only suggest it to those who truly are in need of it, hence my suggestion for your well being. As for citing your “evidence”, I’m sure you also have evidence of Big Foot and the LochNess monster but hey, this isn’t fantasy island.
You white-hating Jew supremacists think all you have to do to make yourselves immune to criticism is play you stupid “HolocaustCard.”
As I’ve proven in previous comments here, much of your alleged Holocau$t is BS.
The anti-Semitic, racist circus clown is back to perform for us. I seriously doubt however that there’s any more you can say that will make you look any more foolish than you already have. By all means though, proceed. We shall be entertained.
Here are the cherished words you long to hear:
You poor little abused Jew, how uniquely you suffer, no one has ever suffered like you. Anyone who even dares to question how much you suffer, or what you may have done to bring on your suffering, is an unspeakably horrible person who should be beaten up, imprisoned, or eliminated.
There! Feel better now?
How cute that the little Adolph has a forum for his anti-Semitic and racist rants. Pretty certain you don’t dare post on larger social media sites as they tend to expose bigots like you for everyone to see.
My poor little White-hating Jew-supremacist:
UNLIKE YOU, I’m using my real first & last name, as I always do.
Try to follow along Herr Pat. This is hardly a “larger social media site” , hence my statement that you won’t post on them for the reasons I’ve listed and which your own bigoted statements have confirmed ad nauseum. I guess it is true that you can lead a Nazi horse to water……etc, etc.
Steve (Goldsteinbergwitz?):
I don’t waste my time with “social media” — but I’m available for however big a public event you can arrange for me, where I’ll discuss “antisemitism” (AND antigentilism) with Abraham Foxman or whoever you got.
Of course that is the LAST thing a cowardly white-hating Jewish supremacist like you would want — you’d much rather throw people like me in prison for “hate-speech” — like you do in many Jew-controlled Western countries.
Bingo. As suspected, you don’t do large social media. Too much exposure with those radical, anti-Semitic views. Better to stick with your KKK brothers. Understood. Stay at home, play out your fantasy with your sisters easy bake oven and plastic GI Joe action figures being marched to their fate. Your own private little Nazi reenactment. I’ll leave the symbolism to you.
No amount of lugubrious self-pity ever embarrasses you people, does it?
The only pity here is for a racist bigot who attempts to disguise his hatred behind claims that too much attention is paid to those he hates. Pathetic !!
You self-pitying white-hating Jew supremacists get downright hysterical when you think your nasty Zionist agenda is being exposed.
“‘Greater Israel’ – The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
The Infamous ‘Oded Yinon Plan'”
(Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky)
— [ http://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 ]
(By Israel Shahak, Global Research; November 7, 2015)
My nasty Zionist agenda is to draw out the racist, KKK loving whacko’s for the world to see. Mission accomplished.
That’s your cover story, of course.
Here’s your actual agenda…
Jewish supremacists pretend they have the high moral ground as they endlessly promote open borders for Western countries.
Meanwhile the same Jew lobbies con Western countries into fighting Israel’s shameless wars of aggression against Israel’s neighbors, killing, maiming, torturing, humiliating, and rendering homeless lots of angry embittered Muslims.
The Jew lobbies then demand Western countries (NOT ISRAEL!!) take in all these Muslim refugees. Of course the Jew lobbies knew all along what would result — the West would be destroyed, and the Jewish diaspora in Western countries would flee to Greater Israel — which will by then stretch from the Euphrates to the Nile — courtesy of the same wars Israel instigates.
Meanwhile, Israelis enjoy the spectacle of Christians & Muslims hating & killing each other.
A childish cut and paste straight from the “Junior Nazi Training” archives. Priceless !!! You just keep digging that hole deeper Herr Pat.
Unlike you paid Israel trolls, I compose my own comments.
And I’m calling your bluff — link us to any source where I copy-&-pasted that from.
Go ahead, shyster, where did I get this from:
Jewish supremacists pretend they have the high moral ground as they endlessly promote open borders for Western countries.
Meanwhile the same Jew lobbies con Western countries into fighting Israel’s shameless wars of aggression against Israel’s neighbors, killing, maiming, torturing, humiliating, and rendering homeless lots of angry embittered Muslims.
The Jew lobbies then demand Western countries (NOT ISRAEL!!) take in all these Muslim refugees. Of course the Jew lobbies knew all along what would result — the West would be destroyed, and the Jewish diaspora in Western countries would flee to Greater (“Eretz”) Israel — which will by then stretch from the Euphrates to the Nile — courtesy of the same wars Israel instigates.
Meanwhile, Israelis enjoy the spectacle of Christians & Muslims hating & killing each other.
Come on, liar, show us where I got that from!
You’re so delusional that you don’t realize you’ve just admitted to fabricating (composing) your information to justify your bigotry. And as if that’s not pathetic enough, you’re so wrapped up in your little fascist fantasy world that you don’t recognize sarcasm. You’re a lost little Nazi wishing he had grown up in Hitler’s Germany reading Mein Kampf and goose stepping his way from one classroom indoctrination to another. There’s not enough time in Dr Phil’s schedule to get you through the needed therapy Herr Pat.
Have you noticed that fewer & fewer of us despised goyim still fall for your Holocau$t bogeyman?
We simply know far too much about you now. You really should back off with your over-the-top self pity, but of course you won’t.
You’re far too needy. It really doesn’t become you.
Good grief comrade, do you need walked through the discussion word by word to assist in your comprehension??!! Tossing out one red herring after another will not (repeat not) keep anyone from recognizing the anti-Semitic, racist, KKK loving bigot that you clearly are. If needed, I suggest you pay someone to help you “compose” additional posts. It’s apparent you’re having difficulty keeping up.
Hired Israel trolls:
Have you noticed your AntisemitismCard no longer triggers the automatic sympathy for you that you’ve long since taken for granted?
It never will again. We simply know far too much about you now. For example…
— [ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it ]
Herr Pat, slip on your Hitler Jugend decoder ring, salute the swastika pasted on your wall and come out of the closet by posting your nonsensical drivel on Facebook or Twitter. You’re a sad and amusing combination of a conspiracy theorist, paranoid schizophrenic mixed with a healthy heaping of narcissism. It must be depressing for little Nazi’s like yourself to ramble on about your own private version of Bigfoot when no one bothers to listen.
OK, you win.

Jews are the most victimized innocent virtuous wonderful people ever Chosen by God.
Happy now??
Hold on, I’m collecting on the over/under on the number of times you would use the word goyim in your “composing “.
Good idea.
For those who don’t know, “goyim” is the favorite anti-white racist slur used by White-hating Jews. Example:
The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.
According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said.
— [ http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2010/10/gentiles-exist-only-to-serve-jews-rabbi-ovadia-yosef-says-234.html ]
That must be your second favorite word. I’d bet that over/under money that judenschwein or untermensch are part of your daily discussions with friends frequently.
Anyone reading this can easily see that you hired Israel trolls have no intention of acknowledging your war crimes, or even carrying on an discussion in good faith.
Your job, as always, is to continually try to change the subject away from Israel’s sordid history.
Unfortunately for you, your Terrorist Theocracy of Israel can no longer hide its crimes. But you keep trying anyway, shyster. At least you’re picking up some shekels for your treachery:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=hired+Israel+Internet+trolls&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
Poor little Patrick, you’re the little Nazi bigot that longs for a larger forum to spew his rambling, delusional, schizophrenic jibberish. Problem is that the larger social media sites have tagged you as persona non grata. Ok, achtung everyone. Herr Patrick desires your ear. Proceed Adolph.
To be called “antisemitic” by the likes of you hired apologists for Israel’s war criminals is nothing less than a Badge of Honor.
Thank you!
Well, well……we’ve come to agreement about who and what you are. And that badge, honored by men wearing white hoods and tattooed swastikas is all yours to claim, uh……proudly as you cower in low profile social media sites while babbling incoherent nonsense. Your idol, Herr Hitler would be so proud.
Cowardly hired Israel Internet troll:
I’m always amused when you shysters claim that I’m the one who’s hiding.
UNLIKE you, I NEVER post a comment online without my real first & last name.
As for your weird (& repeated) allegation that I “cower in low profile social media sites”?
Once again, I’m calling your bluff. Link me to the site of your choice, and if they dare let me simply comment there I will.
Call my bluff, shyster.
Herr Patrick, you’re either the biggest embecile in the KKK ranks or you’re as dense as any goose stepping bigot I’ve run across. The social media site I’ve referred to is this one. As I recommended before, hire someone if you need assistance following along. I reiterate that you don’t dare post on larger sites as the backlash to your racist remarks would be public and swift. Remain the little closet Nazi you are but for Petes sakes, get someone to walk you through the comprehension of the posts you read and those you incoherently post yourself.
Hired Israel troll:
You cowards are so accustomed to silencing us goyim by saying the magic words (nazi antisemitic kkk goose-steeping fascist blahblahblah).
Those magic words are rapidly losing their effectiveness.
More & more people world-wide laugh at you when you say that crap.
Get used to it, shyster, we know far too much about you now.
I see you’ve heard that directed your way before. Not surprised !!! I also see you confirmed that you don’t dare post your racist jibberish on larger sites, by your silence (hint little Patrick, not this one). Trying to keep you in the game.
Cowardly hired Israel troll:
I’m still calling your silly bluff.
You link me to whatever you have in mind, and if they don’t censor criticism of Israel, I’ll post a comment.
For example….
Israel created ISIS!
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Israel+created+ISIS%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
I can’t be your surrogate Nazi parent Herr Patrick. Get some 3rd grader to aid in your comprehension. Maybe someone fluent in German might help. You’re a mess dude but I’m here 24/7 to assist in your therapy.
Hired Israel Internet parasite:
Your self-pity no longer works like it used to.
And it never will again.
But you have nothing else to fall back on, so you’ll continue playing your NaziCard until you are the subject of universal amusement.
Same-O, Same-O eh, little Patrick. Let me save you some time on your next “original” post. Start with “hired Israeli troll” followed by referencing some imaginary “bluff”, throw in a “shyster” here and there and oh, don’t forget to toss in a handful of “goyim” references. Got you covered my comprehension challenged little Nazi. You’re much, much more than amusing. You’re an entire theme park of lunatic statements and incoherent thought. Can hardly wait for the next…..I’m on pins and needles.
Golly, how does anyone ever get the idea you are a…
…Hired Israel Internet troll:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Hired+Israel+Internet+troll&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
Knew I forgot something……the grade school cut and paste from the Nazi archives. Thanks for the reminder Herr Patrick.
Hired Israel Internet troll:
Jew war criminals demand that we start another war for Israel, by bombing (even nuking) Iran.
Meanwhile, Israel has lots of nuclear weapons, and Israel actually threatens to use them on Western countries as well as its Arab neighbors.
YES, you, shyster, already know this. Israelis call it their “Samson option”:
— [ http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-at… ]
Oy vey oy oy oy, we hated goyim are all responsible for all your problems. You are the very epitome of the innocent victim. How you suffer!!
“Top Jewish leader claims entire Western world culpable for ‘Holocaust'”:
— [ http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2015/04/top-jewish-leader-claims-entire-western.html ]
Poor little misunderstood Nazi, racist, KKK loving bigot. The world just doesn’t embrace your holocaust views and you feel so alone. Tough being a Nazi narcissist, Ja?
Jewish supremacists pretend they have the high moral ground as they endlessly promote open borders for Western countries.
Meanwhile the same Jew lobbies con Western countries into fighting Israel’s shameless wars of aggression against Israel’s neighbors, killing, maiming, torturing, humiliating, and rendering homeless lots of angry embittered Muslims.
The Jew lobbies then demand Western countries (NOT ISRAEL!!) take in all these Muslim refugees. Of course the Jew lobbies knew all along what would result — the West would be destroyed, and the Jewish diaspora in Western countries would flee to Greater (“Eretz”) Israel — which will by then stretch from the Euphrates to the Nile — courtesy of the same wars Israel instigates.
Meanwhile, Israelis enjoy the spectacle of Christians & Muslims hating & killing each other.
Your anti-semitism certainly does feed a wild imagination. Sheesh !!!
The Zionist strategy for white genocide does indeed sound like “wild imagination” and I didn’t believe it until I looked at “antisemitic” sources and saw PLENTY of evidence.
One (of countless) example:
Zionist US Ex-General:
“Thank God for ISIS…
We’ll be in Middle East forever to protect Israel”:
— [ http://nonalignedmedia.com/2015/12/zionist-us-ex-general-thank-god-for-isis-well-be-in-middle-east-forever-to-protect-israel/ ]
(Brandon Martinez; December 15, 2015)
You’re like a Nazi Charlie Brown……plenty of talk but no one listens and all anyone hears is Wah, Wah, Wah. And add shyster to your top ten. So pathetically predictable.
Oy vey oy vey oy vey! How you suffer!
The officially-approved version of the Holocaust is the Word of God — and therefore the only historical event which must NEVER be questioned!
Furthermore, $$$ HUNDREDS of BILLIONS $$$ in further “reparations” are at stake here.
Also, the goyim must continue to be spooked into fighting Greater Israel’s Mideastern wars for territorial conquest. To that end many more “New Hitlers” have yet to be revealed, and they must all be “regime changed”! But “New Hitlers” won’t sufficiently spook the goyim if the Original Hitler loses his spookiness.
Therefore, NO questioning of the Holocau$t is to be permitted!
— [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFhNVEQfOAg ]
Lucy, Charlie is rambling incoherently again.
Yes, and I’m sure you spotted Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster and Elvis in a 57 Caddy at a Vegas drive-in. You’re a one man show. We just need to get you a marquee.
You are obviously a hired Israel Internet troll:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Israel+Internet+troll&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
As we see, you trolls are trained to make asinine insinuations that criticizing your white-hating Israel lobby is equivalent to believing nonsense.
And Big Foot, Elvis sightings, & the Loch Ness monster pop up regularly in your online trolling — apparently you hired Israel trolls have to use that dimwit script your superiors hand you.
Good grief, look at your idiotic, infantile posts that you continue to hide from larger social media. You’re a pariah and not even accepted by the radical left. Those examples are perfect for your points of view.
The Jewish State (aka “Israel”) actually pays you Jew trolls to post your amusingly self-pitying comments online:
— [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rAOlIwRV724 ]
Wah, wah, wah “Karl” Brown. Pathetic.
“Spitting on Goyim in the Holy Land”:
— [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddGKqOeDygE ]
“Orthodox Jews spit on ‘immodest’ 8 year old girl”:
— [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt6-geYwguk ]
Nazi :goyim”, KKK charter member and “Cat in the Hat” co author……your imagination and self indulgence is showing.
I am a highly sophisticated intellectual.
How DARE you address me is such a fashion!
Your combination of delusion and paranoia is beyond help. I have no doubt you sit in front of the mirror every morning and spew the same fabricated, anti-Semitic, KKK embracing ideology to an applause of one. You’re sick Herr Patrick, own it.
Israel hires you “hasbara” (aka trolls) to represent it.
Do you have any idea how childish you sound? Is this really what your superiors expect of you?
Pathetic. So your argument is that if noone demonstrates to you that what you say is untrue, therefore it must be true. Your ignorance has no limit. Do you need a demonstration that grabbing a live electrical wire is a really bad idea?? If so, be my guest. I’ll wait patiently for your next response.
This is who you obviously are:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=ISRAEL+INTERNET+TROLL&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
As we see, you Israel trolls are instructed to assume false identities, especially gentile-sounding identities.
Understandably, we don’t believe your assumed identity.
White-hating Jew supremacist:
As you request:
“Sandy Hook” hoax “Veterans Today”:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Sandy+Hook%22+hoax+%22Veterans+Today%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
Hey, did you hear the one about the Jew soap & Jew lampshades?
— http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.527623 ]
Look! The bigot called someone ELSE a bigot!!!! Amusing!
Sideshow Bob, professional troll. Order of logic for Bobby to go please……
Generic insult that’s been used by EVERY cookie cutter on this message board, observation that even an idiot could make. Rambling, improperly punctuated phrase containing a variation of my user name that literally just trails off.
Can’t help you out Sideshow if you’re going to confirm your ignorance with every post. Referring to a twelve word post as rambling and commenting on improper phrasing while placing caps on words in all your posts doesn’t help your cause. I would also suggest leaving out the “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA” which is featured prominently in many of your responses. You just come off looking juvenile. That is accurate of course but let others figure that out for themselves without your help.
Stevey boy, when intelligent people read this exchange between you and I, there will be no doubt in anybody’s mind who the juvenile one is. Thanks for bein’ you!! Smooches!
Yeah, there’s meaning alright. It screams for professional help. I see the juvenile reference has upset you terribly. And Sideshow, there is no exchange. There’s only you spewing mindless babble and making futile attempts at humor to cover up a lack of any substance in his posts and my merciful efforts to get you that help. What you really need is Dr.Phil but I believe he may be booked.
You think I’m upset? You’re even more out of touch with this conversation than I initially believed. You must have a fairly limited vocabulary, as you appear to use the same words and phrases ad nauseum.
You’re losing it Sideshow. Limited vocabulary, same words and phrases (ie….BWAHAHAHAHAH), reading and rephrasing other posters comments. Yeah, I recognized a good deal of your response had been rephrased and reused. Priceless !!
I would like to see you cite your sources. Find these original comments that I supposedly “rephrased and reused.” Please. I’ll wait. Post copies of the comments and their original posters.
You see, Steve. Doing that would take a LOT more work than I’m willing to put towards a simple little man like you, who can’t even see the screen in front of him.
You are taking “dense” to a whole new level there Bob. Most of these I’ve referred to are from my own responses to another poster with some rephrasing. Did you think it wouldn’t be recognized ??
Still waiting for sources, Steve. Oh, wait, I forgot – you’re a christian and a republican – “source” doesn’t even translate to your language. I’m waiting.
Good grief, go back and read my last post. I cited the source and you again have confirmed that dense is an accurate adjective in any discussion you’re a part of. As for “source not translating to your language”……..uh yeah and ice cream doesn’t have bones…..makes more sense than that comment.
No, you didn’t. I know this because I have plagiarized nothing and the source does not exist. Why don’t you go back to reading your grown up fairy tales and polishing your gun?
More incoherent jibberish. “No you didn’t?” Such an impressive counter argument , how can I hope to recover?
I don’t need anything else, you blithering idiot. You have made false accusations against me in a vain attempt to distract from the fact that you have no argument. Then you have provided no sources for any of your claims. I don’t NEED a counter argument.
That’s precisely what I’d expect a babbling, plagiarizing, mindless puppet to say. Mission accomplished, you’ve been outed….again.
No one’s been “outed.” Steve. Well, possibly your complete detachment from reality. You seem to me like a man who would march unarmed into the enemy’s camp and declare that you’ve beaten them, right before they turn their guns on you and open fire.
Either contribute some substantive points to this discussion or move on Sideshow. I’ve kept you in the game to this point but if your best response continues to be “BWAHAHAHAHAH”, you’re going to come off looking like a bigger fool than you have already.
Contribute to what, Steve? You aren’t having a discussion or argument. You’re just dancing around any argument by making absurd claims that you can’t back up. Perhaps when your comments WARRANT more than a “BWAHAHAHA,” you’ll receive more.
Contribute to what, you ask? Here, I’ll copy and paste the response since you apparently aren’t able to absorb what you read. “Contribute some substantive points TO THIS DISCUSSION”. You’ve confirmed my point you dimwit. You aren’t even able to recall the point of the discussion.
How about you give me the bullet points. I’m not able to understand your mental language. I have to go away for a few days and hit myself in the head with a hammer a couple of times so I can better relate to you.
So all you do is troll little boy, eh? Like this sincere poster Steve who called you out and the thousands of others.
Your personality disorder is screaming! Your shaky sense of self is on FULL display!
Steve – sincere!?!?! Bwahahahaha. The man has the intellect of a 6th grader.
And you should probably think up something new, buddy. You’re starting to make me yawn.
Btw – how’s banning me going? You’ve been avoiding the topic ever since you threatened to ban me over a week ago. Never happened. I guess you’re just a noisy mutt.
Also, I AM the game.
Yeah, if the game were CLUE, as in you need to get one.
5 times!
That’s how many different people have used that EXACT same “clever” response. That’s how original you are. Bwahahahahahaha.
Bargain Bob is a complete stalker, troll boy with a screaming personality disorder! I’ve put him in his place on various occasions and diagnosed him!
Couldn’t agree more. I’ve recommended that he get professional help but he’s been resistant so far…..and I’m not sure there’s many psychotherapists willing to take on a hopeless case.
I actually was/am a therapist, but have worked in healthcare management for the last 9 years. I did give him some of my thoughts about why he trolled and also recommended help for him.
I think it’s a safe bet he didn’t take your advice. I’ve seen his posts on other discussions and he seems more intent on hit and run tactics than actually engaging on the issue.
OK, you win.
Jews are the most victimized innocent virtuous wonderful people ever Chosen by God.
Happy now??
6 trillion jews died in German camps.
It was real in my mind…
Hey, if a Jew says it was real in his mind, that’s all it takes:
“Holocaust Hoax –
Herman Rosenblat Responds to Controversy”:
— [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqHcY9Ee2g4 ]
— (The Truth Will Get You Banned, Jul 31, 2011)
If this comment weren’t so vicious, it would be comedic. Ignorance is funny until it turns into vicious animal bites. And, the NAZIs were put down like the rabid dogs they were.
Oh, puhleeze. No doubt you think Buchenwald was a relaxation salon. Slavery has been in existence since day two of the human race. Currently, blacks in Africa, the ME and Asians practice it.
You gotta get out more.
Remember: “arbeit macht frei”.
An old Jewish saying, right?
——– Original message ——–From: Disqus Date:11/25/2015 5:11 AM (GMT-06:00) To: spook01@comcast.net Subject: Re: Comment on Eyes Wide Open at the Protest Settings
A new comment was posted on dartmouthreview
Pat Kittle
— [ https://www.google.com/search?… ]
(Don’t stop at Wikipedia!)
— [ https://www.google.com/search?… ]
6:11 a.m., Wednesday Nov. 25 | Other comments by Pat Kittle
Reply to Pat Kittle
Pat Kittle’s comment is in reply to Jose Alverez:
If this comment weren’t so vicious, it would be comedic. Ignorance is funny until it turns into vicious animal bites. And, the NAZIs were … Read more
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“Jose Alvarez” — your reply is far more typical of the white-hating Jewish Internet trolls who call themselves “hasbara” than it is of a person with a Hispanic name like “Jose Alvarez.”
Of course we know Israel’s hasbara are instructed to assume false identities if they choose:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Israel+Internet+troll&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
What an interestingly bizarre reply. I was unaware of the term, but at my next Puerto Rican Jewish white hating cocktail party, when we phone into Jewish hq for instructions I’ll put it on speaker so everyone can hear. Jeez. .how do you manage to exist in such a weird world?
I figured that silly tripe went out with the drug addled hitler!
——– Original message ——–From: Disqus Date:11/25/2015 12:11 PM (GMT-06:00) To: spook01@comcast.net Subject: Re: Comment on Eyes Wide Open at the Protest Settings
A new comment was posted on dartmouthreview
Pat Kittle
“Jose Alvarez” — your reply is far more typical of the white-hating Jewish Internet trolls who call themselves “hasbara” than it is of a person with a Hispanic name like “Jose Alvarez.” Of course we know Israel’s hasbara are instructed to assume false identities if they choose: — [ https://www.google.com/search?… ]
1:11 p.m., Wednesday Nov. 25 | Other comments by Pat Kittle
Reply to Pat Kittle
Pat Kittle’s comment is in reply to Jose Alverez:
Oh, puhleeze. No doubt you think Buchenwald was a relaxation salon. Slavery has been in existence since day two of the human race. Currently, blacks … Read more
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Want to see something really scary?
The quest for “Eretz Israel” is largely responsible for all these wretched Mideastern wars:
— [ http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/israel/greater-israel-maps.htm ]
So how many refugees is the so-called “Holocaust Museum” demanding that Israel take?
— [ http://www.jta.org/2015/11/20/news-opinion/politics/us-holocaust-museum-dont-turn-away-syrian-refugees ]
Took a lot of work, yes?And they did a LOT/ of damage before it got done, true?
Very true.
Don’t forget the Ukrainian Holocaust in which 10,000,000 Christians died in the famine caused by the Jewish Communists.
i know your probably a blm agitator, but really, try to stay in the present.
Awww. Poor NZI GERMANY! If only those weevil Jews hadn’t tried to defend themselves, everything would have been just peachy-keen!
When an international foreign ethnic group singles out a nation that wants to be free of their decadent influence and is willing to cause a world war against that single nation then that powerful ethnic group shouldn’t cry “persecution” as it has hundreds of times from as many nations it has been expelled from in the past.
Or in your Wordz… Dem poo Jooz… Dey aint never done nuthin’ wrong. Well they sure as hell did when they created and ran the first few decades of the Soviet Union murdering millions of Christians decades before the National Socialists were elected into office in Germany. Yeah! Germany heard the screams of the Jewish victims from across her borders.
The non black version of The Talk by Jarod Taylor should be shared.
This is what a ‘moby’ troll looks like.
He doesn’t even get the guy’s name right.
He really is one. Good call I was reading his timeline, he isn’t even American. Uses the word “Moslem” and “puff” in high volume. That is a Brit thing. Never heard an American use the word puff, or that spelling. Good call, these false flag trolls trick me often.
Are the Chinese really teaching POW’s marxism in prison camps? #wedontwinanymore
I don’t know if they are now. I don’t know if they still have POW camps. I am relating an experience that he had in 1949-1951. At that time, reeducation and indoctrination were part of the Chinese Prison Camp experience. We have a couple of artifacts that he kept from his time there. First is a menu and guest list from a formal dinner in Nanking, before it was taken by the Communists. The second item is the blanket he had in the camps. He always said that those blankets were life for the prisoners. There were always more prisoners than blankets. If you did not have one, you froze to death.
Interesting point. I guess I do see the connection between Chinese POW camps during the Korean War and these “thugs”…
There were soldiers who willingly converted to communism in the camps Most made their way back to the USA but some stated 25 30 +years
But my understanding is that those guys were mostly draftees taken during the Korean War. My Father-in-Law was actually taken before the war, when the Communists overran Nanking.
One British and twenty-three American soldiers voluntarily stayed behind in Korea. They got indoctrinated. It is why the military created Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape training and instituted the Code of Conduct that guides the actions of personnel when they become POWs.
Six articles to follow of the Code of Conduct for Members of the United States Armed Forces
I: I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
II: I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
III: If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
IV: If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.
V: When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.
VI: I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
Sociologist Joseph Biderman did a study on communist coercive methods of management to identify the techniques so that we could develop a resistance strategy.
The Biderman Principles:
Self-induced debilitation
Monopoly of perception
Enforcing trivial demands
No they are eliminating people who don’t share their views. ANd that is exactly what the left in this nation is trying to do in a more sublte way.
So what you’re saying is that those of us who don’t hold a thug-like view of the world will be eliminated?
When you tolerate totalitarianism, you get slavery as a reward.
Careful pls, off subject and target. The only issue is the value parents and students put on a 250K to 300K education. I am sure the administration’s failure to prove anything like leadership will not diminish the value (certainly not the cost) of a Dartmouth, Ivy League education. “#Intellectual pursuits matter”
I hope you called the president and threatened him will pulling your child and filing suit. I would get together with other parents and do just that. Make it very clear to the administrators that they had better grow a spine and make it clear to the blm terrorists that they will be expelled if they partake in this type of harassment, assault, and denying the other students, their right to feel safe, and that Their Freedoms are kept in tact.
I did not, because my son asked me not to. It is his feeling that much of the administration supports the activists, either out of fear or sympathy. Any complaint on my part could result in more specific and possibly violent reprisals against him. He wants to focus on his studies and avoid distractions. I personally hate the situation and circumstances. It is my instinct to defend my child, and I am not at all afraid to do so. Nevertheless, my son has learned an important lesson in all of this.
understood. i’m not in your shoes. but i would talk to Harry Kinne, Dir. Safety and tell him how you feel and state you are afraid to give your name and Why! I spoke with him and I don’t think he would dismiss you. Also, as Safety Dir., he should understand why you may not want to identify. But even if you did, I guarantee you, he would not be able to expose your son, and that info would be highly confidential. Your son, and all of the white students should not have to live in fear. Or have Their rights abused. Good luck.
Thank you for the advice and information. I will discuss this with my son, and see what we decide. In some ways, I am learning from him, because I would probably escalate the situation if I were in his shoes. He is able to remain calm and focused through all of this, and not from a position of weakness or fear. We lived in Japan for much of his childhood, and he spent more than a decade totally immersed in Kendo and Aikido. But he really is about nonviolence and avoiding confrontation. Also, he managed to keep his grades up during all of this.
However, when we get funding calls from the school, my current response is to laugh and hang up the phone. i encourage other parents and alumni to do the same.
And NOTHING will happen there because the President of the USA is half black and he supports his people doing this kind of thing. Your Dean and staff are AFRAID of this SCUM
yeah who is that fool??? obviously not someone who deals in reality.
best thing as someone surrounded by liberal fascism,, is to keep silent, otherwise, you might become the nxext target
best to eotk behind the scenes, far far behind the scenees. For instacne, taell people you are voting for whatever, even pollsters, but vote for truimp whne it matter.
Destroy the aparaturs whcih has allowed thiese cyclrs of using and manipulating black epoepl;.
They need to remember QUEENS TRUMP SPADES
I don’t know if I’ve ever been more confused in my life.
It is a Clinton/Gore sticker if that was confusing you. The post also confused me, but I haven’t figured that out yet.
Hes a racist, gay hating, RWNJ troll.
He is a troll, but he is a false flag troll on the left. He is also from the UK. Not even American. Checkout how his timeline.
No. Ive seen him at other websites claiming its the Democrats who are the real racists .
In other words, hes a typical racist, gay hating, RWNJ troll.
How many Americans do you know that use the word “puff” and “Moslem”?
Dude, don’t bother arguing with this guy. You can tell he hasn’t been laid in years.
Now THAT was funny.
He also posts that he is gay. Why do you believe that to be false and all the rest to be true?
Believe what you wish.
Isn’t that what you are doing? Why do you think he is lying about being gay and nothing else? Try to form a response that rises above emoting.
I believe you are wrong.
Hes a RWNJ.
Which you obviously are too.
Imho, Randists are total loons.
What do you dislike about that essay? Please try to form an argument instead of emoting all over yourself again.
F off you Randist troll.
Im not here to play your silly RWNJ games.
Asking what you disagree with in response to a post is a silly game? There really is no possibility of debate with the new child like left. You guys keep proving you are incapable of thought.
Who the F said I’m interested in “debating” with you?
I’m happy to simply point out that youre a liar, a racist and a
despicable Randist dumbazz.
Another troll. Don’t you have better things to do with your life my anti Semite friend? Got some power to the politicians rally or something along those lines going on?
You came to me John Galt.
Again and again and again.
And its very humorous seeing a sexist, white supremacist troll, with no connection to Dartmouth whatsoever btw, calling someone named Horowitz, an anti-semite.
You don’t seem qualified for Ivy league level banter, old sport.
Why dont you head back to Stormfront.net, where you actually belong.
What on earth are you blathering about? I was talking only about her essay on racism.
Lol… Don’t like slurs hurled out you without any basis? Pot, meet kettle.
Ive read your past comments.
Back to Stormfront with you John Galt!
Another content free post. How consistent.
Im not here to what you want me to do.
Im here to point out what Ive found out about you from reading your comments.
End of story.
lol…need a safe space?
F no, you racist piece of shite.
I enjoy putting my foot up your azz.
Oh. A keyboard warrior to boot. Nice.
saldrá cobarde, y adios
I hate racists and your karmic reward and payment is gonna be harsh and hard, John Galt.
Id stay off the streets if I was you.
I don’t live in a town run by the left, so as you can imagine the streets here are pretty safe. Why does your side run all of the most dangerous places in America?
You can’t hide from what you deserve.
They will find you Galt, they will find you
Adelante is the kind of liberal loon who is so biased they cannot see reality,..
Adelante,.. do you also think that democrats and minorities cant be racist??? FYI, there is as much racism on the left and in minorities as there is on the right and with whites,…
My last comment actually said the complete opposite .
But unlike you ya Randist racist nutcase, Im fair and honest ’bout these things.
of course you are fair,. you assume and insult from the start to all,..
those who tend to call others racists,… tend to be bigots themselves,.. but thanks for trying to label me as a racist without proof,.. typical liberal,.. someone doesn’t agree,.. call them a racist
After I saw you go a wee bit nutter, I read some of your past comments.
Youre a racist looney.
Im a Clintonite, I sure a heck KNOW about false accusations of racism. (2008?)
But again, I read your words. You are a racist nutter.
Anywho, all you Randists are loco. Blame it on that!
LOL, exactly how am I a racist looney,.. because I criticize Obama???
That must be it,.. for you liberals call anyone racist who disagrees,..
but seriously,.. quote me on one thing that shows I am racist,.. dare ya
If you took all your energy and passion, and applied it to your studies, you too would be successful, instead of an angry outcast child.
She wins in a walk.
Boo Hoo.
Tell your story to Sista Souljah, Clinton Boy. But tell it walking, please.
We did in 92.
Helped win us the presidency the first time.
Why do you even bother?
To my great surprise it turns out that Stormfront is a more reliable source than the (almost entirely Jewish) “mainstream” media.
No wonder White-hating Jewish supremacists are so determined to keep us from seeing anything but their own point of view.
“To my great surprise it turns out that Stormfront is a more reliable source than the (almost entirely Jewish) “mainstream” media.”
Now THAT is the funniest comment ive ever read on the intertubes – ever.
You sir, as they say, have WON the internet for the day.
Way to be Adolph. Memorable stuff.
You have a good laugh, but some of us do not think Jewish atrocities are hilarious:
— [ http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-atrocities-folder.html ]
nazi moron go off yourself .
Zionist war criminals will be held accountable.
What will your excuse be when the time comes?
“I was just following orders!”
nazi moron go off yourself .
You used to be able to shut us up simply by playing your NaziCard.
That doesn’t work anymore — we know far too much about you now.
What a psycho dumbazz.
Get yourself out of the gene pool pronto you traitorous waste of life.
White-hating Jewish supremacist:
Don’t you wish you could “off” me yourself?
Im English /Irish Catholic you loser wacko.
And yes.
Dem Dems are real big on hating the Jews.
Yeah what is with that? I was on HuffPo the other day and they couldn’t stop blaming ISIS on the Jews/Israel, in addition to America
[ Israel created ISIS ]:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Israel+created+ISIS&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
You’re a great spokesperson for Hillary. Keep it up.
Especially the profanity, that always wins hearts and minds.
Boo Hoo.
Sorry dummy, you are NOT doing politics when you come here.
Not one vote will be won or changed on ANY of these comment pages.
You are simply wasting your time insulting strangers , just as I am.
I only go after sexists, bigots and slandering dikcheads.
Dont like it?
Too bad.
I find you amusing. I wonder what Hillary would think?
That I was seriously wasting every second I spent here telling you people the real truth.
Perhaps she could make you her National Spokesperson. Your talent should find its fullest scope.
Not interested .
Im a behind the scenes guy.
I enjoy skullduggery and anonymity .
Yeah, that liberty and freedom thing really sucks, right
Quite the opposite.
We Clintonites have been fighting – and beating – you proto-fascist RWNJs for over 20 years.
If you dont like the Clintons coming back to 1600 –
Oh look, a willy.
Your “team” are not only openly insane lunatics but are racist hate-mongers for real. I don’t see white people hurling sexist and racist insults at students at any historically black university campus, do you?
Those people sure as shite arent on Team Clinton .
They’ll back them once Race-monger Sharpton goes and kisses Hitlery on the lips.
Doubt it, but Ill be ok with it if they do.
But doubt it.
And btw, lots of those protesting BLM foolish kids are white as rice.
Morons abound and idiocy knows no skin color.
Look all of you. He is a guy who tries to stir things up, but without the knowledge to back it up. He seems to be interested in reasoning, but unable to do so.
The clue is in the user name. “Big gay Steve”. Gays trump Africanized Americans. I think he’s trolling.
Hes just another RWNJ trolling.
Uh, posting history says otherwise. But nice try.
Hes just another RWNJ trolling. But nice try.
You are clearly illiterate.
Yeah, most of us Ivy League types seem that way to you nitwits.
Its like dogs and high octane whistling.
You miss a lot dontcha Bubba?
English, motherfuc*er, do you speak it?
She wins in a walk.
Boo Hoo.
Forgot to take your medication today, I see.
How original.
She wins in a walk.
Bernie Sanders for President!
You just don’t like Bernie. It’s fine, he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but even less people can tolerate that shrill bitch, Hitlery Clintoon.
Its really not too early to begin your emigration plans…
To Vermont? Why, you kicking that hateful den of redneck hicks out of the union?
I am the “Queen of Spades” Steve. Please don’t bring Trump into this.
Students need to file complaints, first a complaint for assault and harassment with the college, and then a discrimination complaint with the Department of Education when it does nothing. furnish copies of the complaints to someone like the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. This will be very useful in showing that campus disciplinary policies are biased and that the federal government itself is biased, which should be useful in future court cases.
I’m surprised the protesters even found the library.
I agree but it’s a shame; I think the problem with a lot of these protesters is that they have no idea what physical violence feels like. Their parents probably never even whacked them on the bum as children. Let them experience a taste of fleeting but real physical pain in retaliation for their outrageous harassment and intimidation and I’m sure their ranks will very quickly dissipate. Probably not worth going to jail and/or being expelled for, for most students, but still…I would love to see it happen, just once.
Exactly. Record their antics and have them prosecuted. Living in the area, it can’t be that hard to track them down. Expose them all. Prosecute the ones that break the law and pressure the university to apply their speech and behavior codes to EVERYONE. Identifying the participants is the first, crucial step.
really people? who’s upvoting the townie?
I wish this type of conviction was present from non-minorities for the mistreatment/killing by law enforcement and issues that plague the minority community. We “rally to defend” when someone is yelled at and can’t study, but are oblivious and mute when black bodies are being killed around our nation. I’ve seen more ppl come out to support those that were “disturbed” during the protest than when lives were being lost. The measure of some issues we in this nation care about are very troubling and saddening. The lives of animal seem to be more important than that of Blacks.
There do need to be some changes but these are the facts. “Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks”. More unarmed whites were killed than unarmed blacks. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/21/police-kill-more-whites-than-blacks-but-minority-d/?page=all
well let’s rally together then! What were the outcomes of these killings legally? Proportionally more blacks have been killed let’s definitely not try to shape the statistics here.
Dartmouth did not serve you well; that’s obvious. If you think you are “logical” you do not even know the meaning of the word.
lol, brother, you’re really wasting your time here.
You man not add context to them, its much easier to hide what statistics mean when you ignore those.
Whites make up 77.4% of the population Blacks 13.2%.. That’s ~246.8million whites and ~42.1million blacks. Now if we break that down even further: 0.00000871% whites killed 0.00002684% blacks killed. Come on now, I know you know better than to read an article with statistics without digesting and analyzing. More blacks have been killed proportionately so don’t try to throw out numbers without doing your research. #FactsOnly
Amazing — you mysteriously forgot to cite the statistics that proportionately BLACKS COMMIT MORE CRIMES! That’s called lying by omission, and you’ll have to find a much more stupid audience than here to buy into your nonsense.
Oh Leah, I’ll save the prison and criminal system discussion for another day so that you can research and examine that a large population of blacks that are incarcerated are b/c of drug related offenses, meanwhile their white counterparts are not caught selling prescription drugs, marijuana, cocaine, etc. I can guarantee you that up at the college of the hill and those other institutions white counterparts are selling/using these same substances but 1) don’t get caught 2) are not in the public(corner) selling hear substances 3) are hiding in their condos, beach houses, and friends house doing these sorts of things while their parents are totally oblivious & out of the loop. So let’s not go there. I bet if there was a nation/school-wide drug test more whites would fail and higher percentages for “hard” substances.
Blacks also commit more murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, etc. Are the white people just not being apprehended for those crimes also?
And it’s too bad that white drug users are generally too smart to buy, sell and use on the street corner. How dare they try to hide criminal behavior because blacks in general don’t!
Like you, I support black use of drugs and make excuses for it.
I think if we freed more of these animals instead of taking care of them in cages we would get only modestly more murders in the black community. A small price to pay for their freedom!
I see why your claim to fame is your logic.
Good grief, what pap. More blacks are killed because more blacks are involved in crime, percentage-wise. And the gap is enormous.
So are you agreeing or disagreeing with Mr. Cooper Greene’s original comment?
OMFG, you are annoyingly stupid. I’m white, butt white, I’ve been harassed by cops, arrested, thought one was gonna shoot me by the side of the road. You think bad experiences with coos are a black only experience??? You are a moron. Look, Latinos make up 12% of prison population which is statistically even with gen pop, right? Yet they are the oppressed , according to you, as well yet they are not disproportionately represented in prison. Care to explain that? Blacks commit more crimes because they are more likely to be raised in a single parent home, poor, and uneducated which, I can only guess, is why they take stupid risks like street corner drug dealing which is uniquely black. In Chicago you got thousands wounded in black south side, right? They aren’t oppressed by whites, shot by whites right? Instead they are shot by blacks over drugs… Take ownership of that. Whites don’t do that, we dont lure 9 yr olds down alley’s and execute them to get to his daddy. You want to blame whites for your problems, get real, all Americans are handed free education, benefits if you are poor, the opportunity for higher education but here is the key, its up to the individual to do what they want with those opportunities. I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, it does and its a 2 way street and as many blacks as whites are racists.
Use your “logic” and look around you are here, safe, versus anywhere else in the world. No beheadings here, or slavery, or real oppression. Look at Africa, it is ruled like the ghettos are, right? You have a strong man and eternal war against their enemies, kind of like the bloods and crips, right? Hell, they still practice slavery, hell they sold us your ancestors.
If blacks are so oppressed why are there more blacks in college today than in prison? Why are blacks allowed to be cops, politicians, President, doctors, lawyers or whatever? You can be made over a small percentage of real racists, but you are not entitled to make shit up like we are all racists and you are oppressed. You left wing lunatics have lost your God damned minds and are making shit up. Eventually you’ll go too far, perhaps already, and I’ll enjoy watching the backlash. Oh, for the love of God, Mike Brown wasn’t surrendering, he attacked the cop and that’s not just the cops story that is the DOJ’s story so stop lying about it. Life is hard no matter what color you are that’s just a fact, sorry, get used to it.
Wow, that’s circular.
Good grief, is this an instance of logic as taught in college these days? Mr. “I’m Logical” suggests there is something racist about a higher proportion of blacks being killed than whites. This difference is not evidence of racism at all, It is evidence of how high crime rates are among blacks, resulting in more black victims of black on black crime. This reality is statistically overwhelming. It is laughable to see it misused as it was here.
Yeah, and the blacks are murdered by other blacks. Left that little factoid out didn’t you?
Roughly 90% of blacks are killed by other blacks in what is essentially tribal warfare. Blacks are about 6 times more likely to commit violent crimes that whites.
Black crime apologists will twist this to say that crime is a byproduct of poverty, which (of course) is a byproduct of the fact that whitey holds them down.
But here’s the plain and simple fact: roughly 73% of blacks are born out of wedlock today – by far the highest rate of any ethnic/racial group. Statistics are clear that, regardless of race, having no father in the picture brings a whole slew of problems for kids – including increased incidence of poverty, (and hence crime, drug use, lack of education, etc.)
So rather than acknowledge that the choices being made by blacks TODAY (not 150 years ago) are directly leading to the very things they are railing against, they scream at people trying to get some work done.
There’s a lot of money to be made in racial huckstering and shakedowns, and Reverend Jesse and Reverend Al aren’t getting any younger, you know.
Blacks are responsible for 70% of the violent crime committed in this country. See the FBI statistics for confirmation. Oh, and blacks have 18% of the government jobs, they being the employers of last resort. This is a polite way of saying blacks have difficulty cutting it in the private sector for reasons that are obvious.
Blacks commit all crimes at 3 to 8 times their percentage of the population. This includes white collar crimes also.
Facts have this tricky thing called context. I have seen your numbers before and what they lack is context. Of WHITES who have been in contact with police for CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, specifically felonies, the use of lethal means by cops is higher than it is for black in the same circumstance. You cant use general population numbers to represent a specific population. Thats a false comparison meant for political slant.
Not that the left’s rhetoric on this same topic isn’t rife with this same fallacious rhetoric, but using absolute numbers paints a dishonest picture.
Considering that blacks and whites are 12% and 73% of the population respectively, your stats mean that a black person is more than three times as likely to be shot by a police officer.
I disagree. Considering blacks, according BLM, come into contact with cops way more than whites. Therefore, that would mean fewer interactions with cops and white people end with a higher death rate. The whole argument is stupid since we can all agree cops do a hard job, but it doesn’t excuse excessive use of force. Even with unarmed people dying it is still a very small number in proportion to police interactions with civilians on an annual basis. Do as police say and odds are you will be fine, I know this from experience.
No one is mute about actual black bodies being killed, unless it is those who are mute about the vast majority of those bodies NOT killed by police. In any case, Dartmouth students are not responsible for murders taking place far from their campus and you have no claim against them at all. Like vigilante mobs everywhere, your self-righteousness is leading you to disasters you need to pull back from for your own as well as everyone else’s sake.
I am merely here to insert my minority opinion that doesn’t seem to be and is not represented in this forum for the sake of opening eyes and engaging in discussion. What’s frustrating to those who share similar opinions is the belief and almost certainty that nothing “we” say will be ingested, respected, nor acknowledged. As a minority, former student-athlete, Greek affiliated student of Dartmouth who has countless friends that are black, white, Asian, native, international etc. I can speak from an experience of where I’ve grown to understand the struggle of not only my ancestors, but my peers as well. As you can see, I am the only one displaying such opinions on this page (most likely because of the type of forum this is). Anyways, I would encourage everyone to have honest discussions with their coworker’s , relatives, and children about race relations in America. I doubt the sentiments that are expressed on this page would leave the mouths of those in a room full of minorities or a workplace where such people are present. Whatever the case may be you must understand that we are already coming from centuries of being disadvantaged, being segregated, being called every name in the boom, being lynched, being taunted, mocked, not allowed to read, forced to work on plantations and fields without any pay, separated from our families, whipped, all in the name of America while benefactors strove for exonomic gain and power. While they used our free labor to build this nation in which we still feel the remnants of that oppression. How many generations can black families attribute to having a college graduate when they weren’t allowed to read. while I write many of you are probably telling your spouses and children how there is this “crazy, dumb, minority” on this feed. When you do look back and digest all I have expressed I hope that you do it honestly, unbiased, and challenge your way of thinking.
Dartmouth Alum – Logic
Maybe if you stopped being angry about things that never happened to you, like working a plantation, whippings, etc. and focused on what is happening in the here and now, there could be civil discourse. What do you think they accomplished by insulting/ threatening people in the library? All it says to me, like Ferguson’s burning/looting, is that you’d be crazy to want them in your school, your neighborhood, your company because they don’t know how to act like civilized beings and they won’t let people around them live in peace.
I have two question for you? 1) were you at the protest 2) have you interviewed both sides to get accurate accounts of the story?
You must not live in Chicago.
Have you? I confirmed some of what the people in the library experienced through talking with some of my students’ friends. A person who left the protest when things “started to turn ugly” wrote about it on the Tab.
What I heard is that even if only 10 people of the group of 150 protesters did this, all of you stood by and let it happen or applauded it–you let your fellow students be treated as less than human because “some tears (yours) matter more.” That is the hallmark of narcissism at best, racism, and at worst sociopathy.
Then you waltz into this forum and act like treating other humans as mere objects in your quest to attain social justice is no big deal. That your lofty goals excuse all bad behavior, or make it “unimportant.” That’s called being morally corrupt.
Guess what ALL human beings are valuable in and of themselves, not for how they fit into your plans for your protest and media attention-seeking. Not for what their ancestors did or didn’t do. But for their own unique characters.
And instead of conceding that not all the protesters behaved ethically, you defend them from criticism. Oh, and when ethical and moral people who actually have character question this–don’t you know –we’re all racist.
When’s the last time you sat down with someone who had opposite views to you and just listened, without forcing your agenda on them? Did you interview all the students who were verbally harassed? Because the ones I talked to sure don’t remember talking to you.
You said that extremely well.
NONE OF THOSE ATROCITIES YOU CITE OVER THE CENTURIES EVER HAPPENED TO YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW. Although a good whipping from your parents once in a while might have helped you. You are not crazy, you are brainwashed. You are blaming others’ reaction to your skin color for all of your own faults and deficiencies. You are LUCKY your ancestors got here, however they got here. You owe them a debt that can never be repaid because otherwise you would be living in some African armpit. They would most likely be ashamed of the asses that you and other black racists are making of yourselves.
99% of the “black bodies being killed around our nation” are killed by blacks. You need to deal with that before screaming at white people you don’t even know. You and the BLM crew are bringing NO ONE to your side with those tactics; in fact, you are alienating more and more people every day.
You ma’am are truly uninformed. You should take some history and African American studies courses offered at Dartmouth, you may learn a thing or two.
Why don’t you tell me where I’m uninformed? And Dartmouth is the only place I can go for American history? You are a joke.
Lies wrapped in pretty words and degrees are still lies.
Why should she? you certainly didn’t learn anything about how to treat other people from those classes.
Throw a sociology course in there as well.
America wouldn’t be what it is today without Africans #FACTS!
That’s a myth, the benefits of the short period of time when slaves existed in the US are way, way overstated by the Afro-centric view of history. But it’s good that you can believe it.
You said it, brother. Imagine a world with less crime, drugs, poverty and illiteracy!
You’re right. It would be an incredibly better place.
Thats a fact were reminded of everyday with long commute times, ruined city’s,crime,wasted educational time and money,and all the rest too bad couldn’t we just import the music like the Japenese and leave the problems to the USA
Not those ones. Their grandparents–in some cases now great-grandparents–knew what struggle and oppression really was and always carried themselves with dignity. They were much braver than these kids now. They must be spinning in their graves to see what some people have done with the better lives they risked, and in some cases suffered, death to give them.
The massive destruction wrought by the Civil War on the South and the elimination of cotton as a predominantly US export due to the civil war eliminated any advantage incurred by slavery. Your claim is based on nothing but supposition contradicted by facts. Fact is very few people owned slaves. Even fewer people owned a lot of slaves. Fact the economic impact of slaves was predominantly only supporting the cotton trade and southern gentry – neither of which survived the Civil War. State or cite a fact that supports your statement. #FACTS arent something you can just claim exist.
you’re smart
Please explain how calling people “filthy white f**ks” and “filthy white b*tch” advances your lofty cause
Maybe it’s because most people realize that when you say you want “honest discussions” about “race relations in America” most people realize that is the last thing you want.
do me a favor and try to have an honest discussion over the next week.
“How many generations can black families attribute to having a college graduate when they weren’t allowed to read.”
But now they are, and the Library is the perfect place to do it. But the choice was made to be a disruption instead of grabbing a book.
“who has countless friends that are black, white, Asian, native, international etc.”
And would you talk to them the way these protestors talked to the other students at the library? I bet if you did, they wouldn’t be your friends for long.
You should get a refund from Dartmouth. Slavery is still practiced in large parts of Africa and Asia. It is perhaps the oldest and vilest human practice. Your ancestors’ enslavement was no different than any other. Even the word slave comes from “Slav” where slavic peoples were used as slaves by the Romans. At one point in history, Dublin, Ireland was the largest slave trading port in the world. No blacks there. Get on with your life. You will change no hearts and minds with your resentments and there is no administrative remedy for what ails you. Try prayer for a change. We all need more prayer.
“Get on with your life. You will change no hearts and minds with your resentments and there is no administrative remedy for what ails you.”
That’s basically saying, “Pull your pants up, turn your hat around, and get a job.”
Look at how many screechy white leftists and pinkos could never face that, who dedicated the rest of their lives to yelling ‘fire!’ in crowded rooms because they couldn’t leave behind the glowing memories of being paid attention to for their cheap grandstanding and empty sophistry back in Collitch. Why should it be any different for the more melanin-rch variants of ther pathogen? Except that the merest glance at behavior and crime statistics indicates that this type of campus-commie is distressingly prone to subhuman violence.
“On Planet Earth, Afro crime is high. Period. It is high in their homeland, Africa. It is high in countries to which they migrate that were colonizers. It is high in countries to which they migrate that were not colonizers. It is high in countries to which they migrate that were slavers. It is high in countries to which they migrate that were not slavers. It is high nearly everywhere they are found on this third rock from the sun.”
Um….learn ya history!…..dawg.
So you must be a helot ? Held in captivity by other greeks some 3000 years ago ? Captured by Persians and sold maybe ? Or perhaps enslaved by romans (italians) 2000 years ago ? Or by ottomans (muslims ) anytime within the last 800 years . I am not sure how greeks experienced slavery in the USA though .
Given a golden opportunity to get an Ivy League education so many African American students would rather whine about imaginary “institutional racism” than put their nose to the grindstone and study. It’s so sad and backwards. And when they get to the real world they find that their naivete costs them. Everyone of all races faces challenges and difficult experiences in college but to keep viewing these experiences through the myopic lens of race can leave one caught in an alternate reality that does not exist.
None of the people targeted did those things, and none of the people protesting experienced them. Can you understand the side that innocent people are not going to feel guilty for something they did not do? Do you feel guilty for actions committed by members of your race? Of course not.
Fantastic that you posted. It is the epitome of left wing teacher’s lounge mentality. As has been said, the left seeks different points of view, but then are shocked and outraged when they discover there is another point of view. Talking down to people who utilize common sense as a means of survival and success while providing a rational for those who refuse to do such is very telling.
I doubt the sentiments that are expressed on this page would leave the mouths of those in a room full of minorities or a workplace where such people are present.
Real tough guy with the media, the government and knock-kneed Academia standing behind you, ready to swat down the first badwhite to show defiance.
Except that the fact is: blacks seek out whites to live and work among because they know they will be perfectly safe….just not wanted. As opposed to their own neighborhoods, where murder is a daily occurrence and sudden, violent death is always a diss away. Which is why they’re not wanted, wherever they arrive in any significant numbers.
It’s my observation that the BLM crowd are upper-middle-class and rich-kid blacks being handed their one opportunity in life to front like they’s field niggaz, and live the Tarantino fantasy of violent defiance – before returning to being the tray-carrying, impeccably-mannered and comfortably-affluent house niggaz they were raised (in suburbia) to be. That’s why this is useless college-kid noise and nonsense. If you didn’t realize that when the BLM tweets equating the Paris atrocities to insensitive e-mails from professors (with the distinction that their own suffering is far far worse) began appearing on the 14th, then forget college – you could use a high-school refresher, heavy on the remedial reading.
Um, no.
There are no honest discussions in the workplace because HR would summarily fire any white person criticizing blacks. You can’t have an honest discussion with black people because they won’t have it. They will go straight to calling you a racist. That’s why so many white people avoid serious discussions with blacks and segregate themselves from them in gated communities.
Lives of animals ARE more important when niggers act worse than the animals!!
Logical? Possibly.
But ignorant for damn sure. The real scandal is black brutality to whites, about which you probably know nada (but you’d know about in excruciating detail if the racial roles were reversed, e.g. in the following cases):
Read those and then STFU.
Excellent point. Since black gun homicide deaths form the majority of gun homicides in the US, 90+% of them perpetrated by black shooters, should we all remain oblivious to that? Why isn’t BlackLivesMatter protesting the black gang -bangers who are the most prolific killers of blacks? Discuss among yourselves.
Except what you describe does not exist. There is no oppression; systemic or individual, of black people in this country. If anything, blacks currently are the most pampered and spoiled race that has ever existed in this country; probably any country in recorded civilization.
Do we have/had a black president, first lady, attorney general, surgeon general, etc…?
Lots of whites are shot by police too…just don’t see it in the news. Try working in a hospital…you see it all.
Disrupting people who are studying/reviewing for exams, no matter what one’s cause may be, imho, is totally inexcusable, and brings little or no sympathy from other people. The chances are that I, too would be supportive and sympathetic with the students who were being yelled at, etc., while trying to study/review for exams. Those kind of tactics are egregious, they go too far, and will not help your cause, on the long run.
shhh townie
That’s not peaceful protesting………THAT’S ASSAULT!!!!!
Racist crying racism while being racist. I love it when ignorant people, BLM, out themselves as hypocrites.
White kids need to step up and defend themselves.
Punch back twice as hard and these malodorous windbags will slink away
I love white tears.
If you love any color tears, you are a sick sociopath.
You don’t know truth and I’m sure YOUR tears are delicious. Let’s see some.
when you are done crying I’ll let you lick the bottom of my shoe.
Well, don’t enjoy them too much; remember tears in the eyes don’t obscure the vision enough to stop someone’s fist from making contact with your ugly face. Then it’ll be you sobbing like a little girl.
Dear God, so you fight injustices by intimidating others and devaluing them just as you feel devalued? De-evolution being witnessed here, folks.
racist piece of shit :/
In my days in college, this would never have happened. Why? Because we would have decked these aholes if they had bothered us. They know whites have been wussified into feeling guilty and not fighting back.
As I have worked with blacks all these years, most of them have been great to be around and work with. Most of the jerks have been white males and females. I know that the overwhelming majority of blacks are of good character and good intentions. But they must put an end to these Al Sharpton blood suckers and these racist blacks and hustlers who are trying to divide us as Americans. They should start with repudiating Obama.
Ah the people who cannot learn punish the people that can, want to, and will learn. Like the story of the dog in the manger, look it up if you don’t know what it is about. Anyway, that dog is what these STUPID PEOPLE are like.
Dogs are wonderful beings.
Please leave them out of this.
If you think that blacks can commit “hate crimes” you’re still quite naive about this whole “movement”.
ur really dumb
Another way to make as statement is to log the days that protestors like BLM interfered with your Dartmouth education. Then when your Dartmouth tuition bill comes, prorate it to remove the days where your education investments were disrupted. And refuse to pay for those lost days. That should get Hanlon’s attention.
This by no means was a peaceful demonstration. Why is there not a call for the protesters to be expelled from Dartmouth. This is nothing more than another step forward with the reverse racism that is embedded into our society.
Basic lesson:you don’t have to take fascist bull from anybody, so don’t volunteer!
niggers are to stupid for words
You say that, but most the ‘protesters’ were rich white kids.
And, in a sane world, those race traitors would be hung alongside these black insurrectionists.
That’s a great point – but it does make the whole bullying aspect look even worsel
Why wasn’t security or police called while this was occurring? Did the library workers attempt to stop these students?
I’m guessing some parents of white kids are not going to want to send their kids to this school.
With disappointingly few exceptions, librarians are dogmatic liberals (or perhaps more accurately, democrats). The ideological conformity is laughed off as a bit of an inside joke within the profession. They also are not trained in crowd control, security or public safety. Don’t expect a librarian to step in to restore order.
Don’t expect anyone to stand up to a mob, by herself.
They probably had no idea what to do as blacks never entered the library before.
The most frightening thing is the DNC passed a resolution in August supporting this hate group.
Obama is a black militant radical connected to Bill Ayers. Are you really that shocked?
Obama’s not even the next goddamned thing to a Leftist or Socialist. Look at how many wars he’s gotten us into at once since taking office, escalating, expanding and extending our involvement with Afghanistan, and authorizing more drone systems, and screwing us out of a Single Payer Health care reform system that entailed Universal Healthcare/Medicare for all Americans, not to mention parroting AIPAC;s lines the minute that Obama took office.
Yeah, look for that to be memoryholed.
Its like none of them saw the video of the liquor store robbery beat down of the Asian clerk with all the hands up witnesses, 10 min before Gentle Mike was shot.
He wasn’t beat down. He was forcibly intimidated.
When the “druggy mom and thug attack cop” video shown on drudge got edited 27 times with curse words edited with silence it became “cop shoots van filled with kids” on lame stream
First of all, the convenience store owner WAS physically strong-armed by Michael Brown.
Secondly, even if that hadn’t been the case, being forcibly intimidated is bad enough, with or without a subsequent beating.
It is strong arm robbery. Still, the facts are facts and I like to keep it factual. Thanks for agreeing with me, even in a contradictory way.
As a registered Democrat, that really bothered me. Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait until after the 2016 elections when the Dems will lose just about every constest they possibly can lose, and then maybe they will start rethinking their idea that the fringe is actually their “base.”
Of course, I registered as a Democrat after the Republican made that mistake over a decade ago. We need a centrist party. I’m not really a centrist, but we need balance.
Which is why we need to elect Trump. He’ll get rid of political correctness, the intimidation, the shakedowns, and the witch hunts that accompany them. And there will be more jobs for Americans not illegals or foreign workers. Obozo is doubling down now and Clinton would triple down if elected.
Trump is a bad joke, he can’t control his own mouth let alone a whole country…he’d be as big a disaster as Obozo or Hillary….critical thinking people….
The new racism isn’t about what someone does to them it’s about what someone won’t do for them.
Except we do do for them, over and over. Remember Chuck D of Public Enemy? He said, it takes a nation of millions to hold us down! No, dummy. It takes a nation of millions to prop your worthless arses UP. And are we ever sick to death of it.
Black lies matter.
This is what happens when you indoctrinate students into Marxist conflict theory. You can’t incessantly push critical theory, critical race theory, etc and then not have that rub off on impressionable students. Then again, maybe that was the intention all along.
The sixties radicals became tenured professors. Now they mass produce young Maoists who’ll relentlessly lash out at “capitalism/patriarchy/classism/white supremacy/etc.” No pretext is too trifling or trivial, from imaginary “microaggressions” to benevolent Halloween costumes. Anything and everything becomes an excuse to denounce the system.
America is well on its way to becoming another South Africa, with a mass of aggrieved, radicalized nonwhites convincing themselves than an ever-shrinking white minority population is the reason for all their problems. American liberal useful idiocy made third world decay an inevitability, and the barbarians responsible for it will brutalize us all the way down.
Wait — you are saying apartheid in South Africa was a mass self-deception by blacks? I think you should drop out of critical theory and take some history classes.
I’m saying that it was a first world country before, and now it is third world. It was a respectable, ideal tourist destination before, and now it’s a no go zone. I’m saying the separation of third world people from first world people guarantees economic prosperity and favorable living conditions, even if people are morally outraged by the tactics used to achieve that.
Why not have one half prosperous, and one half less so, instead of making the entire country into a dump?
Fantastic comments, five. For those who would be interested in reading five’s points elaborated on by a South African author, you should Google the 2002 easy, “Warning For Americans – A Message From A South African”.
Here’s more explanations regarding blacks.
Your first sentence tells us everything we need to know about your mentality. South Africa was a first world country for whom? Are you suggesting the effects of apartheid in South Africa disappeared in less than 30 years?
There are no “effects of apartheid” that’s what I’m suggesting. I’m saying apartheid was a convenient excuse.
If blacks were capable of creating a first world society from scratch, they would have done so by now. First world existence wasn’t “denied” to black South Africans – they weren’t capable of creating it on their own. They never have been, they never will be.
All of the native blacks to South Africa got killed off by bantus trying to get closer to the benefits of being around whites. Johannesburg went from a 1st world nuclear power, to a 3rd world cesspool with erratic power/water. During apartheid the biggest problem was illegal immigration from places blacks lived worse
president of Zambia Michael Sata said
“We want the Chinese to leave and the old colonial rulers to return. They exploited our natural recourses too, but at least they took good care of us.
They built schools, taught us their language and brought us British civilization. At least western capitalism has a human face; the Chinese are only out to exploit us.”
The ‘deep seated racism at Dartmouth’ is not with white students.
This is nothing short of pushing the boundaries of mob rule. It is a breeding ground for those adept at whipping a mob into violent action, of those willing all too willing to abandon rational thought and join, and conditioning of those willing to submit out of fear and “guilt” (more accurately, cowardice).
If black lives matter, why aren’t these people marching through the halls of Congress and condemning an immigration policy that hurts blacks the most?
Because latinos are smarter than blacks and willing to ethnically cleanse them as seen in Harlem and Compton. One of those jobs Americans wont do.
Ignorance is not a virtue, my friend. Latinos are not a race.
Neither were the Irish, under that logic.
Blacks have really been played as useful idiots by latinos. Latinos have jumped on the civil rights wagon while doing very little. Once they gain enough demographic numbers, they’ll dump blacks like hot potatoes and then you’ll see a real ugly side to racial identity politics with latinos wanting more free stuff for “their people” at the expense of others. Even more so than before.
I have had Hispanic ex boyfriends back when I believed in equality. When they say they will have to be careful and obey laws to avoid being profiled they seriously believe they shouldn’t have to obey laws if no one is watching.
I assume the mentally ill people responsible for this will be punished. Oh wait…I forgot we don’t do that. Instead we coddle them and support their literal insanity.
I thought that this racial discontent was finished when the Messiah was inaugurated in 2009? Guess not.
This sort of thing did not happen when Bush was president.
Or when Clinton was President, for that matter.
How is this any different from fascism? Your college is proving the political right in this country absolutely correct – event prescient. Shame on everyone involved in this. Safe space – where art thou now?
…”their brutal tactics could never overshadow the basic justice of their cause.”
Seriously? Oh, the evils done in the name of “basic justice.”
It also engages in the assumption that the “cause” is legitimate. Dylan Roof had a “cause”, too. Pretty much the same cause as these people, to use the term loosely.
You equate murdering 9 people with yelling profanity?
If you gleaned that from my post, you should really approach the idea of some remedial reading comprehension classes.
A mom should never have to fear for her sons life every time he loots a liquor store.
The Ku Klux thought their version of justice was “basic”.
Your University allowed this. Your University sat idly by as this transgression occurred. The only racism on the Dartmouth campus was exhibited by B.L.M., and even still. you dare not call them out on it. Utter failure on every level.
Yes apparently Dartmouth students cannot celebrate fiesta but they can assault other students.
I agree totally, in my case my child will never grace that campus. I can’t imagine intelligent parents paying for their kids to be in the middle of this garbage…
Preferential admission, expenses paid to chase their soft balls around a field, taking non-existent classes or having others take tests and write papers for them. Life is tough.
Looks like the Terrible Twos are running the day care. Playwright David Mamet had them pegged in his book back in 2011:
What is Liberal Education? It has become indoctrination in aggressive Identity Politics, a schooling, that is, in the practice of indictment, assault, exclusion, and contempt, all of which contradicts the statement of Universal Humanity upon which all its education “ideology” rests.
But here was my question: On leaving the university, what would these
Young Stalinists do? Who would pay them to bravely proclaim, “That’s
not funny?” In what society could they live?
They were and are children of privilege… the privilege taught,
learned, and imbibed, in a “liberal arts education” is the privilege
to indict. These children have, in the main, never worked, learned to
obey, command, construct, amend, or complete – to actually contribute
to the society. They have learned to be shrill, and that their
indictment, on the economy, on sex, on race, on the environment,
though based on no experience other than hearsay, must trump any
discourse, let alone opposition. It occurred to me that I had seen
this behavior elsewhere, where it was called “a developmental
— David Mamet, The Secret Knowledge, 2011
Where’s Super Nanny when you need her?
A great book from the mind of a great writer (whose latest play, alas, is not great at all).
Correct. I saw it.
Where’s the video? Everyone has smart phones, surely someone filmed this. Get it on YouTube — a video speaks a millions words.
Well I know for a fact that certain places that are friendly to BLM are censoring the videos, reddit specifically. Cant explain away the obvious hypocrisy and outrageous bullshit so better hide it and not mention it i guess
video on Mediaite
Drudge has it.
Drudge’s video doesn’t show any of the alleged pushing or racial insults.
There were multiple eyewitnesses to the behavior reported in this article, whether it was caught on video or not. When most normal people are frightened, their first instinct is to freeze or take flight, not to whip out their cell phone and videotape the events.
Were you there? But you admit that if the reports are true, those who assaulted and bullied should be expelled and prosecuted? Why would the witnesses lie, however? Btw, pretty sure that Dartmouth has security recordings. And pretty sure other law abiding students have videos. The woman shouting into the face of a student “do you agree black lives matter” is an assault and violation of Title IX and the university’s policies prohibiting harassment. The students flowing into a library and shouting and disrupting is a violation of the university policies. All should be expelled. All. Period.
Saying it’s an “assault” to ask “do you agree black lives matter” is an insult to everybody who has actually been assaulted.
I agree with nothing you say.
“But you admit that if the reports are true, those who assaulted and bullied should be expelled and prosecuted?”
You’re asking me a question?!?!? OMG STOP ASSAULTING ME.
Youtube purges videos like that. Several police department youtube channels have been banned for showing too much black on Asian/white crime. Look at the site WHITE GIRL BLEED A LOT for videos that would never last on youtube.
HOW CAN YOU ALLOW THIS??????????????????
I’ve got an AP student getting ready to go to college… THIS CANNOT stand. It just CAN’T.
I suggest that you choose the university very carefully and with your eyes wide open.
My coworker’s son goes to MIZZOU, and she asked me today if she should be talking to him about transferring…he has told her his friends (including minority friends) think the whole thing is ridiculous and it’s getting in the way of his schooling, with all of the cancelled classes last week.
I can say this. Raise your child to be an independent thinker, that looks at the facts and makes non-emotional judgement. They have to have a thick skin and be strong in his/her convictions or positions – even if they don’t agree with whatever movements are occurring.
From a historical perspective, I am really having a hard time seeing systemic racism on college campuses. We can’t have taken so many steps back in the last decade(s). The fact that none of these campus movements can point to specific examples, but yet they keep getting more vocal and emboldened is troubling to me.
Our list is getting shorter for my bright elementary student. We have a good 8 years before we start looking at universities–but I will be watching over the coming years and encouraging independent critical thought.
The activists are malcontents. They want to imitate the civil rights heroes of old, but all the legal injustices are gone now. They are screaming louder and louder about less and less. They live in a Golden Age, and are complaining about how yellow everything looks.
The best comparison I heard was that they are like reenactors. Where middle aged white guys might reenact Civil War battles, these folks reenact 1960s Civil Rights protests, except that the lynch mobs and police with fire hoses are long gone.
But the racist attitudes of those forming the lynch mobs are still with us.
But which side is angrily screaming racist remarks? If the White students were part of the ongoing systemic racism, they would not be passively sitting there while being screamed at. Can you imagine how hard it is for a parent like me to tell his son to avoid areas of campus where the mobs are, to never look them in the eye or engage them in any way? That is the kind of shit that parents of Black children had to tell their kids in Birmingham and Selma in the 60s. I suppose it would be some twisted kind of payback, but we never had anything to do with any of that crap. We were not here.
So what?
It is like complaining that greed is still with us.
” They live in a Golden Age, and are complaining about how yellow everything looks.”
Good one.
Primitive savage apes. They all should be back in the Congo with bones through their noses. Digging in the mud for insects to eat.
The desire to side with self-described victims is rooted in a spirit of charity. . . .is terribly misguided. Identity politics can NEVER lead to unity.
So, you have evidence of racial attacks, which are defined as HATE CRIMES Federally, yet no announcement from Dartmouth about the Perps who did this?
Am I to assume that Blacks cannot be guilty of a Federal CRIME and protected by colleges?
Say it isn’t so. Because if so, then that College is aiding and abetting CRIMINALS
These protesters are the actual real racists..
The sad part of this is, is that the White students who are the victims of this have been so NEUTERED by the very colleges they attend, that they think standing up for themselves would be a ‘racist’. I expect nothing less from a generation where Men are just BOYS with diplomas.
White man have become so defeated and sad, no wonder groups like this run over them
The white-hating Jewish “mainstream” media continually demoralize the hated white Gentiles:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=white-hating+Jewish+supremacist+mainstream+media&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
I suspect that these children are going to have a tough time in the real world, which doesn’t care much for their fake outrage.
I don’t understand who Black Lives Matter thinks they are persuading with these tactics. They are either using some powerful reverse psychology, or they are some very stupid people.
This is a real test of Dartmouth. Either they have these people arrested, or they forfeit any legitimacy as an institution. For all the horse hockey in this day and time about bullying and how awful that is, here we have it for real. These kids in the library studying are there doing what Dartmouth students are supposed to do and for which their parents pay thousands of dollars to enable. I guess we’ll just have to see.
Does anyone else see a similarity between this group and the German Brownshirts in the 20s and early 30s before the night of the long knifes?
Brownshirts at least had a good reason.
Under Title IX, the University must investigate and take action (expulsion) against those who engaged in this hate mob crime. Must. Students who were terrorized or otherwise assaulted should file a formal complaint
How come they don’t get aggressive in areas where concealed carry of firearms is legal? hahahahaha
Everyone who participated in writing this disgusting and racist column needs to be immediately dismissed from the Dartmouth Review and possibly even expelled.
Dartmouth has no room for the haters who wrote this.
So says the racist troll. Free speech is only for the thugs. Right?
Why don’t you explain what is racist about this review? Can you?
It’s not my job to educate you on Social Justice. Educate yourself.
But here’s a couple of points b/c I’m feeling generous.
1. Another example of white media ignoring BLM protests unless there is something they can spin as “blacks getting uppity”.
2. Discounting Black and Brown Pain
3. It’s riddled with racist “Dog Whistles” (blacks are loud, violent, etc)
Where was the comment about “uppity?” And I didn’t realize that shouting, threatening, and physical attacks were considered “uppity.” Also did not realize that shouting, assaults, and threats were symptoms of “Black and Brown Pain.” And what were they so “pained” about? The article didn’t say that “blacks are loud, violent, etc”. Rather, it said that the punks violating the law were loud, violent, etc. Guess the authors should have lied and described the kumba ya moments shared by the loud and violent punks and those quiet young men and women whose only crimes were attempts to study in the library on a Friday night.
These people are in way over their heads at a place like Dartmouth, and desperately need to blame their predictable failure on anyone but themselves.
So they adopt obvious bully tactics while playing victim. Why not? It usually works for them.
That’s right!
Free speech is not intended for privileged Whites!
Are the names of the people who protested and pushed students public? If you are proud of what you are protesting, you will have no problem putting your name out.
Future historians will look back on this Age of Political Correctness (of which BLM is a part) and shake their heads the way we look back on the Salem Witch Trials and shake our heads.
Terroristic BLM protestors will only be viewed honestly only if they and their fellow travelers do not prevail because history is written by the victors. If those with cultural Marxist leanings do prevail, and since most college issued history books are written by history professors with Marxist leanings, future generations will be taught that Black Lives Matters activists used peaceful methods against the evil white racists who tried to deprive them of their civil rights.
Long term it won’t go anywhere because their ideas are wrong. The question is how long will it go on. My own guess, based on things I’ve read about the past, is that it will continue until something undeniably bad happens. Then people will start drifting away. Without large numbers of supporters the small core group will start advocating violence. A few seemingly committed members will abandon them. Then you will have a very small number of true believers. They will hang on as long as they can, but at that point they will be irrelevant to the larger society which will mostly view them as curiosities.
Still, I keep asking myself how outrageous must they get before mainstream writers and politicians start distancing themselves.
Oh, yeah, and I say this as a fifty year old mild mannered liberal who’s never found herself on the opposite side of a “civil rights” group before.
Do you really think these kids are just one incident away from “snapping out of it”? You speak as if its just a passing fad — like bell bottoms or the hoola hoop or something — and not the result of the first generation in U.S. history that has been steeped in the roiling stew pot of Leftism from K-12, and then on into college.
You have misunderstood what I’ve said, and probably in no small part because the violence of the seventies radical movements has been all but forgotten by history. When I say seventies, I’m not talking about bell bottoms and hula hoops but Weatherman, the Black Liberation Army, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Family and many others, violent dangerous people who espoused radical leftist ideologies.
They started out as a part of broader student protest movements. In fact, when you mention “the roiling stew pot of Leftism” they’re the ones who brought it about. We’re seeing the next generation in a chain of left wing ideologies that are directly connected.
So, it is my prediction that these movements are likely to follow a similar path. I don’t think that they’re one incident away from “snapping out of it.” They’re more likely to fall away little by little, but I don’t think we’ve reached the peak yet anyway. An example would be the article “I was proud to be part of last nights protest until it turned ugly.” (Links don’t show for some reason.)
If you really think this is a serious issue, you should go back and read about this so you can argue effectively.
A highly informative book, by the way: Days of Rage
I’ve been hearing of this novel concept people refer to as “studying instead of whining” in college campuses. Could anyone enlighten me the meaning of this concept?
OK even for me, this sounds >really< exaggerated. It's too perfect. We're talking about people who feel oppressed by racial microaggressions who cling to "safe spaces" lest they break into anxiety.
I can see it going too far and yea in the video they were acting like punks just out to mob and harass a library but I don't see the spine it would take to "pin someone against a wall" and gang up cussing people out to their face. That's too much credit in the absence of a safety net like security.
They save that for Twitter & Facebook, where they're safe from repercussions. I'm calling BS on the claims of actual physical violence.
F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “F*** you and your comfort!” “F*** you, you racist s***!”
These shouted epithets were the first indication that many students had of the coming storm. The sign-wielding, obscenity-shouting protesters proceeded through the usually quiet backwaters of the library. They surged first through first-floor Berry, then up the stairs to the normally undisturbed floors of the building, before coming back down to the ground floor of Novack.” None of the claims in this article seemed to borne about by any evidence. I watched the video and nobody touches anybody, there is no profanity, there’s no police reports, no named witnesses, nor even any anonymous quotes to back up the sensationalist assertions in this dubious article.
The video was a snapshot of the entire mob scene. Witnesses are describing the thuggish assaults and the university likely has security recordings. Disgusting — even the snapshot on the video. Disgusting ignorant bullies.
There are no witnesses. There aren’t even anonymous quotes. Journalism requires sources, not third person omniscient proclamations.
Where does this information come from? Journalism requires sources. That’s pretty basic, right?
Just ask yourself — have you ever hear a Black use obscenities or anti-white racist slurs?
No, of course you haven’t — why? Because that would be racist and only Whites can be racist.
I’ve been called racial epithets but journalism requires sources. It’s just not acceptable, ever to make a report using passive voice third person omniscient tense. Do you understand what that means?
Do any of these Ivy League Blacks?
Besides the fact that you dismiss the difficulties of being a marginalized person in a society that tries its best to ignore you, you also talk about these people like they’re orcs storming Helms Deep. If you want anyone to take you seriously as an objective publication, portray events objectively and don’t just spew vitriol about people you don’t like or understand.
If you are a student at Dartmouth you are most certainly not marginalized. Spoiled, self-centered, privileged, entitled, thin-skinned, and, if you believe the world is filled with racist bogeymen, paranoiac may be fit descriptors. But not marginalized.
So what does the University plan to do about the assault and battery and the hate crimes that occurred during these protests? We all know for sure what would happen if a group of whites did what these idiots did.
I don’t know whether it’s metaphysically true about forces in the universe at large, but it seems a timeless truth among humans that our enemies tend to define us. It might just be the fact that when engaging our enemies, we wind up on a battlefield together and are sort of strong-armed into adopting a lot of the same tactics, all in the name of defending ourselves. Even if precisely what we’re fighting against is the injustice of our enemies’ tactics.
And so it goes, even with movements against racism.
How many times have racists marched through the library shouting obscenities at and shoving blacks?
The incidents the BLM complain about are fictions, as we continue to learn. If the current climate of racism is fictitious it must be concluded that much of what we are taught about the ‘Civil Right Era’ is likewise fictitious. More than one prominent black voice has told us that Trayvon Martin is Medgar Evers. Mike Brown is Emmett Till. They are the experts. But if Trayvon Martin is Medgar Evers then Medgar Evers is Trayvon Martin. Therefore it is obvious that these tragic giants of yesteryear were violent thugs, petty criminals and quite justifiably shot in the commission of their final act of gratuitous violence. The events above endorse that conclusion. No? Well, give it a couple weeks. Forward.
This wasn’t a protest. It was something far uglier–a rehearsal for a racist pogrom. Where were the campus police? Why weren’t any of the protestors arrested? Will any of the protestor students be expelled? Alumni, parents, the Trustees, and the remaining rational faculty should demand answers to these questions.
Oh the police are too sacred if they as much as touch someone the racial lynch mob will descend and ruin their lives.
#whitelivesmatter Whites/People of Mostly European Descent MUST stand up to the ceaseless white-bashing.
Get back to us when the bashing has gone on for 400 years or so.
It does not matter how long the bashing has been taking place. Even one second is one second too many.
It’s time for conservative students to step up to the plate and stop hiding in the shadows. The Administration must condemn this Black Lives Matter protest in the loudest and clearest terms possible. We should be focusing on the rights of the students who were studying in the library–their rights were trampled upon. They were bullied, assaulted, and were subjected to racist attacks from some of the BLM members. Where is the outcry? Students do not have a right to assault other students. The thugs should be forcibly ejected next time, arrested, or expelled.
This is so sad. College should be the place where minds open and interact without judgment or hatred. Black Lives Matter is an important movement that should not be marred by the actions of protesters who diminish its perception and legitimacy. A library is not a place to protest, and racial denigration has no place in a protest demanding racial tolerance and understanding. BLM is creating an environment counter to their purpose.
Will the Dartmouth Board of Trustees and the Senior Administration take the appropriate legal action to shut down this type of behavior before it gets out of hand? Or will they wimp out as did the Administrations at Yale, the University of Missouri and Claremont College? I was Chairman of the ANTI-discrimination Committee at my Dartmouth fraternity in the 50s (seeking to change the National’s discriminatory policies or go local, the latter being eventually done), but I must say this kind of behavior by blacks is challenging my lack of racial prejudice. Dartmouth Board and Administration, it is time to stand tall and deal with this outrageous behavior! Look to Mitch Daniels at Purdue University for an example of the leadership required in these circumstances. J. William Petty
Parents of current students agree. Please email the Board of Trustees, Hanlon, and Provost Dever with your displeasure over this as we are doing.
It doesn’t take much to challenge your “lack of” racial prejudice, huh? Unless I’m mistaken, all black people did not march into the campus library.
It depends upon how you define “much”. Is legal assault on other students “much”? Or legal assault and battery on a female student “much”? I think both are “very much”. And both are illegal criminal acts deserving appropriate punishment. These extreme violations DO change attitudes. The perpetrators need to keep that backlash in mind. Black Lives Matter – of course they do. But no more than lives of whites, reds, browns, yellows – all lives matter! What is wrong with these black students? They WANTED to come to Dartmouth. They COMPETED to come to Dartmouth Now they are going to trash it? I’m reminded of my Marine Corps Drill Instructor who said when anyone griped about their treatment at Parris Island – “Shut Up. You volunteered!”. How about we send all these black protesters to Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, SC? That would straighten them out in short order!
Hate Crime Charges will be pressed against the Black Criminals when?
Dartmouth students have more self control than I…….no one took a swing at these savages?
Like so many other universities, Dartmouth is collapsing in
upon itself with obsessive efforts to saturate its campus with equality,
diversity, and justice. Dartmouth, if I’m not mistaken, was actually one of the
first universities in the nation to offer a ‘Black Lives Matter’ class. American
universities are the most liberal, democratic, egalitarian places in the United
States. They are by their very nature, some of the safest places for minorities
in the nation. They are filled with young people who constitute the least
racist generation in U.S. history.
Why then are these privileged students going off on these racists rants? Make
no mistake, if they are going to Dartmouth, they are privileged – if they are assaulting
a defenseless girl trying to study while screaming in her face, ‘you filthy
white b***h’ – they are racist. How can these children of privilege claim that
they are being terrorized (maybe they should spend a summer in Syria to
experience terror first hand). Why don’t they go find some real racists to yell at (I guess that wouldn’t be very safe).
I guess the quickest way for them to find a real racist to berate, would be to
yell into a mirror.
Blacklivesmatter is Afroturf a extension of the old Occupy Movement Funded by George Soros to cause Civil unrest and backed by Obama , #Mizzuo losers are the same , fake poop swastikas stories to force a Black radical agenda on a mostly white campus . Now a local School district near me is in trouble by the ACLU for not having enough black educators and white guilt classes . This is a coordinated attack by our leftist leader before he leaves office .
Oppressed or marginalized students at Dartmouth? Dartmouth? I wish I could be so oppressed that I would be forced to attend Dartmouth. Where do I sign up for this kind of oppression?
It really should be becoming obvious to everyone that the problem isn’t racism, it’s the mythology of racism. For decades, the media has loved to tell stories of racism; for decades, liberals have never heard a racism story they didn’t believe. This has fallen onto a very receptive audience of black communities, who find that being oppressed lends them a certain cachet…not to mention a convenient excuse to not take responsibility for whatever is wrong in their lives.
This is a tragic feedback loop. And it’s time to stop trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We keep trying to bend farther over backwards hoping that maybe maybe maybe black people will finally start to like us, and in response, we see black people getting angrier and angrier over smaller and smaller grievances. We need to stand up and say ‘enough’.
Expel every protester now.
Racism is a myth? So the racist comments I see on this thread don’t exist?
Talk about racism — anti-White racism not only exists but it’s widespread, and many anti-White racists even deny there could be such a thing as anti-White racism.
Now THAT is racism!
If the culture is so oppressive to these thugs, why are they there?
all yall white ppl are racist. yall bout to get turnt
Careful man…do you have any idea how fast white people can get organized?
Elaborate on the evolutionary significance of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Thanks for posting article – this is journalism – hopefully not a lot of negative pressure.
This is stupid. These punks will graduate with useless degrees and huge student loans unable to find meaningful employment. Bunch of losers.
Giving into them at the U of M only made things worse. These racists have no desire for peace. I’m really glad they are targeting the very people that have supported them in the past. The rooster has come home to roost.
Wait, so this group is against racism, harassment, racial epithets, profiling, etc and to “protest” they do all of those things to innocent students?
Dartmouth, where are the assault charges, harassment charges, racism charges? To stand idly by in the face of obvious racism towards whites is unforgivable. Either we are truly equals or we are not. Decide NOW.
Typical Marxist, progressive tactic. Project upon you enemy that which you yourself are guilty of.
I can understand at their very base was a desire to make others feel as they have felt. This gives them a sense of power and control in what must feel like a situation where they have none, but it does not make them relatable or their actions just. This does not make people understand their message. Hurting others does not make them understand the hurt these people have felt as those people are not going to see past the wrongs of the ones who harmed them to try to understand what message they may have been attempting to convey in causing that harm. All it does is cause more pain and anger, and lead people to put up barriers to understanding rather than try to tear them down. This is a cycle of harm, and does nothing to cause effective, long lasting, positive change.
There was a man who fought against oppression. He fought to illicit understanding, even with those who did not agree with him. And yet in all his battles, he did not raise his fists. He did not inflict pain on, harass, or torment those who did not follow him or even those who outright disagreed with him. He did not attack anyone, even those who fought against him first. He spoke of tolerance and peace. He spoke of the pain he felt and the injustice he had experienced, and at no point did he in turn attempt to cause that same pain or injustice to others. He let his actions do the talking just as much as he used his words, and in it all, he spoke of hope for change.
That man was Martin Luther King. And he would be ashamed of you right now.
Wait a few weeks. If Dartmouth does not prosecute those that assaulted White Students ( they won’t), file a federal civil rights case against DC, claiming they are discriminating against Whites.
this much disdain for one moment of hostility. imagine the patience one must have had (and i think the patience is worn out) to endure generations, nonetheless a lifetime of this. prosecute, discipline, blah, blah, blah? that threat has also lost it’s power like MLK in the Birmingham jail.
One person enduring generations of anything is quite a magical trick. And have they ever tried doing well in school and not committing all the crime?
Criminalizing hostile words are we? That doesn’t seem quite criminal when in many states there’s not even a criminal charge for telling a police officer, “f*%# you”. Doing well in school? Hmm, is their some proof to this that you are privy too? Id like to see that these are all failing students. Share please.
Defensive, aren’t we? Step out of your bubble and open your eyes. Students mobbing a library are ipso facto not doing well in school.
Please elaborate.
looks like we’d have to have a long discussion defining “doing well” wouldn’t we. not really worth the time as I think we both know where we stand on this particular incident. hopefully this moment demonstrates to observers that hostility of this type should not be addressed with, “get a thicker skin” and we continue to have meaningful conversations and solutions when it comes to racism in this country. but, i think we both can agree, there will be some uncomfortable if not downright horrific moments as we continue on the path to progress.
‘ . . . when in many states there’s not even a criminal charge for telling a police officer, “f*%# you”. ‘
Sounds like a good “carrot” to prompt one to enter and make a career of law enforcement.
Good point.
Using race preferences for blacks, they put these kids in over their heads at top schools. The kids then become angry and resentful.
What I don’t get is they protested about 70 some odd blacks killed by police, which is bad, but what about the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks?
How is this not terrorism?
obsolete farm equipment making noise …but lock ‘n load protocols are advised.
I see Black Lives Matter in general as a legitimate but loosely confederated movement in which some parts are experimenting with ways to do productive activism while also endorsing two destructive doctrines, 1. The postmodern belief that power is the goal of all discourse and 2. The academic sociological thesis that those who lack power need not worry that their efforts to rectify the imbalance will ever succumb to racist thinking because racist thinking is a function of wielding power.
Let’s hope that the movement moves beyond this experimental stage and settles on more consensus-building tactics.
Fascinating …what is your hypothesis on the jihadi terrorist attack in France? …never mind, you should keep your bowel movements private.
Here’s one thought I had about the attacks in Paris:
Not all religious worldviews are equal and not all discussion of their differences is ethnocentric. Objectively speaking, there are pacifistic ones, like Jainism and Tibetan Buddhism, and there are less pacifistic ones, like medieval Christianity and Islam.
Additionally, apologias for the actions of certain Jihadist and Islamist groups use the line that these are merely the co-opting of religion to further political goals. Easy for us in the West to say, where we’ve lived under a culturally constructed detente between religion and politics for, lo, a scant few hundred years. But it wasn’t long ago that they weren’t separate at all, and how quickly we forget that our Old Testament was practically founded on a promise to Abram to make his nation great (political concept), and saw its fulfillment in the deliverance of the legal code (political concept) of Moses and all the talk Jesus did about the “Kingdom of God”, respectively. Political concept, by the way, which roughly translates into Arabic as caliphate, something the soi-disant Islamic State considers itself.
Apropos Islamic State, when it declares its “political” goal to be the satisfaction of Quranic prophecy, we really have to question the applicability of our cherished non-overlapping magisteria paradigm between church and state here in the West, where to us a political platform of sacred prophecy is an oxymoron.
If I had to put a fine point to it, what I’m saying is that we should not worry that characterizing a belief system is the same as characterizing the people who subscribe to it, and that therefore questioning the well-meaning but Pollyanna Leftist mantra that Islam is a religion of peace is not tantamount to prejudice towards Muslims.
Inquiring into the nature of Islam as a belief system is an empirical, academic question, and for better or worse, it seems to be coming close to settling itself one international news story at a time.
Actually, looking at the number of Muslims in the world who aren’t a part of the terrorist movement ought to put away your alleged worries about their religion being the problem.
ISIS is a political movement with political goals.
The goals of ISIS are to enact, politically, a religious system of government.
That means their goals are political and religious. This is why I am making the case that it’s a mistake to try to separate, conceptually, religion and politics as we are wont to do in the post-Enlightenment, secular West.
They’ve always commingled, for better or worse.
They are political actors. Just like the nonviolent, but morally bankrupt, Fred Phelps. Examining Christianity will not get you very far in understanding Phelps, or David Koresh, or Jim Jones.
The Islamic State is attempting to fulfill religious prophecy by enacting a theocratic state, or caliphate. This is a political goal and a religious one at the same time.
I hear you- but you will not beat them by studying their religion. The religious bigotry against Muslims is unacceptable and calling this a problem with Islam is dishonest and counter productive.
Maajid Nawaz, a former extremist himself, says otherwise:
“There is no point in denying it. The statement that this has nothing to do with Islam is disingenuous. It’s as unhelpful as saying this is in essence Islam.”
Guns kill about 36 people a day here in the US. I haven’t seen anyone try to study the religious views of our many murders here, who kill more people in a week than were killed in the Paris attack.
When a number of murders occurs in the U.S. and the cause is given by the perpetrators to be the wrongdoing of being black and in the wrong place, we are wise not to construe their motivation strictly as political. We should also blame racism, because the crime of being black is a product of racist thinking.
When a number of murders occurs in Paris and the cause is given by the perpetrators to be the wrongdoing of infidels being in the wrong place, we are wise not to construe their motivation strictly as political. We should also blame religion, because the crime of being an infidel is a product of religious thinking.
“Blame religion”? We can blame extremism, but when you just say to blame religion, you’re lumping in far too many perspectives. And then we end up with Donald Trump wanting to shutter mosques, which accomplishes absolutely nothing.
Religion as a single noun worked best in the prose. I don’t mean to blame all religions, or even all variants of Islam. I mean to blame the variants of Islam, like Wahhabism and Salafism, which segregate the world into believers and non-believers, and seek to impose a religious form of government on others.
Ideologies like these are political and religious at the same time, and nourish themselves from both sides. To resist them, we must redress their valid political grievances, but we must also empower liberal Muslims around the world to criticize the regressive religious doctrines that sizable numbers of their coreligionists hold. In so far as these reformers will have to make use of sophisticated scriptural interpretation, their efforts will necessarily amount to a religious undertaking.
This is why I have been arguing that religion is at the core of the problem.
Your Terrorist Theocracy of Israel created ISIS:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Israel+created+ISIS%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
You white-hating Jew supremacists love to stir up black resentment against Whites.
Meanwhile, your “Jewish State” (Israel) has violent anti-black race riots:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=anti-black+race+riots+Tel+Aviv&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
You want us to think an article from the Jew York Times is objective.
We’re on to you, shyster.
Israel created ISIS!
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Israel+created+ISIS%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
As you know, Israel created ISIS:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Israel+created+ISIS%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
You make some good points, but it’s important to recognize that there is no such thing as a leaderless movement, only movements with unaccountable leaders. There are more formal analyses of this, but I’ve experienced it first hand years ago with some feminist groups.
Although the BLM seems to avoid wanting to talk about ideology, some of the more prominent people in the BLM have claimed inspiration from some very radical groups. I’m not so sure this is an experimental stage so much as an inevitable out growth of the ideology.
Thanks for your remarks, fojap.
“White Privilege” is just an excuse for “Black Failure”
And a cover for the real privilege — Jew privilege!
The African American race in US are the most violent group of people in the country and that’s from Dept of Justice numbers so why does this behavior surprise you unless of course you are an politically correct brain washed idiot who actually believe it
Actually, according to the FBI, Whites are the most violent group of people in this country. “White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 58.4 percent of those arrests.”
But don’t let the facts get in your way.
Lol….. 59.9% of all felony homicides committed in the US from 1980 to 2008 were committed by African americans. I’ll play your game though now if as you say whites committed 58.4 % of violent crime that means that as they are 65% of the population they are committing violent crime at a rate less than what theu are in the general population…. While AA who are just 13% of the population are committing violent crime at a rate more than 3 times theu are in the general population …. So i don’t seem to have any difficulty with facts now riddle me this what are theu Hispanic violent crime numbers
Darmouth, you can never satisfy the appetite of these Social Justice Warriors. As shown by this administration, they thrive on divisiveness and balkanizing Americans. Everybody is a snowflake and each subset or category should get their own “safe place.” As noted by NRO writer Jonah Goldberg, look at what they have created at Yale University:
As for safe spaces, there is already an Afro-American Cultural Center, a Native American Cultural Center, an Asian American Cultural Center, La Casa Latino Cultural Center, and the Office of LGBTQ Resources. Included among the 80 or so official student organizations:
– A Learning and Interactive Vietnamese Experience -Asian American Students Alliance -Asian American Studies Task Force -Association of Native Americans at Yale, Undergraduate Organization -India at Yale -IvyQ (as in “Queer”) -Japanese Undergraduate Students at Yale -Latina Women at Yale -Liberal Party -Reproductive Rights Action League at Yale -Sex and Sexuality Week Planning Board -Undergraduate First Generation Low Income Partnership -Women in Physics -Women’s Leadership Initiative at Yale -Yale Queer+Asian -Yale Urban Collective -The Black Solidarity Conference at Yale -The Yale Women’s Center -Yale Southeast Asian Movement -Q (again, as in Queer) Magazine -Alliance for Southeast Asian Students -Arab Students Association -Association of Salvadoreñas at Yale Undergraduate -Black Student Alliance at Yale -Brazil Club -Canadian Students’ Association at Yale [Talk about safe spaces!] -Chinese American Students’ Association -Chinese Undergraduate Students at Yale -Club Colombia -Club of Argentine Students at Yale -Club of Romanian Students at Yale -Cuban-American Undergraduate Students’ Association -Despierta Boricua, the Puerto Rican Student Organization at Yale -DisOrient -Eritrean and Ethiopian Student Association at Yale -In the Q[as in Queer]loset -Japanese American Students Union -Kasama: The Filipino Club at Yale -Korean American Students at Yale -La Revolucion -La Societe Francaise -Lo Stivale -Malaysian and Singaporean Association -Organization for Racial and Ethnic Openness -Russian Cultural Club -Sisters of All Nations -South Asian Society -Southeastern European Society -Student Association of Thais at Yale -Students of Nigeria -Swiss Students and Affiliates at Yale -Taiwanese American Society -The German Society of Undergraduates at Yale University -The Polish Students’ Society of Yale College -Vietnamese Student Association -Yale African Students Association -Yale Black Women’s Coalition -Yale British Undergraduates -Yale Caribbean Students’ Organization -Yale College Black Men’s Students Union -Yale College Student Czech and Slovak Society -Yale Dominican Student Association -Yale European Undergraduates -Yale Friends of Turkey -Yale Hawaii Institute -Yale Kala -Yale LGBTQ Cooperative -Yale Mexican Student Organization -Yale Scandinavian Society -Yale Undergraduate Portuguese Association -Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Activism Collective -Margin: Student Perspectives from the Left -Middle Eastern Resolution through Education, Action & Dialogue -Party of the Left -Students for Justice in Palestine -Yale NAACP”
Now they are demanding more. The opposite of a melting pot, eh? Good luck with the #blackliesmatter crowd. They want it all and then some.
I always find it interesting how kids leave high school innocent of the world then enter the university and within four years most have turned into brainwashed leftist sheep regurgitating all these Marxist dogma that was indoctrinated into them by their professors.
These students are entering university to learn yet end up leaving brainwashed and with no skill sets for the real world and with more than $100K in debt.
Left-wing academics all over the country should be indicted on RICO charges for the racket they are running.
The average scholarship amount is $46 K and the average total 4-year debt is $18K. So, they won’t have the debt of the other kids.
” Mao and the Party Central stirred up the passions of
thousands of rebellious youth in Beijing middle schools and colleges,
where students began to establish Red Guards to challenge and attack
school authority and teachers. During the short period of June- July
1966, mass violence spread over campuses, where teachers and other
educators were abusively subjected to “struggle sessions,” humiliated,
and beaten by fervent students. Despite the fact that the Chinese
government had received urgent requests to curtail the wave of violence
that was unfolding every day, Mao and the Party Central did not want to
address the issue, as they “appeared to view it as a necessary feature
of rebellion, and the suffering of victims as acceptable collateral
damage” (Walder, 2009: 148).
I just finished reading Days of Rage about radical violence in the seventies. That’s probably a better template for what will happen here since I don’t think the general U.S. population is any more ready for a revolution now than they were in 1970.
These people are nothing but common garden variety racist scum. They have absolutely no idea how hateful, ignorant and bigoted they look. I hope that we can expose them as individuals, because prospective employers need to be able to Google their names and throw their job applications in the trash.
It’s shocking, SHOCKING how weak the campus administration and university police’s handling of this has been. Have we allowed our universities to submerge into lawlessness to this degree?
If the tables had been turned (whites harassing blacks in the library) what would the university’s response be? What would the Justice Department’s response be?
“Black Lives Matter” has proven to be nothing more than a modern race-based version of the Brown Shirts — this incident is the “Kristallnacht” of Dartmouth.
Some races are more equal than others when it comes to college administration.
Obama’s Brown Shirts won’t be denied. Its simply an early 2016 get out the vote campaign. Wait until Hillary really gets her racial grevience pandering under full steam. The irony was the most delicious at Yale where racism and privilege were denounced by black activist from the Afro-student center. As sweet as irony gets.
Barack’s formerly well-defined chest swells with pride at the news of these tactics, tactics he was trained in.
” . . . tactics he was trained in.”
Do you mean the Joe “You lie!” Wilson Charm School?
I thought a ‘high end’ school like Dartmouth would have more class…you guys are straight thugs! And…the article could have been half as long and conveyed the same thoughts….
They should ship them back to Africa no whites there because the blacks made sure of that
Dartmouth is a dream college and has the nation’s finest students who wanted to draw attention to the evils of racism. Let’s not blow the protest out of proportion, freedom of speech and no one was hurt. It was a social experiment protest which used reverse discrimination to express solidarity with Missouri, and Yale by showing others how it feels to be discriminated against when you least expect it in a public place which is a valid fear that blacks have.
Freedom of speech does not cover getting in someone’s face and screaming curses at them or calling them a “filthy white b**ch.” Don’t minimize or make excuses for the behavior of delinquents.
They made a decision to assault people who never did them any harm. Why shouldn’t they be arrested?
They probably will get punished but not arrested for shouting.
Forget shouting. If what they did meets the legal definition of assault, shouldn’t they be arrested for assault?
They are lucky they didn’t run into the wrong person with not enough numbers to deal with possible backlash. Real easy to get up in some girl’s face when you outnumber and surround her. Let one of these punks get up in someone’s face that is in no mood to put up with that s**t and has the strength and skills to do something about it, and some folks may have gotten their asses deservedly kicked. That could have easily escalated into a melee.
Someone passing by could have come to the assistance of that woman too and conducted violence. That could have easily happened seeing a threat and a self defense situation.
NO No No No ! Period. When you violate the law you need to be held accountable.
Idiot, black on white intimidation is rampant in the US. Look at the 2012 NVCS numbers and you can see that blacks and hispanics victimize whites at huge numbers.
If white students were doing this I doubt you would be so flippant and write assaults off as simple “social experiment.
Black people have a valid fear of going to the library and being mobbed by white people screaming racist obscenities? You try keeping it real. Black people get invited to Dartmouth and all universities with a red carpet of affirmative action programs and financial assistance.
What happened to the boy that cried wolf? Think about that when you justify the phonied-up histrionics and cries of terror and ‘white supremacy’. People are going to stop listening to the real problems.
A group of students needs to get together and contact campus police and local police to review the content and completeness of a police investigation. Any short comings should be addressed in writing and copied to elected officials, any police oversight entities, and anyone that represents alumni fund raising.
Plain and simply anyone responsible should be identified and held responsible for any criminal actions. Campus officials will want this to go under the rug and go away as quickly as possible. Anticipate that and don’t let it happen. The rule of law and campus code trump all other interests in order to have an atmosphere of fairness and equality.
Not good enough. If there’s video of the incident (and Lord knows there’s video of everything nowadays) then I hope it is posted online, along with the names of the people doing the assaulting, and never, ever taken down.
This is why I go to class, do my work, and go home. I can’t imagine being stuck at the university having to deal with these radical types.
So. When’s the hunger strike?
Do your parents make $8 million a year like the guy over at MU ? Start immediately.
Man, I truly wish I was in the library when one of those a$$holes came around. I have been practicing my UFC skills with reckless abandon and would have loved to get a workout in.
I thought this was an institution of higher learning – my mistake.
The “black protest movement” as it exists today is nothing but a bunch of whiny statist agent provocateurs.
Your rights end at my nose.
Assault is assault, no matter the point you are trying to make.
Video? where is the video of this happening?
Someone up in your face when you’re minding your own business? Call 911 and report a “verbal domestic” and request the offender(s) be trespassed.
Students might appreciate reading John Derbyshire’s “The Talk” as a guide to how to handle such dangerous situations.
Students who defend themselves against aggressive protesters risk being charged with a hate crime.
“Obviously, if the witches had any power whatsoever, they wouldn’t waste their time gallivanting around on broomsticks, fellating Satan and cursing cows with sour milk. They’re getting burned right and left, for Christ’s sake! Priorities! No, they’d turn the tables and lay some serious voodoo on the witch-hunters. In a country where anyone who speaks out against the witches is soon found dangling by his heels from an oak at midnight with his head shrunk to the size of a baseball, we won’t see a lot of witch-hunting and we know there’s a serious witch problem. In a country where witch-hunting is a stable and lucrative career, and also an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend, we know there are no real witches worth a damn.”
Mencius Moldbug wasn’t writing about the racist-hunt in the library this week. But he might as well have been.
“an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend” — that gets to the heart of Dartmouth’s #BLM experience. Heck, why not join Yale’s privileged-life Shrieking Girl and Mizzou’s millionaire-scion hunger striker? It’s easy to imagine the thrill of watching fear and *especially* guilt cross the faces of those you’re intimidating. Socially-sanctioned bullying — fun and profitable!
I hate to tell you that the seeds for this were sown in the late 1980s/early 1990s and they were (and still are) called “diversity”. Funny thing at a “university”, isn’t it. In the 1960s people protested for integration because they were Americans and wanted to be treated as such. But the late 20th century liberal mantra that every culture’s, race’s, and other types of groups’ unique cultural attributes and histories not only had to be protected, not only handled with kid gloves, but actively fostered. Far from promoting integration, this started what we continue to see today, which is the re-emergence of segregation, albeit of a different sort: self-segregation, and its inevitably corresponding sense of entitlement based on whatever makes one group or another completely, totally “special”…and the dark minds of the most liberal, even actually “better than”. The “melting pot” about which my generation was taught growing up is anathema to advocates of diversity. They cringe at assimilation, but the fact is that integration requires giving something and taking on parts of the larger culture, making peace with one’s own history and accepting the challenge of starting new, of shaping the future of American culture by demonstrating the value of things you bring to the table, not complaining that they aren’t accepted out of hat. I never understood this before, but I now get what is meant by “taking America back”. It’s not getting rid of minorities and restoring white conservatism. It’s “taking what it means to be an American” back, even recovering the basic idea that there is something called an “American”, and it’s perfectly okay… special, in fact, even of it’s own. We don’t need any more of diversity. We need a resurgence of inclusive American nationalism, a conscious effort to reinforce what we have in common, not emphasize what has historically been different about the people who have come before us (not US… note this distinction).
I have the sense that people have pushed their agendas over the past 25 years and gotten away with it because the larger population, shockingly, wasn’t paying attention. That is how liberalism advances, not on the merits of its ideas. Sadly this means we are in a situation against which it is visibly (extremely) difficult to push back, but it’s essential that we have the courage to do so. This is starting to happen in some parts of Europe, but there is a danger too of going overboard. In any case, we have to do more than reclaim the dialogue, we have to reclaim the ac of dialogue itself before we can recover from the damage that’s been done. I feel sadly prescient because in 1991, as a freshman, it was easy to see this coming. I regret not standing up then, because it’s much harder now. But it has to happen, or this country will be relegated to the dustbin of history.
My child is nearly college age, she has the intelligence, the will, and used to have the desire to go to an “ivy league” college. No more, even she can see how unsafe and ridiculous this kind of behavior is and has aborted all such plans. How is it that a high school student from a non privilaged background can so clearly see what over 100 college students can’t seem to- or don’t want to. My child wants to learn and apply herself to succeed…not waste her time with dangerous and ridiculous behavior such as this or have it wasted by brainless idiots that aren’t interested in doing the same.
ALL LIVES MATTER! Yes, you heard me, and if you don’t like it you can just shove those black lives or someone will end up doing it for you. Grow UP! And I agree legal action in the form of police and perhaps lawsuits should immidiately follow by both the college and those that were directly affected against the people in the group. This was racism and a hate crime. I find it ironic that these idiots that did this are the very thing they claim to be protesting against. If this is considered proper behavior for black persons in their culture (as it must be for college students to even begin to think that it’s ok and pardonable to behave this way at their prestigous school), it is no wonder so dang many end up in jail. This is criminal behavior and the only real place criminal behavior gets a person is in jail sooner or later. I am so very disgusted and I am out of cares to give about the whole black lives issue as is my daughter.
They demand empathy from you knowing full well your ability to empathise can easily be turned against you. Ask them where the reciprocal empathy is. If its a one way street (which it clearly is) it becomes an perpetual demand. What will that demand be? your resources and of course good old fashioned hard cash. Give in and that big red cash button would be permanently on. They demand you see everything their way but they make absolutely no attempt to see anything from your point of view. Such relationships can never work, especially when the instigators despise the colour of your skin.
Dartmouth Men?
A small band of unarmed, black anarchists just proved to the world that “Dartmouth Men” are actually boys who cower in fear, allow women to be assaulted and will probably give up their wallets and lives without a fight. We already knew your administrators are liberal fools who offer endless excuses instead of requiring law and order on campus. So, you are pathetic defenseless cowards who depend on others for your security.
Krav Maga instruction & training is strongly recommended if your going to survive in a progressively hostile world; it works well for Israelis.
My son, who is one of the passive White students, has spent 14 years studying Karate, Kendo, and iado, much of that in Japan. he remains passive because I have asked him to, and because he has a great deal of self discipline. Blame the administration. The kids are avoiding conflict not out of cowardice. but because they are focused on their studies, and because they know that even self defense would have them branded as violent racists.
Pathetic:”…remain passive …blame the administration…even self defense would have them branded as violent racists.”
Racism was a fading concept until Obama made it popular again.
Hire a lawyer. The actions were hate speech. It is a violation of Title IX. The university has covered up a hate crime.
Record everything, file a police complaint, use the universities anti-bullying and anti-hate speech against it and demand that all of these students are removed immediately. Call the FBI, start a hate crimes investigation. Sue immediately. Use Frankensteins monster against its creator. Don’t simply be the silent majority. The silent majority is insignificant. Don’t be insignificant.
Where is the follow up on these students being criminally charged and expelled? Someone should call for a federal investigation of hate crimes and civil rights violations against the university. IF now white student called a black person a name, the president of the college would be removed nearly as quickly as the student. More proof positive that liberals are the real Nazis.
What is Dartmouth the institution doing about the vile racist attacks on students doing what they are supposed to be doing: studying.
Have to say, anyone who had gotten into my face, screaming like an unhinged nutbag, in a college library, would have ended up with my fist in theirs.
The below comments pretty much sum up why this country is deep seeded with racism and why ideologies surrounding ignorance of racism and the black strife continue to perpetuate our society and institutions. Do you truly believe that Dartmouth and other institutions do not play host to racism? If such was the case, protests and policy-change would not even be a discussion. All I see on the comments below are those of people who 1) weren’t at the protest and have digested the obvious biased perception of the protest 2) people who have passed on biased ideologies to their children at Dartmouth 3) uniformed knee-jerkers. As a former student/recent graduate at Dartmouth I can say with first hand experience and accounts that the institution is not one that fosters or promotes a culture dedicated to providing an educational space where ALL students can engage in the education and examination of racism/diversity/inclusion outside of the classroom. How many of you studied on the first floor of Baker Berry library while studying for an exam to have your peace and quiet interrupted by countless groups of fraternity and sorority pledges parading through the library dancing, shouting, and simply put disrupting the learning environment? This happens ALL the time at Dartmouth but no one seems to acknowledge the parallels between that and the protest. No, I do not agree with taunting, verbal assaults, and profanity aimed at students. But I was not at the protest so I cannot speculate nor digest certain claims. What I do know is that no one is giving an accurate account of the protest and it’s purpose. No one is speaking of how over 150 students stood and marched in solidarity across the Green, in front of Dartmouth Hall, and around the greater campus. No one is talking about how many students that saw the protest and decided to join the group of students who were standing in solidarity with other institutions whose students felt the need to express their dissent with their institutions dealings with race relations and student-life/health. STOP taking the actions of 5 students out of a group of 150+ and taking away from the movement. STOP distracting the purpose/message and efforts towards progress from our students. STOP commenting or only speaking in the dialogue of race relations at Dartmouth and other places only to condemn participants and their motives. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion and their freedom at speech, but to continue to bash our students and only speak on the issue waiting for an opportunity to pounce or find some type of justification for the perpetual stereotypes that minorities have been plagued with is not acceptable. &&& stop using the word “thugs
So what acts of racial discrimination is the University administration alleged to have done?
“The below comments pretty much sum up why this country is deep seeded
with racism and why ideologies surrounding ignorance of racism and the
black strife continue to perpetuate our society and institutions. Do you
truly believe that Dartmouth and other institutions do not play host to
No, I do not believe that. Most of these students protesting are there because affirmative action programs allowed them in. White students and Asian students with better scores were denied acceptance because of this. What you’re seeing in the comments here is the interest of a couple of trolls or overt racists from outside the university who are attracted to this story.
“most of these students protesting are there because affirmative action programs allowed them in” how do you know that? are you an admissions officer? are you a test writer/scorer for the SAT? Have you seen the academic profiles of these students? Have you tracked their performance in college? Do you know their GPAs? Do you know their resumes? Do you know any type of statistical fact regarding their test scores and how/why they got accepted to Dartmouth College. If not, please do not address or try to assign your weak claim to the above comment. Facts only, Numbers, not skepticism and theories should be provided for the above response. (I’ll be waiting for that spreadsheet with the data btw)
It is well known that black students automatically get hundreds of bonus points on their application scores just for being black. Why? Why is this necessary to bring up admission rates for black students? It’s because most of them apply with lower scores. If they didn’t get the free points Dartmouth wouldn’t be ‘diverse’. Get real. That’s why we have affirmative action for college admissions.
If you think that’s not the case, I’m sure you would have no problems with calling for an end to affirmative action.
Sorry not buying that. You need to “get real” for trying to sell that. Like I said I will be waiting for the data from you. Thanks.
If you don’t understand the very basic premise or purpose of affirmative action programs and why they are needed for ‘diversity’, no amount of statistics will help you.
I could just as easily demand you give me those same statistics about these individual students to prove they are indeed the highest scoring applicants. It’s private information, Einstein.
Again, please lobby for ending affirmative action on college entrance if you truly believe what you are ‘selling’.
If not, be greatful it exists and acknowledge there is no systemic oppression in colleges.
you are dealing with an ideologue who will ignore the leaked stats from Hopwood v. Texas
to wit, 90% of PoC got in whereas only 3% of them would get in if they were white.
The bad faith progressive troll asked for facts and stats but don’t expect it to like what it hears.
Be careful what you wish for, moonbat.
oh no, tell the moonbat ideologue to close its special snowflake eyes and find a safe space, because it’s about to get T-T-T-T-TR-TR-TRIGGERED SON
A. The University of Texas School of Law’s “Regular” Admissions Process
The University of Texas Law School, recognized as one of the best in the nation,(42) receives over 4000 applications per year for the 900 offers extended to fill an incoming class of 500 first-year law students.(43) These applications come from some of the best students in the country, many of whom are virtually indistinguishable on their records, therefore the University of Texas devised a system with which to score the academic achievements of these applicants.
In 1992, the admissions office used the “Texas Index” (TI), which represented a formula comprised of the applicant’s undergraduate grade point average (GPA) and his or her Law School Aptitude Test score (LSAT), as a quantifiable indicator for sorting candidates based on their likelihood for success in law school.(44) In addition to this score, the University of Texas also looked at other information in the application file.(45)
The TI placed candidates in one of three categories: presumptive admit, discretionary zone, and presumptive deny.(46) The discretionary zone candidates had their applications forwarded to an admissions subcommittee who would decide whether to admit the candidate. The candidates who went through this review, however, did not include Mexican-American or black applicants.
B. The Admissions Process for Mexican-American and Black Applicants
All Mexican-American and black applicants who applied to the law school had their applications color coded according to their race.(47) These applications were not submitted to one of the discretionary zone subcommittees for review, but were reviewed by a separate subcommittee. These minority(48) applications were assigned a TI score and placed in one of the three admissions zones, just as the other candidates’ applications were; however, the zone cut-off TI score ranges were lower for minority applicants than they were for the Caucasian or non-preferred minority candidates.(49)
The law school had a stated purpose of reaching an entering class of ten percent Mexican-American and five percent black.(50) Thus, the minority subcommittee was given “virtually final” decisionmaking power over admissions of minority candidates, and the law school maintained a separate waiting list for minorities.(51)
“Sorry not buying that.”
Guy, if you can’t admit that college applicants of other races have to score considerably higher than black applicants in order to be admitted then you’re not worth debating. Part of debating is conceding obvious points in order to maintain your overall credibility, and you have no credibility if you don’t concede a point that is so well established that it’s routinely discussed in mainstream articles. Here, this only took like a second to find:
“academic research on the SAT exam showing that Asian-Americans have to score on average about 140 points higher than white students, 270 points higher than Hispanic students and 450 points higher than African-American students to equal their chances of gaining admission to Harvard. The exam is scored on a 2400-point scale.”
And here’s a chart which shows that the black-white SAT racial gap can be found across income levels suggesting that gap is not simply a byproduct of the different average economic standing of blacks and whites…
find a safe space to change your diaper
I know you think all the negative feedback you’re reading here is from your point of view, a vindication of your belief that it’s all raced-based: we’re not taking the Dartmouth protesters (or by extension – you) seriously because white people cannot fathom the oppression, suffering and hardship you’ve had to endure.
This is in a word, baloney.
In truth, what we cannot fathom is when someone is given a great opportunity at a top-tier private university and then dishonors himself and his peers by pissing it away via pointless and endless re-calibrations of perceived ethnic grievances that are in fact, petty, amorphous, and detached from the reality that exists outside the rarified halls of academia. After wading through your lengthy dissertation, it was rather difficult to detect precisely the nature of your discontent, but it appears to be this:
“As a former student/recent graduate at Dartmouth I can say with first hand experience and accounts that the institution is not one that fosters or promotes a culture dedicated to providing an educational space where ALL students can engage in the education and examination of racism/diversity/inclusion outside of the classroom.”
That’s it???? You’re upset because Dartmouth doesn’t encourage you to what – gather into little groups after classes and endlessly whine about perceived snits and slights the world has dumped on you? Maybe if you cry a little louder and longer the school will even serve you punch and cookies and provide napping mats for afterwards. That my friend, is exactly why you’re not going to find a lot of sympathy outside the protected bubble you and your former school chums have fashioned for yourselves. You come off as vain, silly and entirely too self-important.
Here’s a tip – how about doing something useful like leaning a skill or acquiring special knowledge that will help you be a knowledgeable, more informed citizen or (gasp) a more desirable hire after graduation? How about volunteering your time to the less fortunate; tutoring inner-city children, being a Big Brother/Big Sister, or join the Marine Corps? Anything would be more useful if it takes you outside of your own little, infantilized, dreary self and forces you to come to grip with the awful truth that you have absolutely no idea how fortunate you are and that 99% of people around the world have it far worse than you can ever imagine. And they, like so many of us here don’t give a damn about your hurt feelings. You want respect and to be taken seriously, then grow up, learn self-respect through accomplishment not carping and start showing a little gratitude for the advantages you’ve enjoyed.
1. I am involved in several mentoring programs/platforms 2. I obvious have acquired “special knowledge that will help me be a knowledgeable, more informed citizen or more desirable hire after graduation” seeing that I work at one of the top/elite financial firm in the world so be quiet with that nonsense. What you fail to realize is the large scope of the issue being discussed. Dartmouth is a microcosm when speaking of race related issues, but as a former student it is important to examine the state of (or previous state of) your environment. I have every right to critique the relevance of the issue as it relates to Dartmouth. What you fail to realize is that in our actions we are fighting for that 99% that have it far worse than we do. Seeing that myself and others I know at Dartmouth have come from very adverse situations, it is important that we use our platform and access as ivy league educated to advocate for those less fortunate and those with a smaller platform. How is critiquing your former institution “not showing gratitude”. I love Dartmouth, but if you learn anything in college, it’s to examine and challenge all aspects of learning, society, and ideas. If such were not the case, why would one even attend such a school?
by choosing a library the protesters made certain no black lives would be inconvenienced.
^thanks for proving your ignorance.
you’re welcome
The Black Lives Matter movement and the Marxist social justice ideology is whipping spoiled children into an emotional frenzy. This delight in violence and power through fake tears and drama will destroy all empathy the rest of Americans have or had for Africanized Americans.
who are the spoiled children? are you saying that those who are dedicating themselves to a cause for the sake of the progress of racial equality spoiled? Or are the kids riding around campus in their range rovers and Mercedes the spoiled ones? What is whipping these young adults into a passion for progress is the state of oppression which continues to be an issue centuries later. Simply put.
“are you saying that those who are dedicating themselves to a cause for the sake of the progress of racial equality spoiled?”
Yes, I am saying that. But their cause is their own self-aggrandizement and thrill at gaining power through a mob. They are spoiled because, not only do they probably have ‘range rovers’ (if they are attending an Ivy League school they very likely had a very upper middle class upbringing), but they are intellectually spoiled for never having been told that their emotions are not the center of the universe. Students of all kinds are learning the power of extortion through crying about how they have been emotionally traumatized.
These students are not oppressed. They are coddled.
Whom did the Darthmouth administration oppress?
Look, there’s no Honor or Dignity in doing what these BLM protestors did.
MLK, JR. Is rolling over in his grave, ashamed at such behaviors.
He didn’t take one on the head for this b.s.
I agree completely. It’s disgusting. Instead of garnering respect and sympathy they are showing why giving them such things is a lost cause this is what they do with respect and sympathy….I’ve never been racist but I’m seriously considering leaning that way at this point…is it racism or is it just realism…..
Show me one nation in the world that has successfully integrated people of different faiths, colors and ideologies, and you have your answer. It’s Psychology and Sociology overlaid against each other. We’re only 75 generations removed from cavemen.
And the USA…..is still up in the air.
Not sure this whole “one nation under God” thing is going to work, particularly when we no longer ask our children to respect the honor of those who sacrificed for our nation; we no longer require a pledge to the flag and the Constitution that allowed this place to evolve; and we no longer have shame or guilt to shape the morality of a nation.
I see Bluto loading up already for the Showdown this weekend in the Dartmouth cafeteria.
As it’s pretty frickin’ obvious that the current definition of white racist is “a Caucasian who refuses to whimper ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to murderous parasites”, I’ve never been prouder to be a white racist.
For a Dartmouth publication, this was a little disappointing for its grammatical errors. “Deep-seeded” instead of “deep-seated”; empathy has “it’s” limits, to name a few. Hard to concentrate on the point of the essay.
Thanks was writing this on the subway while on a conference call. Glad you missed all the points. You must’ve done well in college.
You are one of the four authors? Why not identify yourself, then? And get an editor next time.
I’m actually not one of the authors.
I just sent this in via the contact form on the Dartmouth website.
It is absolutely clear that the demonstration in your library on Nov. 12 was a dangerous, intolerant and threatening disruption of students who were totally undeserving of such crude and barbaric intimidation. To suggest no violence has occurred is preposterous. The disruption was itself violent and gives grounds for fearing the out-of-control BLM movement is a real danger to your students. We in the public at large are watching appalled at this burgeoning, proto-fascist and profoundly authoritarian, anti-intellectual movement. To temporize about it is a VERY BIG mistake. You will win ZERO respect from these hooligans and they will only come at you harder next time. Meanwhile, you thoroughly demoralize the very students trying hardest to live up to the ideals of scholarship you proclaim. Mark my words. Your pretended even-handedness will only bring you much greater grief next time. If you do not take a strong and unequivocal stand against this, you will invite more and more of it until you have violence of a sort we have not seen since the Weather Underground era or worse. You cannot appease these people because your very spirit of appeasement and “reasonableness” is what most enrages them. Wake up!
@Logical – what are the stats / percentages of black on black murders vs. black on white murders vs. white on black murders vs. white on white murders?
I’m not seeing a lot of white racism here:
Students who refused to listen to or join their outbursts were shouted down. “Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist white piece of s***!” Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. “If we can’t have it, shut it down!” they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting “filthy white b****!” in her face.
The fact that a brawl didn’t start only means that the white students have no self-respect. A bunch of thugs are shoving you, you fight. A bunch of thugs have a young woman pinned against the wall and are screaming in her face, you fight.
Dartmouth “boys” cowering in fear only emboldens the #BLM anarchists.
Everything was based on lies at the Universaty of Missouri the only thing that might have been real was the swastika, the protestors put up. There was no “I’ll not eat tell blah blah blah admits he’s white priviledge and quits blah blah blah”! The tents were in a circle and they kept people away and he ate it’s as simple as that. The so called KKK and Nazi on campus, was a lie. There were no pickups trucks driving around with people in the back with loaded guns! That was a lie too. No one was causing racial tension on campus but the ringleaders who got others to believe what was going on. What happened is no joke and those who did this should be held responsible for there actioñs.
This whole incident was based on lies and racisim is a serious matter and to lie about racial situations is wrong. It’s wrong to claim that a racial incident happened when it didn’t. Why? Because people have been harmed, people have lost there jobs, people have been imprisioned, people been assaulted, people’s property been destroyed, people’s have been murdered based on someone lying about an incident. Racism crosses all ethnic heritages because everyone in someway was harmed by act of racisim. If you think that’s not possible then you better get your head out of the clouds of indoctrination and open you eye to real life.
Sad to say it’s a total shame that those who were envolved with this will go down in infamy not as people who are trying to correct a wrong but as a “lier”. That’s right liers. This type of behavior is systemic across this nation where people are claiming claiming incidents of racisim where non occurred. Look racisim is a serious matter which this nation has been worked very hard to change. Our nation is changing and continues to change for the better. It’s too bad that those who preach racism have consistently stirred the pot generationally continue to do so. We don’t need a new generations of race hustlers. What we need are honest people who don’t lie about what happened or didn’t happen. Its a darn good thing that most black citizens in this country are not racist and they work right along with other citizens In this country to create change. Stopping racisim starts with each individual who changes there own way of thinking who also shows by there action by not committing acts of racisim against another person. No ones perfect but we all keep at it.
The so called white privilege is a myth propagated by a segment of the population through an uber Propaganda mill who is trying to make people think there is something to be ashamed of. That being white is something terrible when in reality it’s it’s not. It’s not an ideology that I will ever subscribe to and inflict on someone else. If there is any kind of privilege it’s based on the fact that if a person has dreams desires of wanting to get somewhere in life in order to attain want they out of life. There is no shame in that and if he or she is not afraid to go out and work there asses of to get it. Why not? I’d rather work my ass off in honest hard work instead of waiting for it to be handed to me on a silver platter. Privilege croses all ethnic and socioeconomic levels because everyone who wants something out of life goes out and works for it. If you think that’s something to be ashamed of your sadly mistaken. If you want it the easy way then you’ve got a problem not the other people. The ringleader was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Should we go out and demand his father apologize because he worked his ass off and makes on average 7 to 8 million above his salary every year? I think not.
Two top officials put there resignations in not because they are guilty of so called white privileges or they didn’t handle there jobs. Mr. Wolfe resigned because he loved his job and the Universaty and wanted to stop what’s going on. They should recall there resignations if they already haven’t. As I wrote earlier the ringleaders should be held responsible for what they did. They should be required to publicly apologize in front of the entire student body for there actions. They should apologize to Mr. Wolfe! Then apologize to the entire student body for causing harm, emotional harm to the student body. Why? Because it was wrong and people committing these types of false accusations need to be held responsible. If they don’t then they should be expelled and what they did should be written as the reasons for there expulsion, all of them.
We have enough to worry about in our nation with ISIS spreading out. We all should be watching out for each other’s backs and for our nation instead of worry about false accusation made by liers!
Prelude to another shakedown of white middle class by takers, with these actions as a substitute for actually working to get a degree and make oneself employable. Good luck finding a job or workplace where others want you there.
This reminds me, the black Mizzou student who went on a hunger strike until their President resigned…. Yeah his Dad makes $8 million a year. Dartmouth blacks must be oppressed as well. I wonder where their mommies and daddies went to college.
That was my thought and I was horrified. You’d expect that people well off enough to afford that kind of tuition would have raised their children better because they themselves had to be better people than all of this in order to be successful enough to afford the school even in part- society and the workplace generally don’t accept this kind of behavior in people and allow them to be successful. You’d think, but apparently not. These are the black kids that should be the most intelligent, the most able to reason things out and conduct themselves in a measured way….if they can’t manage it …….over 100 of them so it’s not an inconsequential portion. Sighs. About now I am so uninterested in their lives or their violent tantrums…they and anyone else that pulls this BLM crap has lost all credibility with me and a whole lot of people I know…
It turns out the incidentsalleged at Mizzou were hoaxes.
Two points: Interesting how behavior that would get a white student expelled has no consequence. And…was that the first time the BLM students had entered the Dartmouth library? Gotta give them credit for trying
Wonder why the librarian didn’t just “shush” them like she used to do to me when I was that age
If you’ve had your student group’s displays vandalized, chances are you’re a conservative. As in the case at DePaul, where a pro-life display of pink and blue flags was vandalized, not only will the school administration not attend to your grievance, but you can expect to be punished for exposing the vandals yourself.
Same goes for the nebulous sense that you’re not being evaluated impartially by teaching and administrative staff. You don’t often hear them talk about that, however, because even when bias can be proven concretely, conservative students are simply told to cram it and move on.
Yet you never hear of the YAF doing this kind of thing, do you?
Is it racist to reach up to wipe the spittle off your face while a black person is screeching at you for not attending to their feelings?
By the way, and this is more about the girl at Yale, does anyone not recognize that screeching at an adult for not sufficiently attending to your emotions on the lawn of an Ivy League university is the single whitest behavior imaginable?
It couldn’t have been whiter but if the topic of her tirade was a pony she didn’t get for her 13th birthday.
Wow. Just wow.
I think our most elite colleges have been resting on reputations formed in the past for a while now. I think you get, or can get, just as good an education at a state college as at Dartmouth or Yale. And these elite schools seem to be more infected with Left wing idiotic professors than others.
Who is funding these protests?
Excellent post. EVERYONE should read this link.
It is clear that obama intends on returning to being a ‘protest organizer’ after he leaves office… if indeed, he does leave office.
I just want to give a warm welcome to all the closet racists in the comments section.
In other words you’re too inarticulate to espouse an actual point of view, so you fall back on threadbare insults to make yourself feel better about your own inadequacies.
Just espousing a hearty welcome to the fear-mongers and degenerates. The personal attack belittles you. Do better.
What a pathetic little Proggie you are. Run back to your safe zone before I get all micro aggressive on your sorry self.
There is no ‘safe space’ from the aggression and hypocrisy of liberation theology.
What a well reasoned retort to the mindless nihilism that is the essence of Black Lives Matter.
And me without a weapon for the nigger uprising!!!
Most people are rightly sympathetic to racism charges, and do know that there is a very difficult history with this country and race.
But over the last couple of decades the left, much like a child who complains that her brother has hit her and finds out she can get him in trouble and starts using it as a weapon every chance she gets for every imagined slight, or even when nothing goes on, cries wolf one too many times.
It has grown to that point now where even those of us sympathetic to race issues no longer are listening. You have lied and misused our sympathy and debased the coin of the charge too many times to have it have much meaning anymore.
And incidents like this that are at best black racism and borderline hate crimes? Good luck getting any sympathy with tactics like those.
You are little better than those who you rightly complained of in the past and are mostly bullies now. Included in that is our president who is the worst of the bunch and he has the DOJ behind him.
Now that the value of a Dartmouth degree has been irreparably damaged, are there viable alternatives for those who seek an education? Where could you transfer? Surely paying the high cost of Dartmouth tuition must seem a poor bargain at this point.
Might I suggest that the time to have your “eyes wide open” was during the college selection process? Dartmouth markets itself as an incubator for old school Marxist/Maoist cultural purges, because racism and privilege.
They never hid this fact from you. It’s right there in the goddamn brochure. If you don’t like it, stop giving Dartmouth your money.
The pervasive illusions of Marxism taught on college campuses inculcate young people into the belief that the disadvantaged must struggle against the advantaged, and that the struggle is both moral and inevitable. Over a lifetime of experience many will realize these pleasing notions are deeply flawed, that merit is not a racist or sexist construct, that real virtue in civilized societies means adding not redistributing value, that only a society in which no person is entitled to the fruits of another’s labor can ever truly approach the moral ideal.
No mere happenstance that this sick, incoherent lunge into incivility and intimidation happens against the backdrop of a higher education system that is increasingly extractive to both students and taxpayers, increasingly unnecessary except as a credential to employers, and increasingly disconnected from (when not actively opposed to) activities that broader society finds productive — the French and Russian Revolutions had to turn out differently than our own American Revolution just as every tree is a product of its soil. Waterd in fears with their tears, sunned with smiles and soft deceitful wiles, their apple bright nourishes them not.
Seems like bullying and intimidation to me. This is supposed to achieve something?
What about “safe space’ for students not of “color”! Unflippenbelievable
Friends don’t let friends, children and other family members attend Dartmouth.
(or watch their losing football team on TV either.)
The idea that Ivy-League students, in the midst of a seven figure education and destined to join the social and economic elite as a result of that education, are somehow downtrodden is the only thing that’s “offensive”.
I’ll float a conspiracy theory for fun…I think the Klan or some other “racist” group is organizing these “protests”, as they seem tailor-made to turn the country against the spoiled brats whining about “oppression” even as they are groomed for a life of wealth, power and privilege as an Ivy League graduate.
sorry but BLM = Bowel Movement, it was started on the “hands up don’t shoot” liberal LIE and has continued to be built on more lies.
I’m still trying to figure out how a faculty member’s emailed suggestion that students be mindful of racial and cultural sensitivity with regard to Halloween costumes has turned into mass protests against overt racism on college campuses. Is it racist to encourage racial sensitivity?
Yes. We’re at the point where every innocent thing a white person does is deemed racist, and every racist thing a black person does is deemed a justified response to the whiter person’s deemed racism.
the Halloween costume thing wasn’t all about racism.. it was about all of the protected groups; gays, trannys, Native Americans, liberals.. they wanted to ensure that NOBODY could possible be offended.
Almost lost in the sea of words in this piece is the most basic point.
That’s this: The black protesters engaged in blatant racism — they assumed that every white person was a racist, without any evidence of that other than their whiteness.
These protesters are not trying to solve problems. They’re trying to start a race war.
Where’s the President?
He’s ready to weigh in, on the side of the protesters.
I watched the videos of the students in the Library. They were aggressive, loud, and very rude to the occupants already residing in the library. Such blind and naive ignorance in their faces as they thought their united anger was creating changed minds, rather than the obvious which is counter-productive towards their goal.
The protesters are liars and frauds.
And they want things for their lies and frauds.
It is all criminal intent and criminal activity.
They want money and power.
And the College is giving it to them.
The only thing they deserve is to be expelled.
When I started college in 1960, the courses were hard and time to run around for ant reason were few, except maybe w/e’s. Seems that the curriculum must be far easier seeing these kids have endless time for everything besides school work. I wonder how many of the “day lilies” are on full or partial scholarships. Do they really think that type of behavior will be permitted in the “real world?” Would be interesting to find out what their GPA’s are, probably most are in basket weaving programs, for which many Dartmouth graduates are known.
Sometimes you can take the person out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the person.
Is this provocation of a race war really in the best interests of blacks? Is math really that hard?
Congratulations Dartmouth!!
Where is the university administration on this? Try standing in the quad handing out Pro-life or Pro 2nd Amendment material not even being loud or disruptive and see how long it takes them to come out with a university administrator and campus police explaining there “time and place” mantra to you about what kind of free speech is allowed on campus.
These idiots don’t seek supporters, they seek co dependents. Safe space, microagression, perceived sleights. I guess this is the new get out the vote tactic.
White Privilege= privilege to get passed over for college admissions, jobs and promotions, while being constantly smeared as a “racist” for merely looking white.
BLM is just another race baiting, all about me organization.
They COULD have been they start of a much needed conversation about unprovoked/disproportionate Police violence.
Too bad.
There is no disproportionate Police violence unless it’s disproportionate against everyone.
Blacks violently attack whites at 27 times the rate that whites violently attack blacks.
And commit violent crimes of all kinds at high multiples of what whites do.
Asians don’t do it.
Hispanics don’ do it at anywhere near as high a rate.
Indians from India don’t do it.
Why is that?
The Police kill innocent whites also. But that’s now all lost in the Race Baiting blather.
BlackLivesMatter believes other lives don’t. It is a racist movement, the black version of the Klan. It believes the argumentum ad baculum should trump reason. It seeks to overturn the university, the apex of Western civilzation, and replace it with barbarism.
This is the second time in a week where i have read about a black college kid referring to the ‘microagressions’ being waged against them (being called rude names…having to witness a vehicle with a confederate flag driving down the street, etc..) as TERRORISM.
These special snowflakes are part of the weakest generation of Americans. ever.
Kids admitted to an IVY LEAGUE college with SATs 200-400 points lower than their peers crying about fairness. Shut your mouths and collect the high-paying gig delivered to you on a silver platter you imbeciles.
The academy itself bore and raised this monster with years of PC training and guilt teaching.
They should beat their breasts and dump their wallets into the hands of the mob they created.
BLM demonstrates against perceived discrimination by Dartmouth. Yet many of them are there only because of actual discrimination against Asians, who, by remarkable coincidence, are admitted by all the Ivy League schools at about 20% year after year. Without that quota, Asian admissions would likely be close to the California state-wide level above 40%, rising from 20% only after the legislature banned quotas.
Harvard is being sued by Asian-American organizations for its blatant discrimination. Meanwhile, I’m waiting to see a counter-demonstration by (a hypothetical) “AEM”—Asian Education Matters.
In other words, “IQ mattters!”
What the black lives matter protesters did is simple assault. You can have the people charged. It is not battery, but it is certainly assault. If it happens to you pull out your smartphone if you have one and record it. Send it to the police and have the person(s) charged.
Under close examination, many protesters, whether left or right, appear to desire vengeance rather than freedom, justice or equal rights. In today’s America, it seems that freedom is now defined as ‘the freedom to use government force to coerce everyone else to comply with our own ideologies and belief systems.
Until the negative consequences for their thuggish, racist behavior exceed their desire to engage in such behavior (which is directly related to the success that their tactics are achieving), they will not stop. The spineless bimbos running our universities make a mockery of their mission and I can feel nothing but joy in seeing their abasement before their mindless little creatures. However, unless we begin to punish these cretins swiftly and harshly (and end the re-education of our youth that commences in elementary school), we are going to have far greater problems in this nation.
What’s bad is that this author feels compelled to cajole whites into not feeling sympathy for these racist bullies.
Speaking as a faculty member at a major University, I am appalled that so many students at Dartmouth have no concept of civil behaviour. Their behaviour reminds me of nothing so much as the violent hysteria of the Red Guards during the Cultural University. The behaviour of the people on videos from the Dartmouth library is simply mindless fascism. I urge American university administrators to regain control of this situation before it degenerates further.
Agreed. But Dartmouth administration is obviously blind, deaf, and dumb. It’s incredibly Orwellian.
Wow, over 500 comments. Would have been three times that much if you had not deleted so many.
Only the “best and the brightest” need apply. Wait, make that the naive and stupid.
… and the cultural Maoists are back. Every other generation has to deal with these mini-totalitarians that lack reasoned arguments to convince others of their righteousness and, therefore, resort to force. Sorry you have to deal with them. Take some comfort in that they’ll eventually grow up, have to find a job and figure out how to support themselves. However, since maturity is not their strong suit, they’ll struggle, blaming their boss, their landlord, the gov’t – anyone but themselves. But eventually they’ll look in the mirror and realize they squandered the opportunity to get ahead and that they’re just … losers.
can one gift wrap an intangible? GOP loves the help they receive. Laughed hard when I read that students who try to kiss up to BLM were harassed and intimidated just like poor Whitey
If the BLM protesters at Mizz requested the suspension etc of non black students for yelling racial slurs, how is this behavior any different and should not the students assaulted verbally an physically ask that the school hold these students accountable. Accountability is not waived for any one group. Being what you hate makes you just as bad as those you hate and brings no one to your cause.
I am in complete agreement with your statements here. I do not know if this group had to gain a permit to demonstrate in the courtyard or not – I would presume there was some notification about the congregation. However, the minute the group left the outdoor space and entered the facility of the library, college employees or security should have called for law enforcement. Each and every student or imported protester should have been booked for breaking the law. And the school should have followed suit with a review of their status on campus. If any other group mob had done this same thing to any other bystander group, the response institutional response would have been different., It is a disgrace that the vice provost chose to apologize to this group of individuals for negative press. In fact this group of misguided individuals should be apologizing to the campus, the town, and especially their peers. It seems that this country has lost sight of right and wrong. How can this group believe that their actions have promoted any clearer understanding or solidarity of thought? This bullying tactic might work in an unfree environment where groupthink predominates, but it has no place in a free society. Dartmouth, what are you?
e of right and wrong.
yeah, this will end the hate… Spoiled, self-centered kids aggregating to harass other kids to make them feel guilty for being, what? white? in an ivy league school they, themselves, attend? congrats, you’ve made your movement a joke & embarrassed your cause. when you shout “look at me”, you should make sure you’re representing in a way that you’d want to be seen. i wish one of the cornered females had maced them.
“Ostensibly there to denounce the removal of shirts from a display in
Collis, the Black Lives Matter collective began to sing songs and chant
their eponymous catchphrase.” i’m sorry… the “removal of shirts from a display at Collis”?!? wait, hold my drink… hahahahahahohmygod!haha! whew. ya’ll need something so bad to feel included in this self-flagellating college media circus of forced retirements, it’s pathetic. #jesustakethewheel
Boy real life is going to kick the crap out of these kids.
I would last 5 minutes in college today. Would have to get an online degree. Still, 99 per cent of student body will vote for Hillary. He Ivy League education and diploma vaults these people to the top, where they will blithely presume to rule. We must send them a message that if they do not wake up they will face serious opposition and consequences . They need a wake up call.
Hahahahaha, some student just called asking me to donate to the Dartmouth College fund.
Hey Phil, here’s a piece of advice, please don’t have your students call any of us ever again. There is no more money coming after the disgraceful act you just pulled in refusing to admonish real racists on your campus.
Try to find your moral compass before you start asking for money.
I don’t think anyone can deny that the arrogance, the language, the threats and the macro-aggression of these “Astro-turf” Campus radicals is just the beginning of what the “Progressive Left” will embrace and promote in the months to come.
The fix is in for the 2016 Presidential Campaign Cycle and Progressives are tearing a page straight out of 1968.
” When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination ” Thomas Sowell
so you assume someone is getting preferential treatment,..???
No, no,no. It’s alot more than just ” someone”.
so who is this “someone” you claim is getting preferential treatment,. and then back it up with actual facts instead of regurgitated political rhetoric and such
That’s a loaded question. But you want to talk preferential treatment? ?
Are you denying that if the races where flipped in this story , white racist agitators wouldn’t be getting expelled from school ? Are you insisting that national media wouldn’t been on the scene ?
Easy case in point on preferential treatment. These white kids would have been identified, expelled and ostracized from society.
I don’t care what color someone is, but quotas and affirmative action would fall under preferential treatment, right?
Just my opinion.
It’s not an assumption.
White privledge is just an excuse for black failure
It is so ironic that the BLM protest is supposed to be about unsafe conditions on campuses and not feeling safe (a stretch to begin with),.. yet they go and force those conditions on others,…
Then the administration does nothing to keep things safe for those that are being harassed,..
Dartmouth be proud,.. LOL
None of the black kids experiencing “racism” are from Africa or other non-U.S. areas. Why is that only American born and bred blacks claim “racism” and blacks from the Caribbean or Africa never have any problems? Are they, too, not black? Actually, many from Africa are really black. (They also happen, for the most part, to be pleasant, mature people, but that’s another topic.)
One of the authors of this article, Mene O. Ukueberua, is probably an african. I’m guessing Nigerian (Igbo).
Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes American blacks take on fake names to make them appear more “African.” You may be correct, however, in my experience, blacks from Africa and the Caribbean are not the same constant complainers that American blacks are.
they do, but they usually choose fake sounding names that don’t really sound african to anyone in the know.
The article is from the perspective of good students who resent the BLM rabble and I can easily see the son or daughter of nigerian doctors being such a person.
Almost every black person I know of who espouses very unusual points of view (very rightwing and even pro-white opinions) has been either directly from Africa or of recent immigrant stock.
you sound so ignorant right now “some American blacks take on fake names to make them appear more African” that’s probably the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.
I love you, too.
Good luck becoming employable.
F**K ALL OF YOU NI99ER PROTESTERS! Black lives and lies do not matter.
You are a burden on society. Why did the iswid cretins protest in
library?? — Because they don’t know that you use a library to study and
learn. Let’s go ahead and start the race war because the “crackers”
are better armed, better strategists, and significantly more intelligent
than you lazy, entitled iswids; and wait until the Jihadists begin the protests of “TLM” – #Terrorist Lives Matter. Jihadists and Muslim extremists don’t believe in entitlement programs, so “ole whitey” might not be so bad after all.
You my friend, are a weak coward.
Look up ‘Moby’ in the slang dictionary online. A liberal troll who impersonates a racist conservative to discredit…etc.
Arrest those barbarians and throw the key away!
That is why college kids who want to learn should carry guns
college kids that want to learn, should carry a gun
You MUST complain to the university, even though it will not do that much. Then when it does little, you can complain to the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. Ironically, it is the ultimate SOURCE of much of this bad behavior, by giving special power to black students on campus, but it will have great difficulty avoiding the conclusion that white students were mistreated on the basis of their race and that the school did nothing, based on the race of victims and perpetrators. So it may have to act, as it should, and as it does not wish to. And if it does NOT so act, that will impugn its credibility, and make its ability to provide future support to black radicals, false rape complainants, and the like, much weaker. Which is ALSO a victory. So complain NOW, complain to the university, and complain to DOE OCR. If they act on your complaint, you WIN. And if they DON’T, you may also, in a sense, win.
But if you do nothing, you LOSE.
So FILE the complaints, NOW.
And also remember to send a copy of your complaints to a group like the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) so that when your college imposes a speech code on you, in the guise of fighting harassment, and tries to enforce it, they will have a copy of the complaint history, and can have it voided for discrimination based on their failure to act here.
The protestors are a bunch of coddled, grievance hunting whiners.
Take your micro aggressions and stuff them where the sun don’t shine.
If you really want to wake up the administration, all students who disagree with the College’s handling of this event should withhold tuition payment until the administration disciplines the BLM students for their disruptive and threatening behavior.
“You filthy racist white piece of s***!”
Too stupid for words. This is what happens when you admit hundreds of completely unqualified and woefully unprepared but super self absorbed affirmative action ‘students’ – I mean who could have seen this coming?
It b witeys falt wez flunkn STEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not care if you are purple, blue, black, brown or teal! It is not okay to go around bullying people to get your way. I would like to know how many of those protesters really have something to protest. All lives matter. Tolerance of this kind of behavior is just allowing a bully to get their way. The color of your skin does not matter it is the color of your heart that does.
Racial minority demands equal treatment, that is what they feel they are lacking.
Thought experiment:
Picture this, if you will, some other group, say a frat, or rugby team, the equestrian team, young future farmers civic group, any other group, barges loudly, nay, storms, into the library, shouting vulgar language, insulting students, even making young girls cry in fear.
The question is, in that case just how quickly do you think it would be until security and local police arrive to put a stop to the disturbance and let the busy students return to their work?
The conclusion is, this group of protestors still receiving UNEQUAL treatment. Ah, the injustice, when will it ever end?
very one who contributes to this university’s funds, especially big contributors, tell the university that you will give them no more money until they expel anyone who participated in this crap.
The students being harassed, assaulted and victimized by these people with the blessings of the administrators need to hire a lawyer and sue the school that has an obligation to keep them safe, not threaten them with punishment for “hurting” these thugs by shutting the door or otherwise trying to shield themselves from the bullying behaviour we hear so much about.
Were it my child, they’d be withdrawn as well. My money would be going to another school.
Black lives matter ??? Not when they act like this.
I can not see the tactics of ISIS,BLM and Progressives as being different but one in the same.. If you don’t agree or join in their marches and support them they want to destroy you. No reasoning with them at all. They HATE anybody who opposes their opinions.. When did the Liberals get run over by these Progressive morons.
Colleges need to be held accountable for letting this happen and the teachers who get involved and support it. This was barely news but if white kids did it to blacks it is all you would see with headlines of racism by whites.
BLM makes makes the crap up as they go and the media never calls them on it.
Obama and his radical progressives have fueled this growing fire.
Not what a leader is to do. But he is no leader, not even close.
Blacks lives have only gotten worse under him and the media and progressives will not bring it up because they use them and the kids as useful idiots..
You clowns are making the USA a third world. Go to your childish safe space and get your heads out of your backside.
“Tenured Radicals: How Politics Have Corrupted Our Higher Education,” shows how the radical ideology of the 1960s had been institutionalized, absorbed into the moral tissues of the American educational establishment.
As one left-wing professor wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Education, “After the Vietnam War, a lot of us didn’t just crawl back into our literary cubicles; we stepped into academic positions. With the war over, our visibility was lost, and it seemed for a while—to the unobservant—that we had disappeared. Now we have tenure, and the work of reshaping the universities has begun in earnest.”
Did the administration expel these criminals? If not, they should be fired for not protecting students and punishing this kind of criminal behaviour. Did anyone file criminal assault charges?
Good job, BLM. Today you proved every single argument against you right. You’re racists, violent thugs, and soulless bigots to the core. For people who want black lives to matter, you sure are making it easy for more and more people to care nothing for you or your “struggle.”
Every protestor should be kicked out of school, those who got physical should be arrested for assault, and white students should protest and demand the dean step down unless those demands are met.
How in the world do these cretins get accepted into one of the US’ top universities? These “protesters” are behaving like children.
Still bringing up that fake swastika? That wasn’t even a Nazi swastika, it was a Sanskrit svastika, “all is well”, i.e. the Buddhist symbol, you braindead morons. Had a real Nazi drawn that, they’d have gotten at least that part right. However, for Nazis their otherway round swastika wasn’t some symbol of insult or hate, it was a symbol of pride for them which they venerated, and they wouldn’t make one out of feces just as the BLM fools wouldn’t paint a Mike “Gentle Giant” Brown portrait with feces either. Clearly that was a poor attempt at a false flag op by some more of the BLM racists.
Media did not investigate these ridiculous claims, or even want to. Fake racism, fake victims.
Prelude to another shakedown of white middle class aided and abetted by the WH, which needs constant victims to hide its total lack of accomplishments and competence.
I sincerely hope that the parents of the kids who were harassed are very powerful people with deep pockets and long legal resumes so they can sue the h * l l out of the hate-filled leftist loons who refuse to protect their kids from intimidtation by a bunch of coddled thugs.
The idea that one would pay that much money for kids to attend such a historically prestigious school only to have them threatened by a group of goons, and then to have the administration call them liars while they call these thuggish acts “beautiful” is evidence either of too much illegal pharmaceuticals’ influence on these former hippies’ brains and/or of the truly insidious and vile state of leftist infiltration in places of influence in this nation, the mainstream press and our universities being only two examples.
Dare I hope that this blatant display of hypocrisy and disregard for ALL students’ safety will backfire, so that so many Millennials who have bought into this narrative that whites have committed nothing but evil and non-whites are always their innocent victims will wake up and smell the wrong in these insane straw-man concoctions?
If not, our society will mirror that depicted in The Scarlet Letter – a bunch of wild-eyed, hyper-emotional loons accusing anyone and everyone of being witches, or in modern times, a racist / bigot / or, the most toxic of things, a conservative.
God save our Republic.
Mass hysteria…
What a bunch of foul mouthed crybullies. I will SO be dancing on the grave of this pathetic “movement” when it dies its long-deserved painful death. The people of color *I* have known, loved and respected deserve WAY better representation.
News flash morons, STUDENTS are there (school & library) to learn and study. Why should they want to stand in solidarity with you when you don’t even appreciate them or draw a distinction between those who do and those who don’t? Anyone who told ME, in response to my putting MY neck out on the line for THEM, that they “don’t care about” me at all, would be out of an ally in the very next second. I don’t care what color your skin is — you act like a spoiled entitled brat whose only hurdle is convincing the REST of the world what you’re entitled to, and yes, you ARE inferior to me, decidedly so, and always will be.
I don’t even attend Dartmouth or have any ties with it, and reading this has infuriated me. Expel those ingrates. Especially if they are only there because of the generous donations of others.
Social media psychosis in its purest form. Simple question…why are these people so set on convincing white people black lives matter? It wont save one black life..either will laying down in traffic. The people whom the black lives matters should be targeting are the people throwing theiŕ lives away attacking cops or joining gangs. Heres the rub..we know its a small percent making the rest look bad but when they defend violent criminals that makes them complicit. Fighti g racism by defending those that make the rest look bad is counterproductive. How many of these crybullies go back to their dorm to listen to gangsta rap…nothing says black lives matters like gangsta rap! EVER PULL A TRIGGER? YUP!
And what would happen if these snowflakes had to experience adversity. They are, after all, at Dartmouth, not Suffolk Community College or some other two-year institution in New Jersey. What if they had to face a military draft because there was a war on? What if they had to pay for their own lunch. Their own shoes. Their own anything. They are like 12-year-old children. Stomp your feet. Throw your SpaghettiOs against the wall. I’d all like you to read a book about the Nazi occupation of France and the brave young woman who formed the Underground. The Resistance. They had balls. They had no fear. They faced DEATH! They were not snowflakes.
We currently have a president who will comment on a legal case before a grand jury based on whether or not the litigants would have looked like his son or daughters…
Anyone who spit shoved or threatened should be arrested and charged.. The fact the school made a statement that there were no acts of violence reported in an attempt to justify their support of such thuggery doesn’t mean they aren’t liable for possible criminal and or illegal activity that hasn’t been reported or has yet to be reported..
It is cowardly of this group of thugs to enter a library and have their temper tantrum.. Love to see them pull this off at West Point.. or a real mans college..
and just think…the Democratic Party is running right now on a platform of free college. Never mind the impossibility of financing that – imagine even more people being exposed to this nonsense.
They’re lucky they can even tie their shoes.
Affirmative action. Isn’t it wonderful?
You have seen fascism. You must fight it. If the President of the college doesn’t suspend the offenders, you must get yourselves lawyers and go after him and the trustees. Fight fascism.
I would be pissed if I was a student there working my ass off at 2 jobs, eating roman noodles and crackers, struggling to get an education to better myself and my future and have to put up with this crap from these scum who could care less about theirs.
This is a shame that good kids are kept from getting an education in America of all places………This is not Liberty But Tyranny and I blame Obama and his administration for allowing it and encouraging it……..
I guess people do attack Dartmouth with impunity.
The clan with a tan.
That is all.
A legitimate cause hijacked by deranged, hateful lunatics.
An angry outburst from tiny children who cannot otherwise compete. Suck it up buttercups, everyone has problems. The net empathy for your cause dropped considerably after your obscene fit; your own naked self interest suggests that this should be your final tantrum.
Sort of clear from the above who the real racists are.
Students who don’t have time to deal with a small minority of people trying to hijack the school should go to another school.
When you kids get into the real world, people don’t have time to deal with this stuff. They are trying to better themselves everyday by doing good things for themselves.
I wouldn’t surely go up to complete strangers and start yelling my grievances and asking them to give up their self esteem to validate mine. That’s not the world works. That’s the original definition of diversity. Everyone having that right to fulfill their desires.
And BLM is on their path fulfilling their desires but at the expense of conflict. If this conflict doesn’t sit well with you. GO TO ANOTHER SCHOOL. The Administration of most schools are bogged down to their own desires as well. Threatening the integrity and economic wellbeing of the Institution will force the administration to make tough decisions.
WTF are you talking about? The white students rights were clearly violated on many levels. They should never have to tolerate the terrorists blm. And the terrorists Should get the FK out or be thrown out. It was hard to understand your Stand though. Not too coherent. Drugs ?
If I was a parent of one of the other students, and paid good money for my kid to learn, I would be at the Dean’s office demanding the “BLM” bunch be thrown out
white genocide
Surprised the howler monkeys even knew where the library was. If you can’t be right, be loud is apparently the way they roll. Quickest way to disperse that gang is to start handing out job applications.
These racists have ruined their cause; they have given opposing views and attitudes a shot in the arm for another generation. Vilifying all white people is not a starting point in any type of negotiation. I offer the END GAME, which is equality under law and that’s IT. If they want to rewrite history in order to feel better about it, or trample white people underfoot, well there is no discussion to be had. These school administrators better get this under control, start expelling rowdies and creating actual safe spaces for ALL students.
What the hell is the matter with you people? Why are you tolerating this? Stand up, push back, have some balls.
Black culture is primitive and violent, and slavery and white privilege have absolutely nothing to do with it.
True justice and peace comes from Conservatism. Socialist demand ALWAYS end up on violence. Did not Obama promised to end all this racial hatred?
Why blacks always use the race card to do what they love to do: destroy, attack, insult and hurt?
Welcome to Obamaville.
This is the anarchist movement at its very best. Create chaos by whatever means – and today’s way is through the BLM movement. The Dartmouth administration is incapable of dealing with it. Many of the faculty are agitators. There is no reason to assume that police will do anything because somebody might get shot. And the politicians of the left are playing every type of leftist game to whip up votes. Enjoy your lack of education at Dartmouth – oh, your potential employers are watching so you might just want to find a different college if you can. I can see the first question now “What did the BLM riots mean to you?” Seems like a simple question – but it is loaded with implication for your hiring.
Welcome to Wayne’s World of Neutered White Masochists!
What ever happened to studying…isn’t it time for finals? So when those who are hurling filthy language fail their courses…will it be their fault or…wait for it…will racism be the cause of their failing grades?
Though I have to wonder, with such a vast and impressive vocabulary…sigh…never mind.
Surprisingly, studying is quite unnecessary for the Victim’s Studies 101 final.
Or maybe their “protest” was the final.
Is there video of this- “F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “F*** you and your comfort!” “F*** you, you racist s***!” I would find it very useful.
Maybe the “protesters” (and I use that word loosely, they’re nothing more but thugs) should be forced to repeat Kindergarten…
A campus too afraid to uphold their own Student Conduct guidelines – sickening.
“Deep Seated”
Let’s face it — decades of affirmative action hasn’t fixed these people’s problem, and committing anti-white racist hate crimes against Whites studying in a library isn’t going to either.
Yep there is definitely a racist problem in this school and we can clearly see who the racists are by the actions they do! The Blacks have shown they are the racists doing racist hate filled actions and justifying their actions by blaming their enemy who Blacks made a victim.
This is like someone deciding to protest murder by committing murder!!!! How retarded are these people?
Entirely sickening, but predictable… is that sad or what?
Let’s protest in the library, if anything will help end intolerance, it’s making sure people are less educated.
Ignorance should be shared equally, you got a problem with that?
Imagine Whites behaving like this because they’re “under-represented” in the NBA.
Who would of thought Dartmouth would be the school to support and protect violence! Students get raped or harassed for studying in the library! People should avoid attending this “dump” school and funding should be cut. Community schools provide a better environment.
This article, nor the school, supports the act. Please read the article before posting inflammatory remarks.
A school official (representative of the college) made a public apology to the students who committed these acts. Initially, the school denied that these events even occurred. The school’s handling of the matter appears to be in condonement.
The school did not address the acts of violence or expiate the victims – that in itself is an injustice. Currently, no one is held accountable or facing disciplinary actions.
You are free to interpret factual as inflammatory, you are the newspaper.
No, I’m not the newspaper. I have nothing to do with it. Just a reader here. But, good job on the continuation of your reading skills! Referring to an outstanding school as a “dump” based on the poor choice of one administrator is inflammatory. And, I will continue to say that this article in no way condones the event – the opposite, in fact.
If it is such an outstanding school, why do black students feel unsafe? Why are students studying in the library harrassed and threatened? The article is pretty wishy washy. Maybe your the one that should read it.
You say ” this article in no way condones the event ” But the author is clearly weak, I quote ” As Dartmouth students prepare to make sense of race relations at the College, as well as form our perspective on social justice ” Really? this is really cut and dry, no need to make sense of this. Minority students are allowed to harrass others in the name of political correctness and liberal pandering.
No need to form a perspective on social justice, there is no justice for the majority of students at Dartmouth, just for professional victims.
You cant say both things, Dartmouth is a great school and black students are made unsafe… both cannot be true.
Funny how they ‘deny’ this, but if you watch the interview with Fox News, the Darmouth student admits it happened and says he wished the media didn’t focus on something only a few protestors did for only 30 seconds, when the whole protest was at least 20 minutes. THAT IS HIS WORDS. but, white people are racist, black people are relentless victims of white racism and that explains everything.
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IQ matters.
Typical thug tactics from anarchists. You cant use fascist tactics and be in the right. black lives matter is creating fiction to justify commiting acts of terror against anyone they want. Reminds me of what happened in South Africa after apartheid. Whats next? ANC style Necklacing for conservative students? Public beatings for white students who dont agree and fall in line behind disruptive protestors.
These radical students are on a slippery slope.
They dont feel safe at dartmouth? Are you kidding me? Tell you what, why not join me next year in liberia or haiti with doctors without borders… then tell me how dangerous dartmouth is.
This is ridiculous, these people should grow up and get some backbone, stop harrassing their fellow students and go back to class.
You’re not very smart, Dan.
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Jewish+slave+trade&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
(Don’t stop at Wikipedia!)
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Sex+slave+trade+Israel&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
Get bent.
How intelligent! What is your IQ again?
147. Again: get bent, then die. Dumbass.
People who respond to a question like you do typically have IQ’s in the 70’s.
Die, stalker: die.
How childish — we expected more of you.
I expected you to die. Soon. And painfully. Get to it, faux Nazi cunt.
Your continual death threats are to be expected.
(As well as you denying that your repeatedly stated wishes for my death are death threats.)
Huh? No no no: you are to kill *yourself*, dumbass. I wouldn’t even begin to soil myself by getting anywhere near you, if I could help it.
Do you have anything remotely intelligent to add to any of this?
I state facts. Fact that you obviously hate. But you can’t refute them so you have puerile temper tantrums instead.
Here’s some good advice. Adults read these comments. You’re making a fool of yourself.
The things you state are the equivalent of what Flat Earthers believe. Having a debate with you would be like me having a chess match against a pigeon. There is no discourse with people like you. In my better moments, I see you for the sad, thwarted, borderline personality that you are, and have pity. This is not one of those moments, so…
Doyon need a party number and paid up dues book to be a “real” nazi?!
Are you dead yet?
Are you letting him double it?!
“Israel created ISIS”:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Israel+created+ISIS%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
“Israel Created Hamas”:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Israel+created+Hamas%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8%5D
BTW, Israel also did 9-11:
— [ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it ]
Google search? Far out, man. Are you a scholar?
#BLM and third wave feminism are both authoritarian movements dominated by regressives who are often Islamist apologists.
I used to get upset about these black whiners, but I take comfort in knowing they’ll never grow up – couple that with a useless degree (if they get one at all) and their attitude they’re almost guaranteed to be nothing in life. No money, no prospects, no retirement worth a crap, etc. Keep yelling. Keep screaming. In another generation you’ll be replaced by another group of young blacks bitching about, oh I don’t know, something, and there you’ll be – a loser wishing you were back in school with no responsibilities other than making your next bullshit protest sign. Now: me and my white privilege (and 6.5 million in the bank) must go – I have plans to make for my Hawaii vacation (third in past year) at a 5 star resort. The bonus: No BLM protesters there. They can’t afford it. Ha!
Apparently education doesn’t matter for these morons. What exactly did they gain from disrupting other people trying to study in a library?
Have you noticed that your comments section is filled with racists who appear to have issues with “the Jews”?
See if you can sort them out (the racists come in both colors):
What a shame you nergros are so stupid you even attack people who might be sympathetic to your cause. Violence is all you know. Violence is all you use. Violence will be the end of you.
Try replacing “white” with “Jew”and you’ll have a clearer picture of who these Sturmabteilungen actually are!
To the students of all colors, but especially whites, who were clearly targeted, harassed and assaulted at Dartmouth, I beg you to sue. File a class action law suit. Demand the president Take A Stand and denounce this kind of violence from BLM. BLM is a very violent movement. It is, in my opinion, The New Black Liberation Army. One of its followers said as much. Threaten to pull your children out AND MAKE DARTMOUTH PAY. Alumni, Don’t make donations. Students, call 911 at 1st sign of aggression!
Do not let these terrorists threaten you, disrupt your education, make you feel unsafe and in danger. GO TO THE PRESIDENTS OFFICE. GO TO THE SAFETY OFFICER. TAKE CONTROL. DO NOT RELINQUISH CONTROL.
To the students of all colors, but especially whites, who were
clearly targeted, harassed and assaulted at Dartmouth, I beg you to sue.
File a class action law suit. Demand the president Take A Stand and
denounce this kind of violence from BLM. BLM is a very violent
movement. It is, in my opinion, The New Black Liberation Army. One of
its followers said as much. Threaten to pull your children out AND MAKE
DARTMOUTH PAY. Alumni, Don’t make donations. Students, call 911 at
1st sign of aggression!
Do not let these terrorists threaten you,
disrupt your education, make you feel unsafe and in danger. GO TO THE
This thread has gone off point, ironically, because of fighting about ancient history. The Radical BLM terrorist students USE ancient history as an excuse to terrorize our nations whites, law enforcement, students at our universities….and THAT is the WAR that needs to be fought. And I hope the outcome of their Fists Down Our Throats terrorism, is and End To Affirmative Action! They are actually hurting themselves and others, all because of their generational hate, or Hopped up on Campus Activism. They will turn even the most tolerant peoples of all color against them. But the outcome will place much needed LIGHT on the fact that Affirmative Action is no longer necessary and in fact being abused. It is unconstitutional. Good students who have worked hard and have been good citizens are Denied a spot in our universities just because of the color of THEIR SKIN! Unconstitutional! AND ENDING!!!!!!!
Does the second paragraph sound like paragons of diveersity? and civiiility? and trustworthy ThouuughtPolicemen to you?!
What about the slave trade still extant? Blacks sell slaves into the ME.
You should probably die.
I used to think people like you have normal IQ’s.
Yes, I admit it — I used to be PC.
I don’t GAF what you think you used to be. You are currently a stain.
Now now now, we mustn’t let our personal failings reduce us to sputtering inanities.
Get to dying.
Your death threats are to be expected.
(As well as you denying that your repeatedly stated wishes for my death are death threats.)
Found a pic of you, you white supremacist charmer!
You found a picture of me, did you — you must be real proud of yourself..
Of course I don’t hide my identity so it wasn’t that difficult, but we can’t expect much of an anonymous coward like you, can we.
Are you running for Township Supervisor?
Also, I am not anonymous. I am pseudonymous. Dumbass.
What else would we expect from an apologist for Israeli war criminals but another lie?
“Pseudonymous” means you’re anonymous. Dumbass.
Nope. If I was “anonymous”, every time I posted there would be no author listed, as such. So it would be impossible for you to know whether it was a single individual or many telling you to go kill yourself. Kill yourself.
Ah, an echo of the old Guardiancomment pages!A “warcrime”was anything that inconvenienced an enemy of civilization!
No wonder he hates Jews. Has to blame someone for his lack of popularity with the ladies…
This fellow looks a :LOTlikemy freshman Psych Prof.!
Also? Die.
You sound upset. Maybe try suicide? (PS: Jews are white, dumbass.)
If you “need more” of that moron I’m wasting my time with you.
Nevertheless, I will be kind & patient enough with you to grant you a learning experience — (in case you don’t already know) Jews are Jews when it’s convenient for them, and “White” when it’s convenient for them.
Oh yeah, and this:
“9-11 — ISRAEL DID IT”:
— [ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it ]
“9-11 made understandable”:
— [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig3sQ8lfd1Y ]
(by Christopher Bollyn and Alan Sabrosky)
Judging by the Anti-FA thugs, being white AND JEWISH IS WORSE, NOT LESS SO!
You aren’t dead yet? You need to try harder.
No. This is also dumb.
100% false. Christ, you’re an idiot.
You think we “need more Kanye” and you’re calling other people idiots??
You’re being ironic, right??
Yes. I think Kanye is an idiot., That is the irony. You fucking idiot.
Don’t be afraid — tell us about you!
Of course! I encourage people like you to die.
well, I’ll just say it, perhaps a few more intelligent black will see the scam for what it is.
I have always long before this manufactured moment, supported the concept of black lives mattering, and the ongoing injustices in the less educated parts of our country, but not just in those places.(because there is so much racism in hollywood, it’s shocking, of curse, this is not the type o fraicsm, where some kook is flying a rebel flag and trying to coninve how the War of Southern REgression had nothin got even od iwth slavery….but I digress,
(renceltly you can even see the same racist stereotypes in the move Ghostbusters buy that pig Paul frieg, while he is itelling everyone how the actress has been the vvictim of racist tweets. LOL. The tnire country has been yet another victim of his racist movie, wow, the nerve…lpoint, i remember a sying in the south don’t pee on my leg and telll me it’s raining
I support the concept, but not the organization, Black Lives Matter This organization, jutst happens to pop before an election? fplks you are not this dumb,.
Recently, many of these suspsicions were confirmed, when the BLM INC, sent out letters to Atlanta demanding the city divest itself from Israel??? WTF
….in otehr you are being used, and after th electiion, hullary will drop your black asses just like obma has done for eight years.
The Clinton drug policies, HAHVE DESTROYED THOUSANDS OF YOUNG BLACK LVIES !!! WAKE THE F UP!!!! fEvery frat house in this country smjokes weed, but there are people F0-ING prison for possesion, you can thank CLinton for that.
wellp, I'[m off back to bed, this post is full of grammar and peeling eporr, I’;m sleept, ybut YOU P$EOPLE need to wake the f up, you wilfl be used like cheap whoire, just bernies supporters.
Spoken like a true Doctor of Philosophy the mold of Herr Doctor Goebbels!
You can buy nearly identical ones at almost every tourist trap “gist” store in the Eastern USA-usually sold as being a product of the Iroquois Indians!
I know this happened 2 years ago, but still is a problem, people are as intolerant as they were, maybe even less tolerant now. This problem has to be delt with, parents should talk with their children a lot more about this.
The Obama Administration is a reunion of “Symbioses Liberation Army” leftist domestic terrorists! Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Barry Soetero?
How hard is it to expel students who disrupt the educational experience?
Appreciating the hard work you put into your website and in depth information you provide.
It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a
while that isn’t the same unwanted rehashed information. Fantastic read!
I’ve saved your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.