Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Bill Pence (1940-2022)

Bill Pence, co-founder of the Telluride Film Festival and later Director of Film at the Hopkins Center, died in December 2022. We memorialize him in our themed issue devoted to film.

Dartmouth’s Best Professors

It has become a tradition for The Dartmouth Review to provide a yearly list of the best professors that Dartmouth has to offer. See this year’s picks.

I Don’t Remember

Ingredients 3 Shots of Tequila 1 Hardwood Floor Green Key is a weekend to be forgotten—not due to any hard feelings towards the pinnacle of…

Holy Water

Ingredients:– 2 parts vodka– 2 parts rum– 1 part blue Curacao– 1 part peach schnapps– 8 parts lemonade While one should normally adhere to the…

The Hanover Hangover

Ingredients 1 part Granite State Vodka1 part abject boredom(At least) 1 Dartmouth undergrad As the term lengthens and daddy’s donation of dollars depletes, Dartmouth’s daily…