Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Crunching the Numbers

Sununu might be in trouble. So says, which notes that Shaheen is up by five points. However, this is a survey of “New Hampshire…

The Texas Perspective

Jeremy Donaldson ’98 writes: I was perusing the latest issue of the Daily D, which I often do for comic relief (after I’ve read the…

The Buzz in Ithaca

Many students feel it would be helpful for [University Health Services] to have vibrators available because Cornell is located in Ithaca, not a major city….

Re: Oh Goody

Hey Emmett, cut her some slack. She probably just hasn’t heard the news yet. In any event, it’s a little less perplexing than her endorsement…

“Memorial” costs Dems interim seat

Gov. Jesse Ventura was offended by the tone of the memorial last night for Senator Wellstone, and will likely appoint an Independent to fill the…


Sound argument against bringing back the Indian mascot by one of Dartmouth’s finest. We need more profs like Calloway, folks who are at least honest…

Bad Pun

According to the D, someone has cut a swastika into a couch in the Rockefeller Center. Dean Larimore’s statement (really) was: “Incidents like these really…

Oh Goody

Famed political pundit Barbara Streisand released all of her endorsements last week. You can find them here. Also, while you’re there you can buy some…

Anti-Semitism at Yale

From this article in the Yale Daily News (via Sullivan): In a mind-boggling act of vandalism, the posterboard memorial to 14 Israelis killed in a…