Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Professor to Sue Students for Discrimination

Tuesday 3:45: Dartlog welcomes readers from IvyGate, Gawker, Above the Law, and other blogs. Dartlog is the weblog of The Dartmouth Review, Dartmouth’s only independent…

Alumni Council letter to alums

This letter below was sent out to Dartmouth alumni yesterday. It is written by Rick Silverman ’81, who is the president of the Alumni Council…

The BlarFlex Comic Gets Hate Mail

The opinion section of the Daily D published a series of letters to the editor which maligned the Daily D for allowing the comic to…

College now has Rooms for Seniors

Construction on the new Visual Arts Center will not begin until June 2009, which means Brewster Hall and the Lodge will not be torn down…

Comic Description (and Pictures)

It’s looking increasingly likely that the Daily D won’t be putting the aforementioned comic online. In the interest of bringing our readers as much news…


Residents of the McLaughlin Cluster will now be able to visually gage their energy usage by seeing an animated polar bear at “various levels of…

Letter Circulating Campus, pt. II

From the pro-Parity crowd, after the jump. Dear Friends, As you may remember, in the spring of 2006 a small committee proposed to change the…

Zywicki on AoA Election

Joe Malchow points us to this post by Todd Zywicki ’88 over at the Volokh Conspiracy. Trustee Zywicki provides a brief history of the controversy…

Comic Controversy

>Date: 24 Apr 2008 13:46:48 -0400>From: Katie T. Cheng>Subject: Alex Felix ’08 is…>To: (Recipient list suppressed) 1. a Phrygian2. a racist3. an asshole Just thought…