The New York Times gave Dartmouth’s own Hopkins Center some much-deserved attention on the front page of Monday’s online edition. Alastair Macaulay’s write-up of the Pilobolus weekend dance show is a paean not only to Pilobolus (founded by Dartmouth alums), but also to the College itself and to the Hop, “one of the leaders in commissioning modern-dance works.” A priceless piece of promotion for the Hop and the College’s public affairs office.
Also priceless? Joe Mehling’s photo credit in the Times. His ubiquity knows no bounds.
For those who don’t closely track the world of modern dance, Pilobolus is perhaps the best-known group in the country. They performed at the 2007 Academy Awards, and the group got its own feature story on 60 Minutes in 2004. Pilobolus has its origins in a 1971 dance class at the College taught by instructor Alison Chase. Here they are on Conan last summer:
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