Idiot Watch
Sacre bleu!
Sacre bleu!
Here’s a link to the Weekly Standard article on Dartmouth from last week. It comes courtesy of Alex Wilson’s own Manhattan Institute. Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving…
Here is what S & S posted on the shooting: 11/07/02 9:41 a.m. Weapon Offense: The Department of Safety and Security received a report that…
In a corner of the Tabard’s filthy and trash-strewn basement rests a disused soda fountain, hoses and wiring strewn about it like tentacles. I asked…
Fox News is now reporting that Landrieu has an almost 17% lead over Terrell. It seems that this will probably dissolve into a squeaker, in…
Does anyone else get the feeling that “Correcting Rollo” is a particularly common theme on Dartlog? Remember that next time you feel like nagging me…
Rollo: You criticize me for criticizing the reasons given by the police when they arrested the demonstrators in Providence. Your error is in assuming I…
Do you honestly think that if the school divested in tobacco, then the schools endowment would end up in cash? I can understand saying that…
A correction to this posting from the first week of Dartlog’s existance: Stinson’s own “Baltimore Jack” — recently returned from the Trail — pointed out…
1. Here’s what disturbs me about the swim team debacle, and it really has nothing to do with the swim team itself: Why on earth…