Beta Trustees Release Letter to Dartmouth

Over on the Dartmouth Beta website, a letter from the Beta Board of Trustees has been posted with the title “To the Dartmouth Community.” Here it is. (I think the D will publish the letter tomorrow).

Some interesting quotes….

On derecognition:

During the mid-90’s, a sustained period of misbehavior by members of the fraternity led to the “permanent derecognition” of the organization. While this behavior was caused by a minority of the membership, the fraternity was ultimately at fault for not policing itself properly. The Beta Trustees supported the shut down of the fraternity. The term “permanently derecognized” meant that neither the existing classes of Beta undergraduates at that time nor their organizational structure would be allowed to return to campus. However, it was understood that after a suitable period of time had elapsed, 3 or 4 years, a new interest group might be formed to apply as a new fraternity to use that space. In other words, a completely new fraternity would be allowed, but reconstitution of the previous Beta chapter was permanently barred. The offenses committed by those undergraduates were an affront to all Beta alumni, one which we will not soon forget. It should be further noted for the record that “Betavision” is patently untrue.

On reinstatement:

It was our expressed goal to achieve reinstatement from the beginning. At the outset, we expected our “dark period,” similar to Zeta Psi’s, to last 3-4 years to allow the unwanted elements of the organization to cycle out of the College. This was communicated verbally by the College and was the basis for the terms of our lease with Alpha Xi. Fate intervened as the Student Life Initiative came to campus in 1999, prior to the end of our “dark period.” This placed a moratorium on new, single-sex Greek organizations.

Despite this obstacle, discussions with the College continued through this period and were increased upon the lifting of the moratorium in June, 2005. Importantly, it was an expressed interest of ours and the College to ensure alternative space would be available for Alpha Xi as part of our reinstatement. We have committed to and they have accepted our offer to work with them through this transitional period.

On national affiliation:

Our agreement with the College stipulates that we prefer a nationally-affiliated organization. We are not currently affiliated with our national organization; however, we have had extensive discussions with the Beta Theta Pi General (national) Fraternity for the past three years. Those discussions are ongoing to this day. The College has also suggested other national organizations that allow for open affiliation.

A general statement on their future:

We intend to build a model Greek organization, one that respects the dignity of its members and the community at large. Any inappropriate legacies of the past will stay there. While we will provide support and guidance for the organization, the true character of the new organization will be built on the strength of the outstanding undergraduates we seek to attract from a broad spectrum of the campus. This is our legacy and we wish to build upon it.

My favorite part? “It should be further noted for the record that “Betavision” is patently untrue.” Thanks for the heads up, Beta.

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