Government Department Appoints James Russell Muirhead, Jr.

The Government Department has announced the appointment of James Russell Muirhead, Jr., a current associate professor at UT-Austin, as the inaugural holder of the Robert Clemens Professorship of Democracy and Politics. Full News Release here.

I was really excited when I received this news update. The creation of an endowed chair affirms Dartmouth’s commitment to quality of education even in light of our necessary budget cuts to weather the economic downturn. Muirhead does have an impressive resume (Rhodes Scholar, Ph.D from Harvard, and former varsity skier(!)) and he seems willing to apply his extensive research experience, which includes three books on political theory/political science and research grants received from the National Science Foundation, to the benefit of undergraduates: “Dartmouth students, of course, are among the greatest attractions of the place. I put my mind and my heart into the classroom, and I look forward to teaching courses that explore the complexities of a democratic society, the intersection of ideas and political institutions, and the great and enduring questions of political philosophy.” The Review welcomes Dr. Muirhead and hopes that he’ll demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate education in addition to research.

ps – HOOK’EM!

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