Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Letters to a Young Conservative

George Packer, in The Nation, shockingly pans TDR alum Dinesh D’Souza’s new book Letters to a Young Conservative. One particularly choice quote: “one can imagine…

No Gore in ’04

Today, Gore made his first smart presidential campaign decision ever — he announced that he will not run for president in 2004. No doubt he…

Be on the lookout

Says John McWhorter in today’s featured article at OpinionJournal, “We can be sure that as the second semester begins in universities across the country next…

Red Storm subsiding

While at home on Strong Island, I’ve always rooted for St. John’s as a local college sports favorite. Unfortunately, they too are cutting men’s and…

Emmett, you’re wrong.

Emmett, your passionate defense of Lott is inspiring, but wrong. He needs to go and he should have the courage to take one for the…

Lott and Weblogs

Rhetorica is putting together a Lott/weblog timeline. If you didn’t read the Times today, Krugman points to Joshua Marshall’s Talking Points for driving the story….

Extremist flames

A reader writes: Do you guys find it strange that very few opinion polls are being presented in the news as to how the general…


That’s right, Byrd certainly hasn’t shed his racist views. If anyone in the Senate is an unreconstructed confederate, it’s him. PS — Isn’t Michelle Malkin…

RE: Byrd

Some of those comments were oh-so-recent. I remember him using the “WN” term just last year!