Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Dartmouth Parity

The website for the AoA petition candidates is now up and running. It can be found here, at A short excerpt from their statement:…

SA Greek Debate

SA Greek Debate – at SAE – 7:00 PM 4/03/08 Reported by Nisanth A. Reddy The second debate between the presidential candidates for Student Assembly…

Carol Folt and the Media

A whirlwind of announcements and promises by the Board of Trustees have followed Wright’s notice of departure. The theme is this: it’s the community, along…

SA Statement: Molly Bode

Molly Bode I would like to be a President that focuses on accessibility, communication, and transparency. These three principles would hold the Assembly and other…

GSA to GSX — Op-Ed in the Daily D

Explaining the rationale for changing the name of the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) to GSX (Gender Sexuality XYZ). I understand that the distinction between sex and…

Legacy Admissions

An alumnus interviewer has forwarded me an e-mail he received from the Admissions Office. The alumnus wonders if the increase in legacy admissions is an…

The Daniel Webster Program

I just got done with a fascinating interview with Professor James Murphy. Prof. Murphy has created the “Daniel Webster Program”, a two part initiative. The…

Admissions Office Sends Out Letters Today

This year’s admissions’ numbers are in. Some facts: A 16.6% increase in applicants over last year An admission rate of 13.2% 38.5% were valedictorians Mean…