From the Weekend Update
It would probably be risky for most Greek organizations to advertize something like this… ____________________________________________________ *tHiS SaTuRdaY… tHe LaDiEs oF tHe PINK aNd tHe GREEN…
It would probably be risky for most Greek organizations to advertize something like this… ____________________________________________________ *tHiS SaTuRdaY… tHe LaDiEs oF tHe PINK aNd tHe GREEN…
And at Cornell I have a few friends who established the Cornell Freedom Project to address some of these issues on their campus. Most recently,…
I guess I should not be shocked, since I sort of knew it existed, but just seeing “Office of Black Student Advising” on that blitz…
They’re on to us!
The latest National Review Online contribution by John Derbyshire is oh-so-pertinent to the realities of student research, sourcing, fact-checking, etc.
Alison Fanelli,.who received a Masters of Science at Dartmouth this past spring, is still performing with the Dodecs a capella group. Ms. Fanelli may be…
“It’s a good thing that ORL has the flexibility to say it is acting on principle, but then cave when it comes to action.” This…
From the “Week in Review”-wannabe “Commonshare” section on the back page of the most recent issue of the DFP: “The Review Ousts Administration in Defiant…
No longer scalp ’em. Psi U cares. From the blitz auto-reply of a brother: HELP PROTECT A WOMAN AND HER CHILDREN!!! WISE, the women’s shelter…
RE: an earlier inquiry by Menashi, a blitz response from Rocky Outreach explained to me, “He came down with something a few hours befoere (sic)…