Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Where’s the Hannukah Bush?

Today at 5:15 PM, Alex and William Ussler will light Dartmouth’s newly-christened 40-foot tall Christmas tree, with all of the necessary tra-la-la-ing provided by the…

AGTF Defends Set-Asides

The Alumni Governance Task Force, the group charged with re-writing the Alumni Association constitution from scratch, is scrambling to defend itself. A few weeks ago,…

East Wheelock Contretemps

Date: 30 Nov 2005 09:09:12 ESTFrom: Cluster-East WheelockSubject: Destroyed microwaveTo: (Recipient list suppressed) Last night, someone put the drain stopper from the sink in the…

Only One Week Until…

If you’re in a somnolent mood next Monday, don’t forget to tune in to Dean Carol Folt’s “webcast” about the state of undergraduate education at…

Kang in the Washington Post

Prof. David Kang recommends in Monday’s Washington Post that the Bush administration push for Korean unification instead of confronting the Communists in Pyongyang with brute…

Bork on Griswold

An excerpt from Judge Bork’s confirmation hearings taken from Judge Ray Randolph’s brilliant and moving speech on Griswold, Roe, Lawrence, and judicial lawmaking that he…

In defense of the Indian mascot

Jon Wisniewski ’07 defends the Indian mascot in the Daily D: Opponents would have us believe that Dartmouth Reviewers and others who sportthe villainized Indian…

Taking a lesson from the French

Daily Dartmouth headline: “College to collaborate with Sun Microsystems.” Seriously, though, it’s good to see that Dartmouth is trying to stay on the cutting edge.

Hart: Bush Isn’t a Conservative

Professor of English emeritus Jeffery Hart has just published an opinion piece that begins simply, “George W. Bush is not a conservative…” Hart then goes…