Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Alumni Association Steps In

The President of the Association of Alumni, John Walters ’62, has responded to critics who claim that the Association and Council have been using their…

FIRE Responds to ASD’s Claims

FIRE President David French has responded to ASD’s lame defense of the College’s attitude towards free speech. Responding to ASD’s odd claim that banning merely…

Alums Start Call for Accountability

Citing apparent conflicts of interest between the alumni establishment and Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth, one alumnus sent the following to The Review (edited somewhat…

Who Is Geoffrey Berlin?

Berlin seems like someone we should know more about. As “John” learned from his “whois” search on ASD (see the first comment to my post…

Dartmouth Establishment Campaigns Again

Alumni Council member J. Michael Houlahan ’61 forwarded an email to various alumni publicizing the latest campaign message from Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth. The…

Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth

Can anyone tell me who is behind Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth? I need to know nowish. Email me at Emmett – at –

ASD Takes on Petition Candidates

Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth, a College-affiliated negative campaign group, has posted on their website a statement rebutting arguments made by petition candidates Peter Robinson…

Wright Says Dartmouth in ‘Great Shape’

President Wright last week told Florida alumni that “the College is in great shape,” and rattled off the usual laundry list of successes: increased applications,…

Petition Candidates Leave a Mark

It remains to be seen whether alumni Trustee petition candidates Peter Robinson ’79 and Todd Zywicki ’88 will be elected. It is clear, though, that…

Women’s hockey time change

The NCAA has switched the times of the women’s Frozen Four semifinals. Dartmouth is now playing Minnesota in the prime time game at 8 PM…