Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Dartmouth Lawyers Seek Darfur Action

The Dartmouth Lawyers Association has issued a statement calling for governments to intervene in Darfur, Sudan, to help “alleviate the plight of those displaced from…

College Wraps Up Trustee Vote

In an unusual press release, the College acknowledges the controversies around the Trustee election and discusses its possible repercussions. The Alumni Council, for example, has…

Divestment, Again

The Darfur Action Group is meeting today to protest Dartmouth’s investment in Sudan. From: Darfur Action GroupSubject: DIVESTMENT: Dartmouth Decides TodayDate: May 26, 2005 3:23:19…

Mann ’02 hits it big

Former Dartmouth quarterback Brian Mann ’02 doubles for Adam Sandler in the forthcoming movie “The Longest Yard.”

Someone’s Bitter

Lauren Maynard ’06 joins a chorus of folks whining to the Daily Dartmouth‘s editors about the decision to axe the “cartoon” “drawn” by Paul Heintz…


I guess there’s real meaning behind Tuesday’s “Guy and Fellow.”

Samwick Dissatisfied with GOP

Economics professor Andrew Samwick, a former member of the Council of Economic Advisers, told the Washington Post that he’s growing somewhat dissatisfied with the GOP’s…

Help Iraqi Children

This is certainly a good cause. From: Epsilon Kappa ThetaSubject: IRAQI KIDS PROJECTDate: May 23, 2005 1:36:55 PM EDT *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ IRAQI KIDS PROJECT A Toy,…