Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Siporen: I’m pissed off

Not that he has any substantive reason to be. The Daily D just gave him an unequivocal endorsement in Friday’s edition: Siporen sees the improvement…

DDS’s Generosity

Dartmouth Dining Services sent out a survey today, asking students to grade them on various aspects of their service. As an incentive they offered the…

Of Nags, B–tches, and Shrews

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni issued a report a few days ago on the fate of Shakespeare in today’s universities. The study, called…

Snapped up in Excitement

The race for the next Student Body President is now well under way. Last night the candidates ‘debated’ the issues during a Student Assembly meeting….

Andrew Seal is a Winner

I’m not quite sure what this entails, but apparently it’s newsworthy: >Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:17:10 -0400 (EDT)>From: Darsie.Riccio@Dartmouth.EDU>To: [redacted]>Subject: English major survey winner!…

Become a SAPA, or Else?

This could possibly just be hearsay: I have it from an anonymous source that there may be big changes in store for the Greeks next…

Dartmouth Wins Ethics Competition

Congratulations to the Dartmouth Ethics Society for placing first in the National Intercollegiate Business Ethics Competition. The event was held at Loyola Marymount University in…

2nd Amendment Under Fire

More absurdity on the opinion page of The Daily D. Today’s lowpoint was written by Zachary Hyatt ‘09. In his piece, Mr. Hyatt takes aim…

Laundering in the Connecticut

Sustainable Dartmouth sent out a petition today, gauging support for a “Sustainable Living Center”. The petition reads as follows: This is a survey to estimate…