Articles by The Dartmouth Review

FIRE Upgrades Dartmouth Speech Rating

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) today lifted Dartmouth’s “red” free-speech rating, its worst ranking, declaring that the College no longer has a…

Social Security Debate

Tonight at 6:00 in the Hinman Forum, Professor Jeff Smith will debate Professor Andrew Samwick over the future of Social Security. The event is jointly…

Joe Trippi on Campus

Joe Trippi, the Diet Pepsi-powered brain behind Howard Dean’s failed presidential campaign will speak on a panel Friday afternoon on “Representation and Politics in the…

Celebrating Bureaucracy

The Spanish-language affinity house is celebrating the founding of European Union today with a multicultural mélange. From: Natalia.Barantseva@Dartmouth.EDU (Natalia Barantseva)Date: May 4, 2005 2:42:24 PM…

Hoochin’ It: A Dark Odyssey of the Soul

Thirsty staffers do the Big City. Key moments included: a mysterious national security operative searching for the Mexican consulate, a pea-green staffer reacts with creepy…

A Specter Is Hanging Over Hanover…

The Student Assembly’s third attempt in four years to start a communistic bicycle-sharing program gets underway tomorrow. The Assembly expects the bicycles will somehow last…

They just don’t learn.

If only SA could stick to expanding library hours…_______________________________Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 23:25:11 -0400Subject: Join TomorrowFrom: Big Green Bike Program Reply-To: Big Green Bike…

What Creative Loners Do

Each year the University of Chicago hosts its Scavenger Hunt. For the sake of insanity, here’s the hunt’s list of items for this year (Warning:…

Protesting the FDA

A small group of gay activists protested in Hanover on Friday against the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to prohibit sexually active homosexual men from…