Articles by The Dartmouth Review

SA Statement: Lee Cooper

Lee CooperSA Presidential Candidate I am running for the position of Dartmouth’s Student Assembly President because I believe that a fresh, strong, and practical leader…

SA Election Under Way

Best quote so far? [Stevenson] said that he is “the only person at [the Assembly] who isn’t there for ego or to bolster their resume.”…

Review Alumni Tackle Real-life Tragic Heroes

TDR Alumnus Benjamin Wallace-Wells has penned the cover story for the latest issue of the New York Times Magazine, illuminating the tribulations of Oklahoma Congressman Tom…

Lambert ’90 to replace Merkel

Jim Merkel‘s replacement has been found. Kathy Fallon Lambert ’90 will be the College’s new sustainability manager. Among her bright ideas: indoctrinating the students as…

“Dartmouth Undying”

Dartmouth Undying has not responded to questions put to it by The Dartmouth Review, so check out today’s article in the Daily D for more…

NRO Praises Wright

Here: James Wright, president of Dartmouth College and a former Marine, has helped set up counseling services at military hospitals for wounded veterans, as reported…