Zete alumni and national representatives held an information session today geared towards potential rushees of the fraternity in fall 2009. Zeta Psi has been officially derecognized since 2001, and has been dark for three years. T. Weymouth ’79 and Jake Gehret ’81 delivered short presentations to a crowd of approximately 25 freshmen as well as a handful of upperclassmen. The alums emphasized leadership, diversity, their renovated physical plant, and the concept of “brothers for life” in order to garner a core interest group for the house. Gehret artfully dodged a question about restrictions on the house before the truth came out that Zete would theoretically have to be dry for two years upon rerecognition, visibly dampening the spirits of some interested students in the room. Whether Zete will become a resurgent social force on campus next year remains to be seen.
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