Articles by The Dartmouth Review

[Print] Tour Guide Misguidance

The adventure of touring college campuses as a high school student offers a welcome relief from an otherwise hectic, nerve-racking, and impersonal college admissions process. One can pore…

[Print] Social Life Far Worse Elsewhere

Dartmouth’s fraternity system hasn’t gotten good publicity lately. Ever since “Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy” was published in Rolling Stone last March, fraternities here…

[Print] Reform Students, Not Fraternities

The Huffington Post recently published an article about Dartmouth written by an ’07 titled “Devil in the Night: Frat Culture at Dartmouth.” Go right ahead and add Ezra…

Why Canceling Classes Tomorrow Matters

Interim President Carol Folt decided hours ago to cancel classes for tomorrow: Wednesday, April 24, 2013. According to a campus-wide blitz sent at 6:38 PM,…