Articles by The Dartmouth Review

In honor of Mr. Rogers

Memoriam: A Requiem for Mr. Rogers, 11 movements/25-piece orchestra/65-member choir/English, Hebrew and Latin

Political Correctness in high schools

High school students in Omaha, NE were suspended for wanting the “Distinguished African American Student Award” at their high school to goto a student born…

LaRouche 2004

LaRouche goons have desended on our campus. I am under the persuasion that they planted someone in the crowd at tonight’s mock Democratic debate who…

Re: More from the reformer

Here’s a safe bet: This kid’s an 07, and on that premise, I posit that he’s in Shelby Grantham’s English 5 right now. He’s been…

More from the reformer

>Date: 20 Jan 2004 23:50:12 EST >From: Luis-Alejandro Dinnella-Borrego >Subject: The Student Reform Movement (SRM) >To: (Recipient list suppressed) All of you received the so-called…

Re: Jeering at Bush

Sorry Nilly, but I disagree entirely. Sitting around and bloviating for laughs among our kind is one thing. I’m sure it happens at the offices…

Jeer-free zone

The College Republicans are hosting a conservative-safe viewing of the President’s State of the Union address. Pizza and drinks will be provided, and you won’t…

interesting, i guess

>Date: 20 Jan 2004 16:28:01 EST >From: Luis-Alejandro Dinnella-Borrego >Subject: The Student Reform Movement >To: (Recipient list suppressed) There are many problems facing the American…

Honoring Rev. King

The keynote speaker for Dartmouth’s 21-day Rev. King celebration was Shanta Driver, the national coordinator of United for Equality and Affirmative Action (UEAA) and the…