Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Re: Smarter Dartmouth

It is great to be back. As many of you know, when I took my long-awaited off-term last spring, my health was ravaged and my…

DOC Prank Under Fire

I personally think this is an incredibly brilliant Freshman trip prank, but Dartmouth, in its continuing crusade against fun, is considering prosecuting the students for…

Re: The Smarter Dartmouth

Interesting. We haven’t heard from Mr. Scholer in a while. Best of luck with your new venture, Larry, though we do hope you’ll post your…

Re: Clark’s Post

Smarter Dartmouth The Dartmouth on the web is seriously lacking, so read the above.

Stop the Flood

Jon Eisenman of FreeDartmouth posted this on their weblog, but in an effort to spread it around to as many people as possible, I’m re-posting…

Re: BuzzFlood

“did you know the first female Native American in the Marine Corps was a Dartmouth Grad (Class of 2003)?” sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I’m really proud of my…


>Date: 25 Sep 2003 19:27:29 EDT >From: David A. Gardner >Subject: BuzzFlood >To: (Recipient list suppressed) I’m writing to you about a fascinating new student…


“SA Cash” is now called “Bb One” Don’t ask me why…