Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Hood to Show ‘Quirky Pieces’

The Hood Museum of Art will be giving special tours of its collection tomorrow, including some of its “most quirky pieces.” Does that include these…

Undermine Patriarchies, Embarrass Yourself

This is surely very crucial. Res ipsa loquitur, and all. ********************************** Drunk boy with popped collar makes derogatory comment at undergrad hottie, should she:a) give…

Dunne to Run for U.S. House Seat

Matt Dunne, associate director of the Rockefeller Center and a two-term State Senator from Vermont, has acknowledged that he will make a bid to replace…

Makes Sense

No Dartmouth professors gave money to President Bush’s reelection campaign, according to the Washington Times. It makes sense, given Dartmouth’s overwhelming Democratic majority.

Union Leader on the Trustee Election

Tuesday’s Manchester Union Leader features an editorial about the Trustee election: “A Crack in the Wall: Conservatives Win at Dartmouth.”

2009 Bloggers

It appears some members of the newly-admitted Class of 2009 are blogging together. Scroll through for discussions of Dimensions weekend and endless photos of acceptance…

Did Blogs Win the Election?

Timothy Waligore ’01 writes that it may be a bit much to claim that blogs decided the Trustee election, calling such views “blog triumphialism,” and…

Digital Library for Alumni

The College has opened part of its digital library to alumni. Until recently, the subscription-only resources had been available just for undergraduates.

Libertarians Claim Victory

Ed Naile of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, a libertarian group, is claiming victory in the Trustee election. In an e-mail to supporters, he…

TDR Interviews New Trustees

Over the weekend, The Dartmouth Review sat down with new Trustees-elect Peter Robinson ’79 and Todd Zywicki ’88 for interviews on their election victory, the…