From: William.D.Martin@Dartmouth.EDU
Subject: TONIGHT!
Date: May 20, 2008 1:01:50 PM EDT
To: Recipient list suppressed***** Leavin’ U Lustin’ *****
Carving Out your Own Space
in Dartmouth’s Sex/Dating Culture
(or Lack There Of)TONIGHT: TUESDAY, MAY 20th
****** 7PM*******
TINDLE LOUNGE, (In the Thayer Dining Hall Lobby)
Facilitated by the Dartmouth ‘Sexperts’
“Fed up with your Dartmouth love life? Come “Screw It!” with Sexperts. This program presents information ranging from relationships outside of physical intimacy to hot ways to spice up (bland?) sex. Games, aphrodisiac sampling, and guides to sexuality at Dartmouth will all be part of defining your intimate college couture.”
Brought to you by La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
All I want to know is where I can buy some “intimate college couture.”
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