Articles by Jack F. Mourouzis

A Timeline of Scandal

Editor’s Note: This piece originally ran in the Finals Issue of the Fall of 2014. It has been updated with the past two years of…

The Morton Fire

In his 1940 essay “Inside the Whale,” George Orwell explained that “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people…

The Folly of Free Speech

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” The plight of the liberal…

Happy Founders Day, Kiddos!

As I peeled the knock-off red wax seal from my envelope, I made my way to the Allen reception area. Though I would not call…

The Diversity Debacle

Students of Dartmouth College are more than familiar with the school’s seemingly endless initiatives on diversity. From the ambiguity of OPAL to President Hanlon’s recent…

On the Purpose of Higher Education

The fall of 2015 was wrought with controversy, outrage, and criticism regarding the state of higher education in the United States. The University of Missouri…

A Conversation with Fribble

In recent months, a commenter known as “fribble” has been making a name for himself in the comments sections of many articles from The Daily…