Articles by The Dartmouth Review

General Updates

SC: Fox has called it for Graham, who’s up 54-45%, with 66% reporting. CNN’s Figures: AR: Hutchinson is down against Pryor, 44-56%, with 11% reporting….

Vermont Update

(This is Emmett:) Is there a Republican upset in the making in Vermont? Douglas is leading Racine 45-42%, with 25% reporting. So says CNN…

Massachusetts/Maryland Update

(This is Emmett:) In MA: Romney up over O’Brien, 52-43%, with 32% reporting. In MD: Townsend leads Ehrlich, 51-48%, with 37% reporting. A la CNN.

This is more like it

NYS Governor — 118 of 16,026 precincts reporting (1%) Pataki (R-C) 18,872 56% McCall (D-WF) 11,247 33% Golisano (I) 3,048 9% Cronin (RtL) 255 1%…

Update on NH, MO

(This is Emmett:) Fox News reports that Sununu is up, 51-44%. In MO, Talent is also up, 51-48%. There’s been heavy turnout, but these returns…

Sununu Update

(This is Emmett:) Sununu’s up, 50-47%, with 26% reporting. Carl Cameron’s prediction is holding.