A Photographic Glance at Green Key

The Glee Clubs performs in a past Green Key

The Glee Clubs performs in a past Green Key.

The Green Key Society gathers to celebrate the weekend in 1926.

The Green Key Society gathers to celebrate the weekend in 1926.

Pea-green freshmen offer info about Green Key traditions.

Pea-green freshmen offer info about Green Key traditions.

A student band plays, a tradition that has persisted for decades.

A student band plays, a tradition that has persisted for decades.

Phi Delt's block party

Phi Delt’s block party, another longstanding tradition.

A student greets a date at the White River Junction station.

A student greets a date at the White River Junction station.

Alpha Delta's annual lawn party.

Alpha Delta’s annual lawn party. Animal House, anyone?