>Date: 01 Feb 2004 23:10:05 EST
>From: Jessica H. Ward
>Reply-To: CampusCupid
>Subject: Campus Cupid
>To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Dear Dartmouth Singletons,
We’ve recently decided that the need has arisen at Dartmouth for a student-run dating service.
Who we are:
Two single ’04 women who understand Dartmouth’s dating difficulties
How it works:
Fill out the brief questionairre below and blitz it back to us. We will assign you a number so that your identity remains anonymous. Profiles will be compiled in a mass blitz every Friday and sent to all participants. Select the numbers of profiles you find intriguing and blitz those back to us. If that person has also chosen you, we will alert both of you as to each other’s names for a possible match.
blitz “CampusCupid” with questions
Happy Dating!
Sex I’m Seeking:
How would you describe yourself?
On-campus activities:
Other things you like to do:
What are you looking for?
Favorite dining hall:
At a dance party, you would request this song:
The movie you’ve seen a thousand times:
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