Ms. Melissa Fan of the Class of 2008 sent out a blitz expressing her sincerest apologies for trivializing African American culture. I would too after seeing the posters in food court expressing the black community’s outrage. The posters really proved stereotypes wrong. For example, the list of favorite artists, which included Coldplay and the like, signed by a black student really changed how I perceived the black community. I didn’t think life as an African American was all about hip-hoppin’ in the hood, but now I’m truly enlightened.
Melissa Fan must have felt the same when she sent her blitz with the following text:
To whom it may concern:
Hi my name is Melissa Fan and I am one of two Hood Senior Interns who helped organize last week’s “Hip Hop in the Hood” party. If you have heard or are interested in the controversy that has happened as a result of last week’s “Hip-Hop in the Hood” Party please read the enclosure and if not, trash this.
Anyways, although I was working on a team to produce this event, I personally played a large role in planning the “Hip-Hop in the Hood” party and producing the PR for the event. While there were other interns and employees who were integral components to the planning process, I can only speak from my own experiences. I would like to explain my individual thought processes behind the decision to name the party “Hip-Hop in the Hood” and the subsequent PR that was produced to go along with the title.
If after reading the enclosure and attending the meeting on Thursday and Friday (between the museum administrators and concerned students and I’ll be there), If you would still like to talk about this issue, please blitz me over the weekend and I would be more than happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss my personal involvement with this issue.
Melissa Fan
Dartmouth Class of 2008
The blitz contained the enclosure of a 4 page word document further detailing Ms. Fan’s regrets. You can read it here.
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