Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Re: Great Moments in Dartmouth Discourse

I’m not sure either comment is anti-Semitic, though Jewpublican begins to push up towards the line. There’s simply something very unsavory about people who constantly…

The Mascot Wars

So the Student Assembly held an unofficial poll on the mascot. In a move straight from Bashir al-Assad’s playbook on democracy, the Indian was not…

Great Moments in Dartmouth Discourse

Nick Duquette:“If you would like to promote women’s rights and eliminate prostitution, go take Econ 1 and then get out in the real world and…

Re: Ryan’s post

Ryan, I think you forgot the letters H-O-L-E in the last word of your post.

Re: Commencement Address

The Rockford paper is publishing emails from people around the country who read about the Hedges speech. This one is my favorite. Too bad we…

Liberals Congratulate Each Other

I wonder if this prize would ever go to a conservative student. What “isms” can we fight? Here’s my favorite line: “In wearing the signs…

Men’s Hockey schedule for 2003-2004

Though this isn’t official yet, here’s what next season’s schedule is setting up to be. From an objective standpoint, it’s one helluva schedule, and should…

Sorry FreePressers…

Dartlog was down this morning due to a temporary glitch. We are, however, back in business.


Former Review editor Hugo Restall ’92 lands Sen. Mitch McConnell with a piece on his Asian Wall Street Journal editorial page. One of Washington’s first…

Re: Penn minority graduation galas

“Often, they don?t receive the same recognition and psychological support as other students at the university.” We should all remember that Penn’s black students, denied…