November 2002

James Taranto

makes a cool observation that Walter Mondale is, in all probability, the first person to have lost a state-wide election in all 50 states (49…

People actually read that stuff???

I can’t say I blame them too much. After all, they heard it here first: “That being said, Republicans will still win because they’re just…

Dartlog summary

From my first post yesterday through Rollo’s summation of the day, these are the stats: 5 posters 116 posts 6663 words in those posts 15+…

Good words

I just heard the best 5 words I’ve heard in about two years: Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle They’ve got a nice ring to them,…

Fun Headlines

NY Times: “Senate Defeat Sends Mondale Back Into Political Retirement” Wash Post: “Ehrlich Stuns Townsend for Win”, “Kennedy Mystique Falls Short for Townsend” Boston Globe:…

More from NH

The state representative returns are in for Hanover’s district: Sharon L. Nordgren Dem (i) 4,782 9 percent Nancy Scovner Dem (i) 4,715 9 percent Hilda…

Another Good Sign

Fed cuts rates half point when most people were expecting a quarter point. Combined with yesterday’s victories, maybe the economy will start moving.

South Dakota

They have not counted the absentee ballots. In a small state like South Dakota, I’m not sure that there would be enough absentee ballots to…


In the same way student activists don’t truly represent the views of Native Americans, environmentalists are way out of touch with Alaskans. The only time…

Hamlin County

Hamlin County has counted 92% of its precincts. The current vote there leans to Thune, 1206-1196 — a margin of ten votes! If this is…