The Daily D shills for Larimore

The Daily Dartmouth‘s article reviewing Dean Larimore’s tenure as Dean of the College reads like a press release:

Larimore will leave Dartmouth this summer without completely achieving his goals for student life and administrative communication, but having made significant progress. The diversity of the student body increased by 50 percent under his leadership, and numerous construction projects are underway to expand the residential life network. He is largely responsible for reconciling some of the Wright administration’s difficulties, which he had no part in creating, and because of Larimore the Greek system is stronger. Larimore departs having built the infrastructure between the Greek system and the administration necessary to facilitate improvements that he did not have the chance to accomplish.

The article gives no voice whatsover to Larimore’s many detractors among the students and alumni, aside from oblique references to “skeptics.” Without citing any evidence, reporter Phil Salinger gives the retiring dean sole credit for many of the positive changes in the past two or three years. In fact, many of these changes consisted of dismantling some of the inane rules and regulations Larimore had himself put in place. The article further ignores other impetuses for change, like widespread student and alumni unrest and the election of three reformers to the Board of Trustees.

And what does “the diversity of the student body increased by 50 percent” even mean?

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