Finding an Education at Dartmouth

Who are you? If you are part of Western civilization, your cultural ancestors are a tiny monotheistic desert tribe of Israelites and a small city-state…

A Western Culture Primer

The late Harold Bloom’s famed The Western Canon (1994), perhaps the foremost apologia for the Western literary tradition in the modern day Notwithstanding Philip Larkin’s…

Lost Songs of Old Dartmouth

Editor’s Note: Presented here for your consideration and enjoyment are songs of which few current undergraduates are aware but which were sung by generations of…

The Storied History of Dartmouth

Dartmouth is the ninth-oldest of America’s Colonial Colleges. Established in 1769, it was the last to receive its charter from the British Crown. Dartmouth’s founding…

Welcome to Dartmouth

Dear members of the Class of 2018, welcome to Dartmouth! Although you are new to campus, you have undoubtedly arrived with a number of preconceptions…

Defending Dartmouth’s Legacy

Editor’s Note: The following post was conceived of as a response to a recent editorial in The Daily Dartmouth. The original piece can be read…