The Assembly’s Bike Resolution

Posted below is the Student Assembly’s resolution to create yet another incarnation of the communistic Big Green Bikes program. It passed Tuesday.

Proposal to Implement the Big Green Bike Program

Sponsored by Frank Glaser ’08, Ben Zimmerman ’07, Todd Rabkin Golden ’06, and the Student Services Committee

Whereas one of the main objectives of the Student Assembly is to improve the quality of life at Dartmouth;

Whereas bicycle transportation provides an environmentally friendly mode of transportation;

Whereas Bike Cooperative Programs have been a benefit to numerous colleges and communities across the country;

Whereas small-scale campus bike programs have occurred and been well-received by students at Dartmouth in the past;

Whereas the Office of the General Counsel, Dean Larimore (Dean of the College) and President Wright are in support of the Big Green Bike program;

Whereas over $ 4,000 has been raised for the Big Green Bike program to date;

Whereas a winter storage facility has been located by the Materials Management Office and generously provided without charge to the Assembly;

Whereas maintenance for bicycles has been arranged for and kindly donated through the Dartmouth Outing Club and Department of Safety and Security;

Whereas this program has the potential to last for many years as the infrastructure will be easily continued and the Departments involved have expressed interest in an enduring communal bike program;

Whereas we have secured a greatly marked down cost on a high quality bike;

Let it be proposed that the Assembly adopt the Big Green Bike Program aimed at providing 75-100 communal bikes to the Dartmouth Campus for the Spring Term ’05;

Let it be further proposed that the Communications Committee assist with advertisement of this program.

Let it be finally proposed that the Assembly support this researched program with funds up to $2,000 to be used towards the cost of bikes, locks, assembly, and transportation.

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