Articles by The Dartmouth Review

F$@! tha police?

>Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 20:11:24 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Excessive Force? >From: Review of Excessive Force >Reply-To: “” >Precedence: bulk >To: Alexander D Talcott Have…

Ugly weekend in Dartmouth athletics

The winning ways of the previous 2 weekends wore off, as the major team sports lost or underachieved all weekend long. The football team held…

Confederate Copycats

Apparently students in Iowa have followed the example of the flag-wavers here at Dartmouth. From yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle : “As he spoke on college…

Confederate Flag images

The Review’s article on the Battle Flag incident now has images for those who haven’t seen any yet.

Jim Baehr on CNN

Discusses politics and the Confederate Battle Flag. It’s the Nov. 14th Washington Journal link, right around the 2 hour 25 minute mark.