Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Still More Funding for Campus Liberals

The Center for American Progress may give an additional $1,500 to the Dartmouth Free Press come fall, according to the latest issue of that liberal…

Tuck Mall Construction

The Facilities Planning Office formally notified students today of the pending dormitory construction along Tuck Mall. Notably, vehicle access between Webster Avenue and Tuck Mall…

Jessiman’s back

I’d been hearing rumors all week that Hugh Jessiman was cleared to play for this weekend’s games, and even if those were true I wasn’t…

Write-In Trustee Candidates Make Ballot

As expected, both Peter Robinson ’79 and Todd Zywicki ’88 have gathered the required 500 signatures to make it onto the Trustee election ballot, according…

Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

Honestly, what the hell is this? This piece, entitled “The Butcher’s Bargain,” is currently installed at the Hop. The artist, Krista Oopik ’05, states that…

CRs Celebrate Reagan

The Dartmouth College Republicans are belatedly celebrating Ronald Reagan’s birthday tonight in 101 Collis with a lecture by speech professor Jim Kuypers on the Gipper’s…

Student Group Barred From Student Event

Chi Gamma Epsilon fraternity was barred from placing a booth at the recent Sex Festival because there was “some concern about the reputation of the…

Dartlog Contest (of sorts)

In honor of the Blabberforce/Buzzflood’s recent woes, I’d like to announce a Dartlog-wide contest for the best future absurd Buzzflood headline. No prizes, just the…