First the tragic demise of a squirrel and now this. The residents of the new McLaughlin Cluster have been treated to a calamitous week of pocket-sized proportions. The Dartmouth reported today that though this is the first year of the dormitories use, there is a mouse infestation problem. According to Residential Operations Director Woody Eckels, the mice probably found their way into the buildings this summer during construction. Though the Office of Residential Life (ORL) has hired an exterminator the overwhelming feelin amongst residents is one of frustration. The exception, of course, is Lyle Baker ’10, who has been hand catching mice. “I don’t think the mouse problem will be solved any time soon,” Baker said. “In the meantime, we enjoy the rush of catching the little guys on our own. We don’t exterminate them or abuse them. We show them off to our floor and let them loose outside.”
Sons of Dartmouth dare a deed for the old Mother, indeed.
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