Bin Laden Dead

Breaking news: Bin Laden killed in air strike outside a mansion in Pakistan. Geopolitics/politics aside (the pundits will get to that as the 24 hour…

Lady Laxers Hammer Harvard, Win Ivy League

According to the @dartmouthsports Twitter account, the women’s lacrosse team just won the Ivy League title by beating Harvard 14-7! Congratulations from all of us…

Superman Gives Up American Citizenship

Truth, justice, and, uh, something else. That’s apparently what Superman stands for these days. No, you read that correctly. In Action Comics #900, Superman plans…

Trump Plays Another Hand

Hoping to quell the “birther” masses, President Obama has produced a birth certificate at long last. Until now, the White House has refused to fold…

A Royal Wedding for the New Generation

This morning, Prince William of Wales married Catherine “Kate” Middleton at Westminster abbey in London England. The wedding was a distinctly British and Royal affair….

Hayek vs. Keynes: Round Two

Some of you may remember a delightful little music video released last year: “Fear the Boom and the Bust.”     Well, there’s good news….