Listen, Andrew. There is never an inappropriate time to play the Rocky’s theme song. Too close to call? Riiiiiiiiight. At this rate, Mrs. Dole will…
Listen, Andrew. There is never an inappropriate time to play the Rocky’s theme song. Too close to call? Riiiiiiiiight. At this rate, Mrs. Dole will…
(This is Emmett:) Folks, we’ve won Georgia. Assuming that Texas and Tennessee are safe for the GOP, there are five more contested races — MO,…
somebody with the first name “Saxby” can win a Senate seat, I’m gonna run as “Big Talc” someday. Might face some trouble in NY, which…
Brit Hume thinks Sununu’s signs are too big, but who cares? He won. First words: “This is the best speech I’ve ever given.” Sununu’s grinning…
John Kerry will hold on to his seat in Massachusetts if/when he runs for Pres. If we can fight for that seat–actually run a candidate,…
Sununu to deliver his acceptance speech soon. Fox News will be there! Bam!
So says Boston 7 TV. People’s Republic no more?
“It wasn’t to be, apparently.” Indeed.
Wah-Hoo-Wah! We ain’t Vermont
Fox calls for Sununu, 52-46%. Wah Hoo Wah!