By a 14-3 vote, the Board of Trustees has backed a measure supporting the undemocratic new alumni constitution, according to an e-mail distributed by the office of alumni relations. Since the Board is Dartmouth’s governing body, is the College now officially in favor of the “reforms?”
The text of the e-mail follows:
September 10, 2006
Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends:
The Board of Trustees met this weekend for our annual retreat and among other matters reviewed the June 2006 proposed Association of Alumni of Dartmouth College Constitution. During 2005-06 the Trustees met with members of the Alumni Governance Task Force, Alumni Councilors, members of Dartmouth Alumni for Open Governance and alumni at various Dartmouth events across the country and gathered a range of opinions on alumni governance. We have also taken note of alumni opinion in print and electronic media.
The Board adopted by a 14 to 3 margin a motion distributed on August 31 to support the proposed constitution that provides 1) a more representative alumni governance structure; 2) better communication channels with the Trustees and College administration; 3) a fair trustee nomination process; and 4) modernized voting methods for election of Association officers and representatives. The Board also reaffirmed its commitment to ensure an enhanced level of alumni engagement and communication with the College. The proposed constitution’s Alumni Liaison Board would contribute materially to that goal, and, if the proposed constitution is approved, we look forward to working with this group.
The Board expressed its appreciation for the work by the Joint Committee on Alumni Governance and Trustee Nominations (2001-2003) and the Alumni Governance Task Force (2004-06), and wishes to thank the many individuals and groups who participated in the process that has led to the proposed constitution. Dartmouth depends upon the good services of its alumni volunteers. The text of the motion appears below.
The vote on the proposed constitution will take place from September 15 to October 31, 2006. The Board of Trustees encourages all alumni to cast their ballots and let their voices be heard.
William H. Neukom ‘64, Chair, Board of Trustees
__________________________________________Board of Trustees
September 9, 2006 Meeting
The Governance Committee proposes the following motion for action by the Board of Trustees:
VOTED: to express appreciation for the work by the Joint Committee on Alumni Governance and Trustee Nominations (2001-2003) and the Alumni Governance Task Force (2004-06), and to thank the many individuals and groups who participated in the process that has led to the proposed system for alumni governance and the nomination of alumni to the Board of Trustees.
VOTED: to record the Board’s support of the proposed constitution of the Dartmouth Alumni Association that provides 1) a more representative alumni governance structure; 2) better communication channels with the Trustees and College administration; 3) a fair trustee nomination process; and 4) modernized voting methods for election of Association officers and representatives.
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