Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Dear Old Dartmouth in Review

Editor’s Note: We at The Dartmouth Review collected thoughts from several seniors on the changes that occurred at Dartmouth in their three years’ tenure here…

The Quinetiket River Brewe

A drop of brandy, to keep up the spirits A goodly glass of cider, dark A seaman’s tot of dark Caribbean rum A shot of…

The Banzai-tini

2.5 ounces of Cambridge Gin 1⁄2 ounce of Sperone dry vermouth 1⁄4 ounce of squid ink into a shell casing from a 105 mm Howitzer…

The Review Reviews: Jewel of India

On a warm, quiet Friday evening, Oral Stanfield, Pip Epiffany, and Sheriff Rick Grimes took a solemn saunter down Lebanon Street towards the staple of…

Dean-Bailey in the State House

Races for the New Hampshire State House of Representatives are usually small and unexciting affairs, often requiring little more than door-to-door campaigning and a few…

Away, Away in Mexico

Tequila The thrill of the chase Back in the early 80’s, I took a trip down to Mexico with my longtime friend, Sneed Mickleson. Sneed…

The Green Keynote

Absinthe A touch of lime Half a can of Sprite Mint to garnish The hair of the dog Hard alcohol ban? Well, technically the Green…

The Review Reviews: Candela

The gang once again continues their quest to conquer the culinary establishments of New Hampshire’s Upper Valley, this time embarking on a long-awaited quest to…