Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Re: Guess it’s a slow news day

Hmm. Hasn’t appeared on BuzzFlood yet. Maybe that is because the article talks about how she decided to go to a small school, and the…

Guess it’s a slow news day

The headline says it all. Why is this on the Boston Globe website? Why is the AP writing a story like this? And will Buzzflood…

Whaddya know?

I’m misquoted in today’s D >Date: 10 Oct 2003 10:49:51 EDT >From: Alexander D. Talcott >Reply-To: alex.talcott >Subject: letter to editor >To: The Dartmouth I…


Beck at the New Criterion blog on our current Montgomery Fellow, David Shipler ’64 of the New York Times

I wonder what our split is

According to the Daily Cal at Berkeley, in 2002 the school admitted 378 students with SAT scores below 1000 and denied more than 600 students…

Marton on the Moose

Student Body President Janos Marton ’04 tells me: “I’ve never pushed the Moose personally….I think its a little wack that in some circles it’s “SA”…

Older and wiser…

The Dartmouth “Older and Wiser” program began tonight…07’s drawn by the promise of desserts which never seemed to materialize flocked in in droves. (well, there…

Oh yeah

>Date: 09 Oct 2003 21:50:54 EDT >From: Alexander D. Talcott >Reply-To: alex.talcott >Subject: Re: Our New Mascot! >To: Amy M. Do Another thought: The singular…