The new form letter from Lam et. al. being sent out to the campus, after the jump.
Dear Dartmouth Community,
Attached is a petition written by several Dartmouth students in protest of the Association of Alumni (AoA) lawsuit that has been filed against the College. On April 28, alumni will begin voting to elect the new leadership of the AoA. The outcome of this election will determine the fate of the lawsuit.
The petition does not take a stand on the brewing debate over parity between alumni and charter trustees on the Board of Trustees. It simply seeks to communicate to the alumni electorate that current undergraduates want to see an end to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit has been sapping the resources of the College. The price tag of Dartmouth’s legal costs will reach $2 million. The bad press has tarnished Dartmouth’s name. And the lawsuit further polarizes the community of alumni.
The voice of the students can make the decisive difference in the upcoming AoA election. Let your voice be heard.
I encourage you to read the attached petition and urge you to sign it.
If you would like to sign it, please fill out, and blitz either back the following to Bonnie Lam BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!
“I ___(your name)____ have read and agree with the petition: “From Dartmouth Students to Alumni.”
Thank you.
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