Citing apparent conflicts of interest between the alumni establishment and Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth, one alumnus sent the following to The Review (edited somewhat for readability):
RESIGN – members of the Joint “Takeover” Committee on Governance who are actively campaigning with ASD
RESIGN – members of the incoming and outgoing Association board who are actively campaigning with ASD
4 official Candidates – CONDEMN the activities of ASD in your next email to alumni, admonish them, and restrain them as your supporters from campaigning on your behalf, or if you refuse, then ACKNOWLEGE as idiotic poison pills the rules that the entrenched apparachiks have put in place to keep themselves in power
Asking to remain anonymous, the alumnus called for an “Evergreen Revolution” in Hanover–a democratization movement like the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia or the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Roger Simon ’64 likewise has hinted at the parallel stuggles for open governance.
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