David Nachman ’09 has some further thoughts concerning Zywicki and the issue of petition trustees as a whole:
1. I believe that the presence of the petition trustees is ultimately beneficial to Dartmouth. I like Dartmouth’s administration and I think they do a very good job. I’ve worked with some of the top administrators and they always seem on top of their game and the sort of people we want leading Dartmouth. But even the best administrators need good oversight, because people are human and they make decisions that are not always the best. And the stakes here are very high – one of the most prestigious academic institutions. I don’t have great confidence in the oversight capabilities of the Board of Trustees because I believe they are overly willing to follow the administration’s lead. By comparison, the election of the petition trustees put increased pressure on the administration, and their presence on the Board has led and will continue to lead to increased oversight. I think this is a good thing and will benefit Dartmouth in the long run.
UPDATE: Valley News roundup.
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