Priya Venkatesan Update
From the Daily Northwestern: The controversial former Dartmouth College lecturer who threatened to sue her students before coming to Northwestern as a research associate says…
From the Daily Northwestern: The controversial former Dartmouth College lecturer who threatened to sue her students before coming to Northwestern as a research associate says… Some fairly insipid advice for Dartmouth’s ubiquitous econ majors, courtesy of new blog Economic Woman, where “economics and feminism collide.”
Pudgy Steve Jobs speaks at Dartmouth?
The University of Colorado at Boulder woke up one day, looked around, and wondered, “Where has all the diversity of thought gone?” So they decided…
According to the Times Manhattan Media has bought 02138, a magazine published by Harvard alumni for Harvard alumni, a “Vanity Fair for Harvard alums.” You…
The folks over at Dartblog have a good rebuttal to the anti-parity column Professor Susan Ackerman wrote in today’s D. P.S. I’d like to add…
In response to a comment on the previous post: Yes, Laura Clawson is indeed the Daily Kos blooger that posted “The VRWC [Vast Right Wing…
Rocky, right now. >Date: 10 May 2008 17:33:54 -0400>From: Dartmouth Free Press>Reply-To: DFP>Subject: Orient & Progressive Blogging Now!>To: (Recipient list suppressed) The second half of…
Once again, William Schpero made it to the front page of today’s daily Dartmouth for what seems to be the only role he plays in…
Jake Baron ’10 dissects the recently released senior survey. He’s taken some of the graphs out of the pdf, so head on over and take…