Articles by The Dartmouth Review


Got a postcard from the Dartmouth College Fund yesterday. It partially reads, “You may not have taken accounting while you were at Dartmouth, but keeping…

Election results

For ’04 VP. It was a write-in vote, and we were oh so close. Kieron A. H. Bryan – 35 G. Rollo Begley – 25…

More on Poetry

You may be interested to know why I wanted to post the poem “New Hampshire.” (Alright, maybe you’re not.) Besides being a great poem about…

Poetry Is Dead

Or so says Newsweek, at least. To prove them wrong, read this. Or this. Or this. (Grossman tipped me off to the article.) UPDATE You…

Re: Emmett Please…

Never fear Alston, just a good-natured ribbing. I’ve been nothing but impressed with your fine stewardship of the Review. Clearly, though, the structure of the…