Articles by The Dartmouth Review

SA Elections

For the past several years, as both a student and alum I have been the designated “Review guy who cares enough about Student Assembly to…

Emmett please…

The operative word in the article cited was “about,” as in we had written ABOUT Prof. Grantham. You should have checked our archives to read…


The D is not afraid to mention the Review, after all… Although mentioning an article that leftie prof Shelby Grantham wrote in its pages as…

Trustee Elections

Well, the deadline is tonight at midnight, and I’ve made my choice: John J. Donahoe ’82. He was Greek, an econ major (which means probably…

Is The Daily Dartmouth Racist?

Seems so! Check out how they lead one article from today’s issue: mcCongressman James McDermott (D-Wash.) delivered scathing criticism of the Bush administration and its…

Tyrant, Fugitive…Birthday Boy.

Rollo’s charming toast to Saddam’s 66th: “I’ll raise a glass to him. I mean, in order to keep my good beer even further from his…

In Your Pants follow-up

>Date: 27 Apr 2003 19:41:09 EDT >From: Jennifer A. Kosty >Reply-To: BlueCanaryInTheOutletByTheLightSwitch >Subject: In Your Pants >To: (Recipient list suppressed) Did you ever wonder……………………… Is…

An event

Usually I post event listings in jest. For a change, here’s a good one: >Date: 27 Apr 2003 01:28:22 EDT >From: College Republicans >Subject: Special…