The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men is currently ranked #4,599 by Amazon. That’s only 1465 behind Al Gore’s newest pablum, The Spirit of…
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men is currently ranked #4,599 by Amazon. That’s only 1465 behind Al Gore’s newest pablum, The Spirit of…
Not just that, Talcott… apparently, they also recommended The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men, by one Bill Brent. Though given that three people…
Pat Robertson’s latest book and clean underwear, inextricably linked
This was a letter the Rush Chair of Pi Phi sent to her sisters at the Princeton chapter…. Hi Pi Phi, This is SUPER important…
Dean Larimore, in a form response to an impassioned email, has ignored my question. > Dear Emmett, > > Thank you for taking the time…
Stan Horowitz responds to Mr. Wilson: Alexander Wilson has it right. It is not at all obvious why Dartmouth needs to cut anything. My hypothesis…
Wilson has a point. Why are we cutting programs? Brilliant deduction, Alex. Hear hear. Alas, I can’t go up to campus this weekend. I’m taking…
Fitzgerald’s best short story is available in its entirety online. Get it and save it now before someone thinks about the status of its copyright…
Get your entries in by Sunday (email them here). Dave Marmaros ’01 send these in: -Fire the dean of Plurality, hire a dean of Dichotomy….