The Following letter was printed in the Valley News on the same day that Mr. Asch’s letter was printed. In his letter, Mr. Woolson catalogs one flagrant misstep after another that the Alumni Council and the Board of Trustees took within the last year or so.
Letter to the Editor by Raymond Woolson
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
To the Editor:Predictably, it didn’t take long for the Dartmouth Board of Trustees, the Alumni Council and Hanover insiders to wail about their most recent trustee election defeat — the fourth in a row. And this came on top of the board’s loss of control of the Alumni Council and the humiliating defeat of its proposals to change the constitution last year, when the council couldn’t even raise a majority of votes in the largest alumni response ever. Now comes departing trustee William Neukom, who suggests that the 1891 resolution regarding trustee elections should be abrogated. Desperate people do desperate things!
Dartmouth Class of 1955 Grantham, NH
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