Articles by The Dartmouth Review

SAD Machinations

Hands down one of the funniest stories I’ve seen appeared in the Daily D today: Outgoing Student Body President Travis Green ‘08 and Vice President…

Prof. Green on Genetic Engineering

Professor Ron Green has an Op-Ed in the Post about the future of genetic engineering. Here is his conclusion: Genomic science is racing toward a…

Advocacy or Services?

Nathan Bruschi ’10 penned a rare kind of Op-Ed in today’s Daily D, i.e. a good one. Services or activism? Which of these things would…

More SA results

The student body just received a blitz from EPAC, the Elections Planning and Advisory Committee, with the full results of the SA elections: SA President:…

Nonie Darwish

I had the great pleasure of attending a speech by Nonie Darwish in Collis Commonground last night that lasted almost two hours with questions.  She…

SA Voting Ends Today

You can vote at Student Assembly’s website . Before you vote, if you want to be more informed you can read coverage of the Greek…

Trial to be in November

The AoA trial has requested its “Bench trial assignment” for November. The news can be found here (pdf). Also of interest, the trial is estimated…

Dartmouth Coalition for Peace

Joe Malchow catalogues student groups that compete for the banner of justice: The sender, an Allison Levy, summoned two exclamation points to state her case….